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生活大爆炸第二季17. Raj和Howard在火車上泡summer事件。Sheldon讓penny幫忙找u盤事件





[00:00.85]Okay, Raj. 好了 Raj

[00:03.10]Hand me the #6 Torx screwdriver. 給我6號內(nèi)六角螺絲起子

[00:07.37]Stop. 停

[00:09.48]We can't do this. It's not right. 我們不能這樣做 這是不對的

[00:11.05]Sheldon, you have two choices. Sheldon 你有兩種選擇

[00:13.06]ther you let him put a bigger hard drive in the TiVo, 要么你讓他給TiVo換個大點的硬盤

[00:14.92]or you delete stuff before we go out of town. 要么在我們離城前刪點東西

[00:17.01]But once you open the box, you've voided the warranty. 但是打開機(jī)器 就享受不了質(zhì)保了

[00:20.56]The warranty is a sacred covenant we've entered into with the manufacturer. 質(zhì)保協(xié)議是我們和廠家簽訂的重要協(xié)議

[00:24.57]He offers to stand by his equipment, and we in return 廠家對他們產(chǎn)品提供質(zhì)保 而我們

[00:27.52]agree not to violate the integrity of the internal hardware. 要做到不人為破壞內(nèi)部硬件

[00:30.16]This little orange sticker is all that stands between us and anarchy. 我們和爛攤子之前可就這 小黃貼紙之隔啊

[00:36.60]Okay, then we won't touch the hard drive. 好吧 我們不動硬盤

[00:38.51]We'll just erase the first season of Battlestar. 把第一季太空堡壘卡拉狄加刪了就行

[00:43.39]There. We're outlaws. 沒質(zhì)保了

[00:46.92]Here you go, Leonard. Is this going to be big enough? Leonard 給你 這夠用吧?

[00:48.49]It's perfect. 棒極了

[00:52.90]For taking daffodils to your unicorn. 給你獨角獸裝水仙花用?

[00:57.37]It's just for my notebooks. Thanks, Penny. 放我的筆記本 謝了 Penny

[00:59.55]I love San Francisco. I wish I was going with you. 我超喜歡舊金山 要能一起去就好了

[01:02.32]I understand your envy. Thiss a can't-miss symposium. 你當(dāng)然會羨慕了 這場研討會可是百年一遇

[01:05.87]There are going to be discussions on bioorganic cellular computer devices, 會討論生物有機(jī)細(xì)胞計算機(jī)設(shè)備

[01:09.79]the advancements in multi-threaded task completion, 多線程任務(wù)完成方面的進(jìn)展

[01:12.43]plus a roundtable on the nonequilibrium Green's function approach 還有一個非平衡性格林函數(shù)在

[01:15.95]to the photoionization process in atoms. 原子光電離進(jìn)程中運用的圓桌會議

[01:19.49]When I go, I usually just get hammered and ride the cable cars. 我去那 通常是大醉一場還有坐坐纜車

[01:23.57]This conference is kind of a big thing. 這次會議真是非比尋常

[01:25.34]The keynote address is being delivered by George Smoot. 主講人可是George Smoot

[01:28.13]Oh, my God, the George Smoot? 哦 上帝 那George Smoot?

[01:30.42]- You've heard of him? - Of course I haven't. - 你聽過? - 當(dāng)然沒有

[01:34.18]George Smoot is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, one of the great minds of our time. George Smoot是物理學(xué)諾貝爾獎獲得者 是當(dāng)今著名的學(xué)者

[01:39.30]His work in black body form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation 他對于宇宙微波背景輻射的黑體 和各向異性研究

[01:43.86]cemented our understanding of the origin of the universe. 鞏固了我們對宇宙起源的了解

[01:47.37]It's kind of a funny name, though-- "Smoot." 名字念起來倒挺有趣 Smoot

[01:54.18]It's like talking to a chimp. 簡直是跟大猩猩說話

[01:57.54]Okay, now that I've been completely insulted, have a good flight. 得 傷自尊了 你們飛行愉快吧

[02:00.55]Yeah, I wish. 我倒是想飛

[02:01.45]We're not flying. We're taking the train. 但我們不坐飛機(jī) 我們搭火車

[02:03.85]Oh, cool. 哦 酷

[02:05.20]Yeah, cool. Seven times as long as flying, and costs almost twice as much. 是很酷 不僅時間是乘飛機(jī)的7倍 連車票都貴上一倍呢

[02:11.15]Well, then why are you doing it? 那么你們干嘛還坐火車?

[02:12.71]Well, we had a vote. Three of us voted for airplane. 我們投票來著 3票坐飛機(jī)

[02:15.28]Sheldon voted for train. So we're taking the trn. Sheldon投坐火車 所以我們坐火車

[02:20.03]Don't say it like that, Leonard. 別用這腔調(diào)說 Leonard

[02:21.32]Say it like: We're taking the train! 應(yīng)該是 我們坐火車~~!

[02:51.13]Hey, we're all going over to the Apple store to make fun of the guys at the Genius Bar. 我們要去蘋果專賣店 作弄那些天才吧的家伙

[02:53.89]You want to come? 你來嗎?

[02:55.62]Oh, I always enjoy that, but I'm a little busy. 我是很想去啦 不過現(xiàn)在有點忙

[02:59.29]What are you doing? 你忙啥呢?

[03:00.01]I'm simplifying the task of packing for our trip. 我在為旅行打包做簡化工作

[03:02.91]See, by attaching RFID tags to my clothing, it will able my laptop 給衣服貼上電子標(biāo)簽 這樣用上這個掃描器就可以

[03:06.85]to read and identify the items with this wand. 讓電腦來識別物品了

[03:09.54]I will then cross-reference them against destination, anticipated activity spectrum, 然后我再根據(jù)目的地 預(yù)計活動頻譜

[03:13.20]weather conditions, duration of trip, et cetera. 天氣狀況 旅行時間等信息來相互對照

[03:19.56]Well, that does sound much simpler. 呃 聽起來是挺簡化的

[03:23.30]How long is this going to take? 那你要弄多久?

[03:24.76]Assuming I can keep up this pace, three hours, 11 minutes, 照我現(xiàn)在的速度 大約3小時11分鐘

[03:27.55]and plus however long tak to conclude this fairly pointless conversation. 再加上不知道多久才能結(jié)束這 毫無意義的對話

[03:33.96]Teasing the guys at the Apple store seems a little redundant now. 看來作弄蘋果店里的人都多余

[03:37.41]- I don't follow. - I wouldn't expect you to. I'll see you later. - 我沒明白 - 也沒指望你明白 待會見

[03:44.06]Socks:one pair, cotton, argyle, blue. 襪子 一雙 棉質(zhì) 菱形花紋 藍(lán)色

[03:53.47]Socks: one pair, cotton, argyle, blue. 襪子 一雙 棉質(zhì) 菱形花紋 藍(lán)色

[04:03.06]What on earth are you doing? 你這是要干嘛?

[04:05.56]Whatever it is, I'm guessing we're doing it wrong. 不管我做了什么 我猜我是做錯了

[04:08.54]Gentlemen, this is the Coast Starlight, 先生們 這可是海岸星光列車

[04:12.28]one of the great American trains operating on one of the classic American routes. 美國經(jīng)典路線上的最好列車之一

[04:17.17]On this side, you'll see panoramic ocean vistas inaccessible to any other form of transportation, 坐這邊 可以享受乘坐其他交通工具 所無法體會的全景式海岸風(fēng)光

[04:22.80]while on your side, you'll be treated to 350 miles of CostCos, 坐這邊呢 看到的是350英里的好市多

[04:27.29]Jiffy Lubes, and cinderblock homes with above-ground pools. 捷飛絡(luò)連鎖店 還有帶泳池水泥民居

[04:33.00]Come on, Raj. 這兒 Raj

[04:34.38]What's wrong with Jiffy Lubes? 捷飛絡(luò)有啥不好的?

[04:36.99]No. 不

[04:39.61]- Why not? - That's over the wheelbase. - 又怎么啦? - 這座位正好在軸距上

[04:41.91]Are you completely unfamiliar with the suspension characteristics 你難道一點不清楚 80年代前所造豪華乘坐席

[04:45.18]of a pre-1980 Pullman-built Superliner Deluxe passenger coach? 懸掛系統(tǒng)的特性嗎?

[04:49.37]Sheldon, we've been on this train 90 seconds, Sheldon 才上車90秒

[04:51.57]and you've already said a thousand words. 你已經(jīng)嘰歪了上千句了

[04:54.12]Just tell us where to sit and shut up. 你直接說坐哪 然后閉嘴

[04:58.93]Here. 這兒

[05:00.53]I'm hoping once you reap the endorphic rewards of the steady clickety-clack of steel wheels on polished rails, 我希望你在享受車輪 和鐵軌發(fā)出的美妙喀嚓聲時

[05:06.61]your sour disposition will abate. 你的抱怨會少一點

[05:08.87]Yeah, maybe. 可能

[05:10.01]Meanwhil back in the 21st century, people are raising their tray tables 同時21世紀(jì)的人 在準(zhǔn)備收起折疊桌

[05:13.26]and putting their seat-backs in an upright position 'cause it's time to land in San Francisco. 將座椅調(diào)整到豎直狀態(tài) 因為飛機(jī)要著陸到舊金山了

[05:18.56]It's not so bad, really. 其實也沒那么糟啦

[05:20.18]At least these trains have modern plumbing. 至少這火車有現(xiàn)代化的衛(wèi)生間

[05:21.95]In India, you squat over a hole in the train and expose your naked buttocks 在印度 你得光著屁屁 蹲在車廂里的一個洞上

[05:25.62]to the chilly air of Rajasthan. 感受拉賈斯坦邦的冷空氣

[05:28.26]He is referring, of course, to third class on Indian Railways' magnificent Ranakpur Express 他說的當(dāng)然是印度 華麗的Ranakpur特快三等席

[05:33.46]and its 1,200-kilometer journey from Maharashtra to the Bikaner Junction. 從馬哈拉施特拉邦到比卡內(nèi)爾接軌點 的1200公里旅途

[05:37.96]Oh, look, now he's boring on an international scale. 哦 現(xiàn)在他又開始羅嗦國際單位了

[05:42.85]Holy crap! Look! 哦 我的天! 看哪!

[05:46.81]Is that who I think it is? 不會真是她吧?

[05:48.34]It can't be. What would Summer Glau be doing riding the train? 不能夠啊 Summer Glau干嘛坐火車

[05:51.62]Maybe John Connor's aboard and she's protecting him from an evil Terminator. 可能John Connor也在車上 她要保護(hù)他不被壞終結(jié)者追殺

[05:56.37]Unlikely. That's a television show, Leonard. 不太可能 那只是電視劇啦 Leonard

[05:59.65]Thank you. 多謝提醒

[06:01.31]Of course, if SkyNet actually did exist in the future, 當(dāng)然啦 如果"天網(wǎng)"真的存在于未來世界

[06:03.71]a perfect way to infiltrate and destroy mankind would be to send Terminators back posing 那么完美潛入毀滅人類的方法就是 讓派來的終結(jié)者

[06:08.15]as actors who have played Terminators in popular films and television series, 扮成曾在熱門電影劇集中 飾演過終結(jié)者的演員

[06:11.70]lulling us into a false sense of security, i.e., 讓我們產(chǎn)生安全錯覺 就像是

[06:14.34]"That's Summer Glau "from The Sarah Connor Chronicles. "她是<終結(jié)者 莎拉傳>里的Summer Glau"

[06:16.71]No, Summer, don't kill me!" I'm pro-robot! Ahh!" - 不要 Summer 別殺我! - "我是機(jī)器人!啊!"

[06:22.77]At least he's off the train crap. 至少他不再糾結(jié)那些火車的廢話了

[06:26.86]Whee! 嘻嘻!

[06:30.03]Sheldon, I owe you an apology. Sheldon 我得向你道歉

[06:31.87]Taking the train was a stroke of brilliance! 乘火車絕對是次天才的舉動!

[06:33.73]I've actually got a shot at a Terminator. 終于有機(jī)會接觸終結(jié)者了

[06:35.94]Oh, please.When it comes to Terminators, 拜托 談到終結(jié)者

[06:37.92]you've got a better shot of scoring with Arnold Schwarzenegger. 我看你還是和施瓦辛格機(jī)會比較大

[06:42.75]You're overlooking something. 你忽略了件事

[06:44.34]I have 11 hours with her in a confined space. 我將和她在這個狹窄的空間里 待上11個小時

[06:49.49]Unless she's willing to jump off a moving train, tuck and roll down the side of a hill, 除非她愿意跳下行駛的火車 翻轉(zhuǎn)著滾下那邊的山坡

[06:53.61]she will eventually succumb to the acquired taste that is ward Wolowitz. 她最終將屈服于逐漸產(chǎn)生好感的對象 那就是我 Howard Wolowitz

[07:02.73]My money's on tuck and roll. 我壓她滾下山

[07:05.84]I'm confused. 我搞不懂了

[07:07.00]I thought you were involved in some sort of socially intimate pairing with Leslie Winkle. 我以為你和Leslie Winkle在社交上 保持著某種親密關(guān)系

[07:12.00]- Sheldon, let me explain to you how this works. - All right. - Sheldon 我來給你解釋下 - 好吧

[07:15.62]- That's Summer Glau. - Yes. - 那是Summer Glau耶! - 是啊

[07:19.04]That's it. 就這理由

[07:21.57]Hang on a sec. Why do you get first crack at her? 等等 憑什么是你第一個去追她?

[07:24.20]Um, well, let's see, couple reasons. One, I saw her first. 呃 我想想 幾個理由 第一 我先看到她的

[07:27.92]No, you didn't. I did. 不 不是你 是我

[07:29.89]Fair enough. But... then, let me move on to #2. 那好吧 但是...我們說第二個理由吧

[07:32.81]Unlike you, I can actually talk to women when I'm sober. 和你不同 我能鎮(zhèn)靜地同一位女性交談

[07:36.49]You fail to take into account that even mute, I am foreign and exotic, 你沒有考慮到 即使不說話 我來自國外 有異國情調(diào)

[07:40.98]while you, on the other hand, are frail and pasty. 相反 而你呢 虛弱而蒼白

[07:45.89]Well, you know the old saying, Pasty and frail never fail. 你知道有句老話嗎 "虛弱蒼白者從不失手"

[07:53.83]Excuse me, but what about me? 打斷一下 那還有我呢?

[07:55.91]Why don't I get a shot? 咋沒我的事了?

[07:57.55]Fine, go ahead. Take a shot. 好吧 那你去啊 去碰碰運氣

[08:02.28]You know, I've already got a gorgeous blonde back home at I can't score with. 家里已經(jīng)有個搞不定的 漂亮金發(fā)妞兒了

[08:05.15]I think I'll let you two take this one. 這一個還是留給你們倆吧

[08:07.54]Sheldon, is there a place on this train to get alcohol? Sheldon 這火車上有地方賣酒嗎?

[08:09.75]Interesting that you ask. 你問起來我就講講

[08:11.29]The Coast Starlight recently added the refurbished Pacific Parlour Car. 海岸星光列車最近加入了 重新裝修的"太平洋特等客車"

[08:14.98]Built in 1956 and originally known as the Santa Fe Lounge Car, 建于1956年 即著名的原"圣達(dá)菲休閑客車"

[08:18.41]- the lower level is a theater and the upper level - Yeah-yeah, which way? - 下層是一個小劇院 上層是... - 好的好的 怎么走?

[08:20.54]is a bar that offers wine tastings if you're going as far as Portland. 一個提供葡萄酒品嘗的酒吧 快去吧

[08:25.59]So aren't you going to go talk to her? 你不去找她搭訕?

[08:27.24]I will, I'm just working on my opening line. 我去 只是先醞釀下我的開場白

[08:29.94]She's probably heard every possible line, Howard. 她也許聽膩了各種開場白 Howard

[08:32.09]Why don't you just try "hello"? 你干嘛不直接說"你好"?

[08:33.57]No, no, no, that always creeps girls out. 不 不行 那句通常會把姑娘們嚇跑

[08:36.79]I need to come up with something that's funny, smart and delicately suggests 我得想出一句 既風(fēng)趣聰明又能微妙地暗示出

[08:41.66]that my sexual endowment is disproportionate to my physical stature. 我的做愛本領(lǐng)和我的身材不成正比

[08:46.45]You're going to need more than 11 hours. 那11小時看來不夠了

[08:49.84]Oh, no. 噢 不

[08:51.22]What's the matter? 怎么回事?

[08:52.36]I forgot my flash drive. 我忘了帶我的閃存卡

[08:54.06]- So? - So we have to go back. - 那又怎樣? - 那我們就得回去

[08:56.68]Okay, Sheldon, I'm going to say "why" and your answer cannot be because I forgot my flash drive. 好吧 Sheldon 我接下來要問你為什么 你不能回答因為忘了帶閃存卡

[09:03.33]You don't understand. 你不明白

[09:04.52]My flash drive has my paper on astrophysical probes of M-theory effects in the early universe 我的閃存里存著我關(guān)于早期宇宙中 天體探測M理論效應(yīng)的論文

[09:09.26]that I was going to give to George Smoot at the conference. 我打算在研討會上給George Smoot看的

[09:11.95]Why do you have to give your paper to George Smoot? 你干嘛要把你的論文給George Smoot?

[09:15.20]It's brilliant. He needs to read it. 太有才了 他應(yīng)該閱讀才對

[09:18.91]So you'll send him an e-mail when we get back. 那等我們回去 你給他發(fā)封郵件就行了

[09:21.06]Then I won't get to see his face light up as he reads it. 那我就看不到 他讀到我論文時 神采奕奕的樣子了

[09:24.43]Right. Of course. 對 當(dāng)然

[09:25.43]Oh, this is an unmitigated disaster. 哦 這絕對是場災(zāi)難

[09:27.60]Well, there's nothing you can do about it, so relax. 你也沒辦法啊 放松點吧

[09:30.29]Sit back, enjoy the clickety-clack of the steel wheels on the polished rails. 坐好 享受火車鋼輪在磨光的鐵軌上 擦出的咔嗒咔嗒之聲

[09:39.33]You forgot your flash drive 你忘了帶你的閃存

[09:44.59]You forgot your flash drive 你忘了帶你的閃存...

[09:46.82]Only ten hours, 55 minutes to go. 再熬10小時55分鐘就好了

[09:58.15]這兒真熱 一定是夏天了 (Summer Glau的名有"夏天"之意)

[09:59.92]It's hot in here. Must be Summer.


[10:15.06]So... where you gals headed?

[10:16.71]好了 我找到了完美的解決方案

[10:18.48]Okay, I've found the perfect solution. 我們在下一站Oxnard站下車

[10:20.69]We get off the train at the next stop in Oxnard. 然后乘1:13的火車到聯(lián)合車站(洛杉磯)

[10:23.10]We then take the 1:13 train back to Union Station.

[10:24.70]搭計程車回公寓 拿上我的閃存卡 再迅速趕到San Luis Obispo

[10:26.47]We take a cab back to the apartment, get my flash drive, and then race to San Luis Obispo,

[10:29.52]如果天還沒黑 沒什么堵車的話 我們就能在那兒趕上火車

[10:31.29]where, assuming the lights are with us and minimal traffic, we'll meet the train.


[10:34.74]I've got a better idea. 你是想諷刺我嗎?

[10:36.07]Are you going to be sarcastic? 孩子 你把我僅有的一點樂趣都剝奪了

[10:38.42]Boy, you take all the fun out of it for me. 聽著 Penny在家 我們何不打給她 讓她去我們公寓

[10:41.69]Look, Penny's home. Why don't we just call her, have her go in the apartment, 拿你的閃存卡 然后把論文發(fā)郵件給我們呢

[10:44.61]get your flash drive and e-mail you the paper? - 可閃存卡在我鎖著的抽屜里啊 - 那又怎樣?

[10:46.79]- But the flash drive is in a locked drawer in my desk. - So? - 鑰匙藏在我的房間里啊 - 那又怎樣?

[10:50.03]- The key is hidden in my room. - So? - Penny得進(jìn)我的房間啊 - 那又怎樣?

[10:52.22]- Penny would have to go into my room. - So? 任何人不允許進(jìn)我的房間啊!

[10:54.15]People don't go in my room! 明白了 看來你又一次進(jìn)退兩難了

[10:57.32]I see. Well, it seems once again, you're caught between a rock and a crazy place.

[11:02.75]哦 我真討厭這種情況

[11:04.52]Oh, I te when that happens.

[11:06.57]這兒真熱 一定是夏天了

[11:08.34]It's hot in here. It must be Summer. 這兒真熱 一定是夏天了

[11:10.25]It's hot in here. Must be Summer. 這兒真熱 一定是夏天了

[11:11.67]It's hot in here. Must be Summer. 這兒真熱 一定是夏天了

[11:13.73]It's hot in here. Must be Summer.

[11:16.06]- 真有趣 - 是嗎? 我剛剛自己編的

[11:17.83]- That's cute. - Really? I just made it up.


[11:22.08]Have you seen Slumdog Millionaire? 看過啊 我愛死這部電影了

[11:25.35]Oh, yeah, I loved it. 大體上是根據(jù)我的經(jīng)歷改編的

[11:26.85]It's loosely based on my life.

[11:30.50]是啊 我們的劇要在 99座的小劇院上演一晚 你能來嗎?

[11:32.27]Yeah, we're putting the play on for one night in this little 99-seat theater. Can you come?

[11:34.76]噢 好極了

[11:36.53]Oh, great. 知道哪98個人也愿意來嗎?

[11:37.91]Do you know 98 other people that might want to come?

[11:39.61]哦 等一下

[11:41.38]Oh, hang on. - 喂? - 仔細(xì)聽好

[11:42.92]- Hello? - Listen carefully. 我要告訴你一系列指示 你必須嚴(yán)格按照指示做

[11:44.49]I'm about to give you a set of instructions, which you must follow to the letter.


[11:48.30]Just a sec. 劇院在一個保齡球球道上面 所以有點嘈雜

[11:49.86]The theater is above a bowling alley, so it's a little noisy, 但這可能是我飾演 安妮·弗蘭克的唯一機(jī)會了

[11:52.47]but it might be the only chance I'll ever get to play Anne Frank.


[11:57.26]And the director is brilliant. 他利用樓下保齡球的聲音作 納粹炮火聲的音效

[11:58.83]He uses the bowling sounds as, like, Nazi artillery.

[12:00.77]好吧 太好啦 那到時見咯 喂?

[12:02.54]Okay, great, I'll see you then. Hello? 好 第四步

[12:05.11]Okay, step four. 你看見我梳妝臺上的小塑料盒了嗎?

[12:08.06]Do you see that small plastic case on my dresser?


[12:11.58]Your dresser? Who is this? Sheldon

[12:13.70]It's Sheldon. 嗨 Sheldon? 舊金山怎么樣?

[12:14.79]Oh, hey, Sheldon! How is San Francisco? 我不在舊金山 我在火車上呢 你剛才沒有在聽嗎?

[12:17.81]I'm not in San Francisco. I'm on a train. Were you even listening to me?

[12:19.81]沒有 我在和朋友聊天 你有什么事?

[12:21.58]Uh, no, I was talking to my friend, but what's up? 什么事? 我來告訴你怎么回事

[12:23.98]What's up? I'll tell you what's up. 我陷入危急情況 我需要你集中精力

[12:25.87]I'm in a crisis situation, and I need you to marshal your powers of concentration,

[12:28.16]- 集中到... - 把手機(jī)給我

[12:29.93]- limited as they may be... - Give me the phone.

[12:32.95]嗨 Penny 我是Leonard

[12:34.72]Hi, Penny. It's Leonard. 嘿 Leonard 怪里怪氣博士怎么了?

[12:35.92]Hey, Leonard. What's going on with Dr. Wkadood?


[12:40.09]He's calling to ask you a favor. 估計你沒搞明白 因為他沒說 "Penny" "Sheldon" "請" "幫忙"

[12:41.97]You might be confused because he didn't use the words, Penny, "Sheldon," "please" or "favor."

[12:45.03]好了 別聊天了

[12:46.80]Okay. Enough chitchat. 好 第一步 將你的緊急備用鑰匙 插入我們公寓大門

[12:49.73]Okay, step one. Locate your emergency key to our apartment.

[12:51.46]第二步 進(jìn)入我們的公寓 第三步...

[12:53.23]Step two: enter our apartment. Step three:...


[12:58.62]Enter my broom. - 等等 Sheldon 有電話來了 - 不!

[13:01.52]- Oh, hang on, Sheldon, getting another call. - No!

[13:03.27]Leonard 我告訴你 私人機(jī)器人沒那么快到達(dá)這里

[13:05.04]Leonard, let me tell you something. Personal robots cannot get here soon enough.


[13:11.82]And that bright little star peeking her head out early today...

[13:14.05]就是金星 (亦有愛神"維納斯"之意)

[13:15.82]that's Venus. 太酷了

[13:17.97]That is so cool. 你真的很了解太空

[13:20.08]You really know a lot about space. 拜托 你在電視上演<螢火蟲>時 你實際上就是在太空上

[13:21.88]Come on. When you were on TV in Firefly, you were actually in space.


[13:28.46]You're not one of those guys who really believe that, are you? 你是說那些絕望的怪家伙?才不是

[13:31.20]You mean one of the hopeless geeks? No.


[13:34.53]Those are crazy people.

[13:37.26]Howard 行行好 幫我再拿一杯這個

[13:39.03]Howard, be a dear and get me another one of these.

[13:45.89]看他 他就是怪家伙之一

[13:47.66]Now, him, he's one of those geeks.

[13:50.17]好吧 現(xiàn)在 在你獨自進(jìn)入我的臥室前

[13:51.94]All right, now, before you enter my bedroom unescorted, 我需要你弄清楚 一次進(jìn)入許可并不代表永久通行權(quán)

[13:54.68]I need you to understand that this onetime grant of access does not create a permanent easement.


[14:01.61]Easement. 是合法進(jìn)入權(quán) 老天爺啊

[14:04.40]It's a legal right of access. Good grief.

[14:07.68]什么? 別啊 別讓我再等了

[14:09.45]What? No, don't put me on hold.


[14:14.69]Do you believe him? 一般一見女人 他就跟蔫豆角一樣

[14:16.37]Normally around women, he has the personality of a boiled potato.

[14:18.90]一杯啤酒下了肚 立馬變成魅力先生了

[14:20.67]Put one beer in him, and he's M. Night Charmalarmalon.

[14:26.08]他就喝的這個? 根本都不算是酒啊

[14:27.85]Is that what he's drinking? It's not even real beer. - 什么? - 看啊 無酒精

[14:30.17]- What? - Look at it. Non-alcoholic beer.

[14:34.17]- 怎么回事? - 不知道

[14:35.94]- What's going on? - I don't know. 算是安慰劑效應(yīng)吧

[14:38.06]Some sort of placebo effect, I guess. 安慰劑是吧 有意思了

[14:41.24]Placebo, you say. Interesting.

[14:43.84]是啊 當(dāng)然在 還能去哪? 我可是在火車上

[14:45.61]Yes, I'm still here. Where am I going? I'm on a train. 現(xiàn)在 在霍伯曼球面和 有黃鐵礦斑點的石英樣本中

[14:48.51]Now, what you'll be looking for is a small wooden box located between a Hoberman's sphere


[14:54.29]and a sample of quartz flecked with pyrite.


[14:57.71]Hoberman's Sphere. 是個可折疊的三十二面體

[14:59.50]It's collapsible icosidodecahedron.

[15:01.84]不是 上面有時間的是我的鬧表

[15:03.61]No, the thing with the time on it is my alarm clock.

[15:07.92]實際在印度 星座的名字是不一樣的

[15:09.69]Actually, in India, the names of constellations are different.

[15:11.48]你們說北斗七星是大勺子 我們叫大咖喱鍋

[15:13.25]Where you have the Big Dipper, we have the Big Curry Pot.


[15:18.60]You're making that up. 被你拆穿了

[15:20.41]You got me. 現(xiàn)在打算怎么懲罰我?

[15:22.29]Now what are you going to do with me?

[15:26.98]- Raj - 啥事?

[15:28.75]- Raj. - Yes? - 瞧瞧 - 瞧什么?

[15:30.07]- Look. - What am I looking at? 你說呢

[15:31.98]You tell me. 無酒精啤酒...

[15:33.53]Non-alcoholic beer.


[15:44.36]I'm the small package good things come in.

[15:48.89]我是找到盒子了 但沒有鑰匙

[15:50.66]Okay, I got a box, but there's no key in here. 都是信

[15:53.37]Just letters. 拿錯盒子了 放回去

[15:54.38]That's the wrg box. Put it back. 哦 Sheldon 都是你外婆寄的信?

[15:56.19]Oh, Sheldon, are these letters from your grandmother? 表讀那些信哦!

[15:58.99]Don't read those letters! 呀 瞧瞧 她叫你"月亮派" 多可愛啊

[16:00.67]Oh, look, she calls you "Moon Pie." That is so cute. 快把信放下!

[16:03.91]Put down the letters!

[16:07.44]嘿 Penny 我是Leonard

[16:09.21]Hey, Penny. It's Leonard. 嘿Leonard 火車旅途怎么樣?

[16:10.74]Hey, Leonard. How's the train ride? 很開心

[16:12.40]Delightful. 聽著 不知道你在讀啥

[16:14.87]Listen, I don't know what you're doing right now, 不過Sheldon氣得嘴角吐泡了

[16:16.35]but there are little bubbles forming on the corners of Sheldon's mouth.

[16:17.97]好啦 我是越界了 讓他接吧

[16:19.74]Okay, yeah, I kind of crossed a line. Put him back on. 謝謝

[16:22.55]Thank you. - 我來了 - 咋樣 月亮派?

[16:25.28]- I'm back. - What up, Moon Pie?

[16:26.97]除了外婆 誰都不許叫我月亮派

[16:28.74]Nobody calls me Moon Pie but Meemaw!

[16:31.99]嘿 Penny 又是我Leonard

[16:33.76]Hey, Penny. Leonard again.

[16:35.87]總之 在夢里 我倆滑冰來著 就我們兩個人

[16:37.64]So anyway, in the dream, you and I were ice skating, just the two of us.


[16:41.41]And then, I picked you up by your ankles and twirled you round and round


[16:45.77]until your legs tore off.

[16:48.42]我嘗試把它們接回去的 但還沒來得及

[16:50.19]I tried to stick them back on, but before I could,


[16:53.92]you turned into a giant loaf of pumpernickel bread.


[16:58.60]What do you think that means? 我還真不知道

[17:01.57]I really don't know.

[17:03.50]給你點提示吧 我最愛的三明治?

[17:05.27]I'll give you a little clue. My favorite sandwich? 粗麥面包夾意大利香腸

[17:07.55]Salami on pumpernickel.


[17:10.97]Is that so? 你知不知道粗麥面包(pumpernickel)是由 德文里的"pumper"和"nickel"來的

[17:13.26]And did you know the word "pumpernickel" comes from the German words "pumper" and "nickel,"


[17:16.90]which loosely translates to "fart goblin"?

[17:19.54]不 不知道

[17:21.31]No. I didn't.

[17:25.36]好了 找到盒子里 接下來呢?

[17:27.13]Okay, I found the box. Now what? 你拿著的是日本解謎盒子 要走精確地十步才能打開

[17:29.10]You're holding a Japanese puzzle box, which takes ten precise moves to open.

[17:33.18]首先 用鉆石圖案找到嵌板

[17:34.95]First, locate the panel with the diamond pattern 將中間部分向左移動一毫米

[17:38.20]and slide the center portion one millimeter to the left.

[17:40.44]然后 在盒子的背面 將整個嵌板向下滑動兩毫米

[17:42.21]Then, on the opposite end of the box, slide the entire panel down two millimeters.

[17:45.89]- 你會聽到咔噠一聲 - 等等

[17:47.66]- You'll hear a slight click. - Hang on. Sheldon 你對這盒子有啥特殊感情嗎?

[17:49.97]Sheldon, do you have any emotional attachment to this box?

[17:51.65]沒 是我在網(wǎng)上買的新奇玩意 聽到咔噠聲沒有?

[17:53.42]No, it's a velty I ordered off the Internet. Did you hear the click?


[17:57.04]Not yet.


[18:02.04]There it is.

[18:05.55]好 還有一個

[18:07.32]Okay, here's another one. 要是你嫁給著名搖滾吉他手 Johnny Winter 你就叫Summer Winter了 (夏天冬天)

[18:08.95]If you married the famous rock guitarist Johnny Winter, you'd be Summer Winter.

[18:17.71]Yep. 好了 跟你直說吧 我喜歡你

[18:19.54]Okay, I'm going to just go for broke here and say I like you.


[18:24.47]Yeah? 我想問問 你看有沒啥可能 咱倆聊著聊著 就從現(xiàn)在的尷尬對話

[18:26.65]So here's my question: do you realistically see any conversational path

[18:30.89]that would take me from where we are right now to a place 過渡到我約你出去 然后你說好的?

[18:33.03]where I could ask you out and you'd say yes?



[18:38.70]很好 我不打擾你了

[18:40.47]Fair enough. I'll leave you in peace. 謝謝

[18:42.97]Thank you.


[18:47.05]But before I go, 介不介意咱倆合個影 我好放到我Facebook上去?

[18:50.06]would you mind if I just take one picture of us together for my Facebook page?



[19:03.48]好的 太棒了 能不能再拍張 看起來像是在親熱的?

[19:05.25]Okay. Great. Now, can I take one where it looks like we're making out?

[19:09.35]好了 現(xiàn)在把閃存卡插到USB口...

[19:11.12]Okay, now you're going to insert the flash drive into the USB port...

[19:18.94]她叫我月亮派 是因為我太口耐 她想把我吃掉

[19:20.71]She calls me Moon Pie because I'm nummy-nummy and she could just eat me up.

[19:25.83]拜托了 把閃存卡插到USB口

[19:27.60]Now, please put the flash drive in the USB port.


[19:33.89]The one that looks like a little duck's mouth.

[19:37.22]嘿 怎么樣?

[19:38.99]Hey, how'd it go? 終結(jié)者把我的手機(jī)終結(jié)了

[19:40.29]Terminator broke my phone.


[19:48.28]Excuse me. 好了 實話跟你說吧

[19:51.53]Okay, I'll be honest with you. 兩個小時了 我腦子里構(gòu)想了無數(shù)場景

[19:52.97]I've just spent the last two hours imagining various scenarios in my head,


[19:56.44]trying to come up with some clever line to say to you. 但我意識到你是人 我也是人

[19:58.85]But then I finally realized you're a human being; I'm a human being.

[20:00.93]- 我可以干脆跟你說... - 下一站 圣巴巴拉

[20:02.70]- I could just say to you... - Next stop: Santa Barbara. 抱歉 我到站了

[20:04.93]I'm sorry. This is me.

[20:07.55]嗨 我叫Leonard

[20:09.32]Hi, my name's Leonard.

[20:12.40]于是我就想 你是啥時候 3年前得的諾貝爾獎?

[20:14.86]So, I'm thinking, you won the Nobel Prize what, three years ago? 肯定回應(yīng)了不少 "Smoot最近有啥成就"之類問題

[20:18.36]So you must deal with a whole lot of "What has Smoot done lately?"


[20:23.12]My thought is we continue my research as aeam-- 那個 叫Cooper-Smoot 字母順序

[20:26.56]you know, Cooper-Smoot, alphabetical-- 等我們贏了諾貝爾 你又可以重回巔峰了

[20:28.77]and when we win the Nobel Prize, you'll be back on top.

[20:31.25]恕我直言 Cooper博士 你嗑藥了吧?

[20:33.71]With all due respect, Dr. Cooper, are you on crack?

[20:38.06]好了啦! Smoot-Cooper

[20:40.52]Fine! Smoot-Cooper. 哦喲 瞧這架子

[20:42.97]Wow, what a diva. <#00FFFF>天才理論傳 第二季 第17集 完 720p版本調(diào)校:C.Ronaldo


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