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聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端 09 中英雙語(yǔ)

所屬教程:聽(tīng)電影學(xué)英語(yǔ) 在云端



[00:01.20]We all need a place to call our own. This is America. This is what we were promised. 我們都需要自己的家 這是美國(guó)夢(mèng)的一部分
[00:06.52]It's a nice touch. - What? - 這話我認(rèn)同 - 什么?
[00:11.44]Oh,thanks. 謝謝
[00:11.76]The bit at the end about the promise. I like that part. 你最后結(jié)尾的部分 我很喜歡
[00:15.92]You er...you still renting that one-bedroom? - No. I gave it up. - 你還租著那個(gè)單間嗎? - 沒(méi)了
[00:23.08]So you own now? - No. - 你買(mǎi)房子了? - 沒(méi)有
[00:25.40]But you're looking? 在找嗎?
[00:27.96]No,not really. 也沒(méi)有
[00:30.96]So you're just good? 這樣也很好?
[00:31.10]I'm good. - Well,that's good. - 對(duì) 很好 - 那就好
[00:35.92]Can you believe it's tomorrow? How are you gonna sleep? 明天就要來(lái)了 今天肯定睡不安穩(wěn)吧
[00:39.72]I don't know. 我也不知道
[00:43.04]Well,do you want some Xanax? - I don't think that's for sleeping. - 你需要贊安諾嗎? - 那不是治失眠的吧
[00:44.12]Yeah. No,I think I'll just have a glass of warm milk. 沒(méi)事啦 我喝杯熱牛奶就行了
[00:49.80]That'll do the trick. - OK. See you tomorrow. - 應(yīng)該會(huì)有效 - 那明天見(jiàn)了
[00:55.40]There's another box inside. 里面還有一盒
[00:57.44]I'll grab it. - You sure? - 我去拿吧 - 沒(méi)問(wèn)題嗎?
[00:58.04]Yeah,yeah,yeah. 沒(méi)事
[01:08.36]Jim seems like a good guy. - Yeah,isn't he great? - Jim看起來(lái)很不錯(cuò) - 對(duì) 我就說(shuō)吧
[01:13.08]He's going to make a great husband. 他會(huì)是個(gè)好丈夫的
[01:18.28]You know,Julie,I was thinking, you know,with Dad not being here,erm... Julie 我在想 爸爸不在...
[01:22.24]I was wondering if you had anybody to walk you down the aisle. 有沒(méi)有人陪你步入婚禮殿堂?
[01:33.40]No,Jim's uncle is gonna do it. - He's been really supportive. - Jim的叔叔已經(jīng)答應(yīng)了 - 他很支持
[01:37.40]He's been great. 一直對(duì)我們特別好
[01:38.32]Well,good. That's great. I just wanted to make sure that you... 那就好 我只是想確認(rèn)...
[01:43.72]I wanted you to be covered,that's all. 你不會(huì)是孤單一人
[01:49.52]So,I should be there,what? 那我該什么時(shí)候到?
[01:52.92]The other guests are arriving around five and things get going at five-thirty so... 客人們會(huì)五點(diǎn)到 晚餐會(huì)五點(diǎn)半開(kāi)始...
[01:56.56]around then. - OK. - 就那時(shí)候吧 - 好的
[02:02.68]Oh. Let me... I'm gonna help you with those. 我來(lái)...幫你把
[02:07.60]Got it. 好了
[02:08.16]It's OK. It's OK,it's OK. 沒(méi)事的 沒(méi)事的
[02:21.32]None of that was here. 這些都沒(méi)見(jiàn)過(guò)
[02:24.40]This is all new. 應(yīng)該是新建的
[02:37.52]Really? 別啊
[02:40.80]Is that all you got? - What? - 你就這點(diǎn)能耐? - 你還有啥招?
[02:48.28]Give me a boost. 幫我一把
[02:53.40]Watch... 注意...
[02:56.92]Hang on. 等一下
[03:05.28]I took Geography in here. 地理課就在這兒上的
[03:07.40]You ever fool around with one of your teachers? 你有沒(méi)有和老師亂搞過(guò)?
[03:08.12]No. Did you? - No. Not until college. - 沒(méi) 你呢? - 大學(xué)之前都沒(méi)有
[03:19.56]That's me on the right. 右邊那個(gè)是我
[03:23.24]It's kinda hard to tell. - You can tell by the eyebrows. - 變化挺大啊 - 眉毛沒(méi)變
[03:27.36]You played basketball? - I was a point guard. Don't act so surprised. - 你打籃球? - 打控衛(wèi) 別吃驚
[03:32.64]I didn't know you were such a jock. 原來(lái)你還是個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)員
[03:34.84]That's me too. 那也是我
[03:38.16]And that. 那也是
[03:40.96]My first fight. - How'd it go? - 第一次打架的地方 - 結(jié)果如何?
[03:44.60]Got my ass kicked. 被人揍了一頓
[03:45.76]This is where we used to go to make out. - Oh,yes. Yeah. This is very romantic. - 這里就是親熱的地兒 - 還挺浪漫
[04:07.16]I'm really happy I came here. - So am I. - 我很高興我來(lái)了 - 我也是
[04:17.68]It's Kara. Kara打來(lái)的
[04:21.56]Ryan,where are you? We're having a meltdown here. Ryan 你在哪? 大事不好
[04:23.96]What's going on? What happened? 怎么了? 發(fā)生什么了?
[04:25.72]It's Jim. Can you get back here? We need your help. Jim的問(wèn)題 能快點(diǎn)回來(lái)嗎? 需要你幫忙
[04:26.16]OK. 好的
[04:29.60]We gotta go. 我們得走了
[04:34.72]I'll grab your suit. - Thanks. - 我去幫你拿西裝 - 謝謝
[04:55.56]What happened? - Jim's got cold feet. - 怎么了? - Jim怯場(chǎng)了
[05:00.76]Today? - Yeah,that's how cold feet work. - 今天? - 對(duì) 難道還明天怯
[05:02.72]What do you want me to do? - Talk to him. - 你想讓我做什么? - 和他談?wù)?br /> [05:06.20]You want me to talk to him? - Hey,it's either you or me. - 你想讓我和他談? - 不是你就是我了
[05:09.12]You know my track record. I've already struck out once. 你又不是不知道 我已經(jīng)嚇跑一個(gè)了
[05:10.40]I haven't been to bat. I haven't been in the dugout. 我一點(diǎn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)都沒(méi)有
[05:14.80]Don't you talk for a living? Motivational-type stuff? 你不是靠說(shuō)話賺錢(qián)嗎? 勵(lì)志演講?
[05:16.76]I tell people how to avoid commitment. - 我專門(mén)教人怎么逃脫責(zé)任 - 這什么鬼屁玩意啊
[05:18.60]It's a philosophy. - It's stupid. - 生活哲學(xué) - 太蠢了
[05:22.80]Hey,it could have helped you. - Ryan. - 但可以幫到你啊 - Ryan
[05:26.72]You haven't been around much. Fuck - basically,you don't exist to us. 這么多年 你一直不在 操 說(shuō)白了 我們沒(méi)當(dāng)你存在過(guò)
[05:30.16]I know you wanna be there for her. 我知道你想幫她的
[05:32.80]Well,here it is. This is your chance. 好了 機(jī)會(huì)來(lái)了
[05:57.24]Hey. What's up,Ryan? 好啊 Ryan
[06:01.00]Jim. - You ever read this before? - Jim - 你讀過(guò)這個(gè)嗎?
[06:06.40]Yeah,it's pretty powerful stuff. - I'll say. - 對(duì) 寫(xiě)得挺不錯(cuò)的 - 我也這么認(rèn)為
[06:13.84]Er...Kara mentioned that you were having some thoughts. Kara告訴我 你有點(diǎn)別的想法
[06:19.92]I don't think I'm going to be able to er... to do this. 我覺(jué)得我可能會(huì)做不好
[06:25.00]Why would you say that...today? 怎么今天說(shuō)這個(gè)?
[06:29.28]Well,last night I was kinda laying in bed and I couldn't get to sleep. 昨晚躺床上 我有點(diǎn)失眠
[06:33.88]So I started thinking about the wedding and the ceremony, 我開(kāi)始胡思亂想 婚禮 儀式
[06:35.52]and about our buying a house and moving in together. 接著買(mǎi)房住一起
[06:40.40]And having a kid, and having another kid and then 然后生了幾個(gè)孩子
[06:42.16]Christmas and Thanksgiving and spring break. 過(guò)了幾個(gè)圣誕 感恩節(jié)以及春假
[06:45.76]Going to football games,and then all of a sudden they're graduating. 看了幾場(chǎng)球場(chǎng) 然后孩子就畢業(yè)了
[06:48.00]They're getting jobs,getting married. And,you know,I'm a grandparent. 他們也有工作 結(jié)婚了 我成爺爺了
[06:52.48]And then I'm retired. I'm losing my hair,I'm getting fat. 接著我退休 脫發(fā) 發(fā)福
[06:57.12]And then the next thing you know I'm dead. 最后我就死了
[06:58.32]I'm just,like...I can't stop from thinking, what's the point? 我就在那里想 這么做的意義何在?
[07:05.60]I mean,what is the point? 這么做的意義何在?
[07:09.16]The point? - What am I starting here? - 意義? - 我為什么要結(jié)婚呢?
[07:14.68]Jim,it's...marriage. Jim 這是婚姻啊
[07:20.56]It's one of the most beautiful things on earth. It's what people aspire to. 人人追逐 世間最美的事
[07:23.76]You never got married. - That's true. - 你就沒(méi)結(jié)婚啊 - 這是實(shí)話
[07:26.68]I mean,you never even tried. - Well,it's hard to define try. - 你都沒(méi)嘗試過(guò) - 那要看你怎么定義嘗試了
[07:32.24]I don't know,just you seem happier than all my married friends. 我不知道 我只知道你比我很多婚后朋友都要開(kāi)心
[07:38.48]Look,Jim,I'm not going to lie to you. Marriage can be a pain in the ass. Jim 和你直說(shuō)吧 婚姻是會(huì)很可怕
[07:42.08]And you're right. This all is just stuff that leads to your eventual demise. 你是對(duì)的 這些很可能都會(huì)發(fā)生
[07:46.56]Yes. - And we're all on running clocks. - 對(duì)啊 - 時(shí)間不息 生命不停
[07:49.12]And they can't be slowed down or paused. 我們的生命不會(huì)有停頓 或是休息
[07:51.40]And...we all end up in the same place. - yeah. - 最終的結(jié)局只有一個(gè) - 對(duì)
[07:58.56]There is no point. - There is no point. That's what I'm saying. - 根本就沒(méi)有意義 - 沒(méi)有意義 這就是我的意思
[08:05.16]You know,er... 你知道...
[08:08.36]I'm not normally the guy you would talk to about stuff like this. 其實(shí)這些不應(yīng)該找我談
[08:16.08]If you think about it... 但你好好想想...
[08:19.44]your favourite memories,the most important moments in your life. 你最珍貴的回憶 生命中幸福的點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴
[08:24.44]Were you alone? 你是孤身一人嗎?
[08:28.16]No,I guess not. 不是
[08:32.36]last night,the night before your wedding when all this shit is swirling around in your head, 昨晚 婚禮前夜 當(dāng)這些東西攪渾你腦子時(shí)
[08:32.88]Come to think of it, 再接著想
[08:36.56]weren't you guys in separate bedrooms? 你們應(yīng)該是分開(kāi)睡吧?
[08:40.64]Yeah,Julie went back to the apartment and I was just by myself in the honeymoon suite. 對(duì) Julie回公寓了 我睡蜜月套房
[08:44.32]Kinda lonely,huh? - Yes,it was pretty lonely. - 是不是有點(diǎn)孤獨(dú)? - 是挺孤獨(dú)的
[08:48.84]Life's better with company. 看來(lái)生活還是有伴更好吧
[08:52.16]Yeah... - Everybody needs a co-pilot. - 對(duì)啊 - 需要有人一起掌舵
[08:59.60]That was a nice touch. - Thanks. - 這話我認(rèn)同 - 謝謝
[09:03.04]So er... what's the mood like out there? - It's not good. - 外面的氣氛怎么樣? - 不太好
[09:10.80]She's pretty pissed? - Just upset. - 她生氣了嗎? - 就是有點(diǎn)傷心
[09:13.04]What should I do? 我該怎么辦?
[09:17.20]Go get her. 把她娶回來(lái)
[09:33.16]I'm such a fuck-up. I love you so much. 我是個(gè)混球 我真的很愛(ài)你
[09:38.72]Will you be my co-pilot? 你愿意和我一起掌舵嗎?
[09:43.60]Yes. Yes. 當(dāng)然了
[09:50.40]Welcome home. 歡迎回家

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