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聽電影學(xué)英語 在云端 08 中英雙語

所屬教程:聽電影學(xué)英語 在云端



[00:03.00]Anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are now. 有很多人曾和你境遇相似 但最終卻建立起商業(yè)王朝甚至改變世界
[00:12.84]And it's because they sat there that they were able to do it. 正因為曾經(jīng)如此 他們的未來才成為可能
[00:20.92]There's a packet in front of you. I want you to take some time and review it. 你面前有一本宣傳冊 希望你花時間讀讀
[00:26.80]All the answers you're looking for are inside those pages. 你的疑惑 里面都有解答
[00:33.28]The sooner you trust the process,the sooner the next step of your life will unveil itself. 你越快接受 未來就越快揭開面紗
[00:44.52]I need you to go back to your office and put together your personal things. 現(xiàn)在你得回辦公室 整理個人物品
[01:07.08]Mr Samuels, that's all we can discuss now. Samuels先生 能說的都已經(jīng)說了
[01:15.44]Mr Samuels. Samuels先生
[01:26.84]Mr Samuels. Samuels先生
[01:32.64]Mr Samuels! Samuels先生!
[01:48.16]You did good. 你做得很棒
[01:53.16]You OK? You want me to take over? 還好嗎? 需不需要我來接手?
[01:55.20]No,I'm all right. 我沒事
[02:14.48]Look,we just got here. That's one place. We need to try a few more. 我們才到一個地方 也許應(yīng)該多試試
[02:19.20]Maybe it makes no difference,but it's comforting to know we're in the next room. 可能沒大作用 但告知我們就在隔壁 我覺得會更好
[02:23.24]I know you don't give a shit about my comfort. 我知道你不在乎什么安慰
[02:27.84]I think we could try a few more, that's all I'm saying. 我們應(yīng)該多試試 就這個意思
[02:33.04]Fine. 好吧
[02:38.40]All right. OK. All right. 就這樣吧
[02:48.40]He thought you did a great job. You did. 他覺得你做得很棒 的確是這樣
[02:49.60]I'm real proud of you. - Thanks. - 我替你驕傲 - 謝謝
[02:56.08]They're pulling us off the road. 他們想讓我們回去
[02:59.76]We're going home. 我們要回家了
[03:01.92]Really? For good - Yeah. - 真的? 不再回來了? - 是的
[03:09.36]Good job. 你做得很棒
[03:31.80]We request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of Julie Bingham and James Arthur Miller 誠摯歡迎您參加 Julie Bingham與James Miller的婚禮
[03:36.04]I'm sorry about what I said about Alex. That was out of line. 關(guān)于Alex的事 我很抱歉 我太過火了
[03:40.16]It's all right. I understand. 沒關(guān)系 我理解
[03:43.20]I mean,who am I to be doling out relationship advice,right? 給別人情感建議 我太自不量力了
[03:45.28]No kidding. 你不行誰行
[03:51.16]Are you gonna be OK? 你不會有事吧?
[03:55.72]What do you mean? - In Omaha? - 什么意思? - 只能待在奧馬哈市
[04:01.00]I don't know. 我也不知道
[04:04.80]It's better than you'd think. 沒準(zhǔn)會很不錯呢
[04:15.96]Ryan. Ryan
[04:18.72]Ryan. Where are you going? - I'm grabbing another flight. - Ryan 你要去哪? - 我搭另一班
[04:20.96]Something I've got to take care of. I'll see you back at home. 還有點(diǎn)事 回家見
[04:43.08]OK,walk it in a little. 好的 向前走一小步
[04:47.48]A little more. 再走幾步
[04:49.68]There you go. Yeah. 好了
[04:55.72]Got it. 完成
[05:00.00]They're a cute couple. 他們真是可愛
[05:02.80]You think so? - Yeah,they'll make cute kids. - 你這么認(rèn)為? - 對 他們孩子肯定也很可愛
[05:05.32]How do you like Wisconsin in February? 你覺得二月的威斯康辛怎樣?
[05:11.00]I like it if you're there. I know a killer burger in Milwaukee. 你在我會覺得不錯 我知道密爾沃基有一家很棒的漢堡店
[05:13.04]Northern Wisconsin. 我是說東北角
[05:19.36]What are you doing this weekend? 這個周末你準(zhǔn)備干嗎?
[05:20.88]No. - What,I haven't... - 不 - 我都沒說...
[05:24.96]You want me to be your date? - Yeah. Yeah. - 做你的伴嗎? - 差不多吧
[05:27.24]At your sister's wedding? - It's not like I know her that well. - 參加你妹的婚禮? - 反正我和她也不太熟
[05:31.80]Look,I'm not the wedding type,right? 我又不是結(jié)婚狂
[05:36.80]But for the first time in my life I don't want to be that guy alone at a bar. 但第一次 我不想在酒吧里孤身一人
[05:38.72]I want a dance partner, I want a "plus one". 我想有個舞伴 有人相隨
[05:40.76]And if you can stomach it, I'd like it to be you. 如果你不介意 我希望那個人是你
[06:08.10]Excuse me. Are you available? 請問 能找你辦理嗎?
[06:12.68]This line's for members of our Matterhorn Programme. 這邊是為Matterhorn會員準(zhǔn)備的
[06:22.00]Hey...Ryan. Ryan
[06:24.92]Hey. - Kara. Hi. - 好啊 - Kara 好
[06:29.92]Alex,this is my sister Kara. - Hi. - Alex 這位是我姐姐Kara - 你好
[06:32.04]Well,hello. 你好
[06:33.64]Ryan's told me nothing about you. Ryan從沒和我提過你
[06:39.00]So you two are dating? 你們在約會嗎?
[06:42.16]Not exactly. - Well,don't worry about it. - 也不算吧 - 別不好意思
[06:44.32]We're all getting a little old to be calling someone girlfriend. 反正我們也過了談戀愛的年齡
[06:47.56]I remember when Mom used to call Jack her boyfriend. 我還記得有一次媽媽把Jack叫做男友
[06:52.12]Drove me up the wall. Boyfriends are for kids,right? 聽得我想吐了 男友都是小女孩的把戲
[06:55.72]So what are you doing at the hotel? 你在這里干嗎?
[07:00.08]Yeah,OK,er...Frank and I are trying out a trial separation. 呃...Frank和我正試著分居
[07:04.32]I'm sorry. So you're not at the house? - No,there was a room on hold here, - 抱歉 你不待在家里嗎? - 不了 這里正好有個房間
[07:09.04]so I thought I'd take it for the weekend. 我就來過個周末吧
[07:14.84]So the rehearsal dinner? - Yeah,tonight. I'll see you there. - 婚宴預(yù)演是什么時候? - 今晚 到時候見吧
[07:21.84]Nice digs. 房間真不錯
[07:25.52]There's a packet. 有一本宣傳冊
[07:35.96]Hey,look who's here. 快看是誰來了
[07:37.28]Oh,my God! Oh,my God! Ryan! - Hey. - 天哪 是你 Ryan! - 嘿
[07:45.48]Oh,you must be Alex. - Yes,I am. Hi. How are you? - 你一定就是Alex了 - 對 你好
[07:47.04]You are so beautiful. Kara was right. 你真漂亮 Kara說的沒錯
[07:52.10]Gosh. You look so grown-up. 天哪 你都這么大了
[07:57.60]I do? You're the one that's getting married. 是嗎? 可結(jié)婚的是你啊
[07:59.12]Oh,I know,right? 呵呵 不是嗎?
[08:02.52]Oh. You haven't even seen my ring. 對了 看看我的戒指吧
[08:07.40]Oh,look at that. - Oh,it's lovely. - 真不錯 - 很漂亮
[08:08.76]Jim designed it. Jim設(shè)計的
[08:10.04]Hey,Jim. 嘿 Jim
[08:15.68]Hey. - How's it going? - 嘿 - 你們好啊
[08:18.92]Hey. I'm Ryan. - Jim. Good to meet you. - 嘿 我是Ryan - Jim 很高興見到你
[08:20.56]Alex. Pleasure. - Pleasure. - Alex 我也很高興 - 我也是
[08:23.64]Thank you,guys,for coming. 謝謝你們能賞光參加
[08:25.48]Brother! 老哥
[08:29.40]It's true,though. - Yeah,it's crazy. - 這倒是真的 - 對啊
[08:33.64]I got the pictures you asked me to get. - You can just put them right there. - 你們要我照的照片 都洗出來了 - 放那兒吧
[08:39.04]Yeah,OK. 好的
[09:09.88]You got so many up there, I almost didn't have room. 好多照片啊 都快沒地方放了
[09:12.16]I know. It's so great,everyone just chipped in. 對啊 每個人都幫了點(diǎn)忙 真是感動
[09:16.92]What gave you the idea to do something so... 你怎么會有靈感做這么...
[09:20.76]Substantial. - Well... - 充實(shí)的事 - 這個嘛...
[09:23.28]Jim has a lot of our nest egg invested in this real estate venture. 我們的儲蓄 大部分都讓Jim房投了
[09:27.60]Mm-hm. It's a real estate investment. 就是一項房地產(chǎn)投資
[09:30.40]It's exciting, but we went over our finances and... 挺不錯的 但當(dāng)我們查看積蓄時...
[09:33.20]A honeymoon at this state in the game doesn't really seem affordable. 現(xiàn)階段的蜜月旅行恐怕是不可能了
[09:38.20]So,you know,we just thought, 因此我們就想
[09:40.52]just because we can't travel doesn't mean we can't have pictures. 雖然我們不能旅行 但不代表沒有照片
[09:43.40]I think that's a fabulous idea. - Yeah,it's a good one. - 我覺得這主意不錯 - 是很不錯
[09:44.10]The concept is turnkey everything. 我們的理念是一條龍服務(wù)
[09:48.80]You buy a maintenance contract when you get the home. We'll whack your weeds, 買房的同時 我們幫忙裝修
[09:53.16]change your light bulbs. Furniture - you can bring your own or pick one of our packages. 換上全新的水電設(shè)備 安裝家具 用自己的或是選擇我們提供的都可以
[09:57.48]Seamless traditionalism,yet all the perks. - Nice. - 同樣的房子 貴賓級的待遇 - 不錯

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