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生活大爆炸第二季18.Sheldon幫penny做penny blossoms頭飾生意事件





[00:00.41]Knight to queen's bishop-five. 馬跳C3

[00:04.00]Oh,very nice. What's Leonard going to do? 哦 很好 Leonard該怎么做呢?

[00:06.27]Does he give up the pawn or does he give up the position? 他是放棄卒 還是放棄位置?

[00:08.97]Let's find out. Leonard,ready? 咱拭目以待吧 Leonard 準(zhǔn)備好了?

[00:12.70]Ready. 好了

[00:14.31]Go. 開(kāi)始

[00:39.77]Damn it. I slipped. 該死 我滑了一下

[00:41.12]Too bad. You know the rules of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess. 可惜啊 你也知道激光障礙 象棋特工的游戲規(guī)則

[00:46.28]Leonard died again,Sheldon. You're up. Leonard又死了 Sheldon 該你了

[00:48.31]Despite my deep love of chess,lasers and aerosol disinfectant,I must forfeit. 雖然我深愛(ài)象棋 激光和噴霧劑 但我必須放棄游戲

[00:54.00]Why? 為啥啊?

[00:54.96]- Because it's almost 11:00. - So? - 因?yàn)橐呀?jīng)快11點(diǎn)了 - 所以呢?

[00:57.79]So,Penny has a "don't knock on my door before 11:00 or I punch you in the throat" rule. Penny定了個(gè)"11點(diǎn)前別敲我家門(mén) 否則我一拳把你打成啞巴"的規(guī)矩

[01:07.14]Hey,you know what'd be a great idea? 嘿 我想到一個(gè)絕妙的點(diǎn)子

[01:08.88]We get some girls over here and play Laser Optical Strip Chess. 咱找?guī)讉€(gè)姑娘來(lái)玩激光障礙脫衣象棋

[01:14.23]Believe me,Howard,any girl who would be willing to play that,you don't want to see naked. 信我一句 Howard 凡是愿意來(lái)玩的 你都不忍心看她們脫光

[01:20.41]You underestimate me. 你小看我

[01:29.55]Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny Penny Penny

[01:33.58]Hey,Sheldon. 嘿 Sheldon

[01:36.69]- It's 11:00 a.m. - I know. You're safe. - 11點(diǎn)了哦 - 我知道 你很安全

[01:40.30]This package came while you were at work. 這包裹是你上班時(shí)寄來(lái)的

[01:42.34]Oh,great,my rhinestones. Thank you. 太好了 我的萊茵仿鉆 謝謝

[01:44.14]- Excuse me. - What? - 等下 - 干嘛?

[01:45.19]- You have to sign this. - What is it? - 你得簽這個(gè) - 啥東西?

[01:48.60]When I signed for the package,I was deputized by the United Parcel Service 我簽收這個(gè)包裹時(shí) 即代表聯(lián)合郵遞公司

[01:52.77]and entrusted with its final delivery. 受委托將其轉(zhuǎn)交給你

[01:54.24]I now need you to acknowledge receipt of the package so that I'm fully indemnified and no longer liable. 現(xiàn)在需要你確認(rèn)收到包裹 說(shuō)明我安全送達(dá)不再負(fù)任何責(zé)任

[02:00.45]Sheldon,it's just a box of rhinestones. Sheldon 只不過(guò)是一盒子萊茵石嘛

[02:02.53]Well,the contents are irrelevant. A legal bailment has been created. 內(nèi)容不重要 主要是確立合法托管關(guān)系

[02:05.60]Does that mean nothing to you? 你滿不在乎是吧?

[02:08.22]It means nothing to anybody. 誰(shuí)在乎這些啊

[02:10.97]Come here,let me show you what I'm doing. 進(jìn)來(lái) 看看我在干嘛

[02:12.71]Bailment describes a relationship in common law 托管是法律中的一種關(guān)系

[02:16.08]where a physical possession of personal property,or "chattels," 即對(duì)私有財(cái)產(chǎn) 或者說(shuō)"動(dòng)產(chǎn)"的所有權(quán)

[02:19.24]is transferred from one person,the bailor,to another person,the bailee... 從一人 即委托人轉(zhuǎn)給另一人 受托者...

[02:22.33]ah,yeah,yeah. Look,look,look! I started a business. 好了 好了 瞧啊瞧 我做生意了

[02:26.73]Obviously,not a cleaning business. 顯然不是做清潔工作的

[02:30.58]No,I'm making flower barrettes. See? 不是 我在做小花發(fā)夾 瞧見(jiàn)沒(méi)

[02:33.35]I call them Penny Blossoms. 我叫它們"Penny小花"

[02:34.94]I made one for myself,then all the girls at work wanted one. 我給自己做了一個(gè) 結(jié)果上班那的女孩們都要

[02:37.09]Then I showed some to this lady who runs a shop in Old Town. 后來(lái)我給奧德城一開(kāi)鋪?zhàn)拥呐靠戳?/p>

[02:39.49]She sells cards and homemade jewelry. She said she wanted to sell them. 她是賣(mài)卡片和自制首飾的 她說(shuō)要賣(mài)我的發(fā)夾

[02:42.04]I said,"Okay." And in one week,I made a $156. 我說(shuō)"好哇" 一周我就賺了156美刀

[02:45.71]Good for you. Sign here. 真不錯(cuò) 簽字

[02:50.61]Sheldon,don't you get it? Sheldon 還不明白嗎?

[02:51.69]If this takes off,I won't have to be a waitress anymore. 如果這事有起色 我再也不用做服務(wù)生了

[02:54.92]But then who will bring me my cheeseburger on Tuesday nights? 那每周二晚誰(shuí)給我拿芝士漢堡啊?

[02:58.54]- Another waitress. - What's her name? - 別的服務(wù)生咯 - 叫什么名字?

[03:01.67]I don't know. 不知道呢

[03:02.87]And you're going to let her handle my food? 不知道就讓她給我送餐?

[03:05.10]Nancy. Her name is Nancy. Nancy 她叫Nancy

[03:08.10]I think you're just making that up. 我看你是瞎編的吧

[03:10.32]Sheldon,I'm sorry about your hamburger,okay? Sheldon 漢堡的事抱歉了 好嗎?

[03:11.95]I just don't want to be a waitress for the rest of my life. 我真是不想做一輩子服務(wù)生

[03:14.16]Cheeseburger. I get a cheeseburger. 是芝士漢堡 我要的是芝士漢堡

[03:16.54]Fine,cheeseburger. 好了啦 芝士漢堡

[03:17.79]Maybe I'd be better off with Nancy. 或許Nancy能招待的更好一點(diǎn)

[03:20.96]So,what do you think? I mean,this could be a business,right? 你覺(jué)得咋樣? 能成一番事業(yè)吧?

[03:25.43]How many of these can you make a day? 這玩意你一天能做多少個(gè)?

[03:27.82]About 20. 20來(lái)個(gè)

[03:29.00]And how much profit do you make per... Penny Blossom? 你一個(gè)"Penny小花"能掙多少...錢(qián)?

[03:32.84]I don't know,like,50 cents. I'm not sure. 不知道 5毛錢(qián)吧 說(shuō)不好

[03:34.46]Of course you're not. All right... 當(dāng)然了 好吧...

[03:38.31]Ten dollars a day times five days a week times 52 weeks a year is $2,600. 一天10塊錢(qián) 每周5天 每年52周 那你能掙2600塊

[03:44.32]- That's all? - Before taxes. - 就這么點(diǎn)兒? - 稅前

[03:46.74]I don't have to pay taxes on this stuff. 這玩意還交什么稅啊

[03:49.18]I believe the Internal Revenue Service would strongly disagree. 國(guó)內(nèi)稅收署肯定會(huì)強(qiáng)烈反對(duì)

[03:53.47]But,if you took advantage of modn marketing techniques,and you optimized your manufacturing process, 但是 如果你利用現(xiàn)代銷售技術(shù) 完善制作工藝

[03:59.14]you might be able to make this a viable business. 說(shuō)不定這生意能做成

[04:01.77]And you know about that stuff? 你對(duì)那些都懂不?

[04:03.55]Penny... Penny...

[04:08.40]I'm a physicist. 我是物理學(xué)家

[04:10.28]I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains. 我對(duì)整個(gè)宇宙及其 包含的事物都有所了解

[04:17.59]Who's Radiohead? Radiohead是干嘛的?

[04:31.39]I have a working knowledge of the important things in the universe. Good luck. 我對(duì)整個(gè)宇宙及其包含的 重要事物都有所了解 祝你好運(yùn)了

[04:36.72]Sheldon,hold on. Sheldon 等下

[04:38.58]Could you maybe show me how to make more money with this? 能不能教我怎么用這些賺更多錢(qián)?

[04:42.99]- Of course I could. - Sheldon,wait! - 等然能了 - Sheldon 等等!

[04:47.17]Will you? 行嗎?

[04:52.52]Just to be clear here,you're asking for my assistance. 咱說(shuō)清楚 你是請(qǐng)求我?guī)兔?/p>

[04:56.89]Yes. 是的

[04:57.79]And you understand that will involve me telling you what to do? 你清楚期間我會(huì)指導(dǎo)你去做事?

[05:03.09]I understand. 我清楚

[05:04.94]And you're not allowed to be sarcastic or snide to me while I'm doing so. 我要你做事時(shí) 你不許冷嘲熱諷

[05:10.73]Okay. 好吧

[05:13.03]Good. 很好

[05:15.17]Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up to this point is wrong. 咱先前提假設(shè)你目前 做的一切都是錯(cuò)的

[05:21.19]Oh,imagine that. 哦 可不是嘛

[05:22.73]- Sarcasm. Good-bye. - No,sorry. Wait! - 挖苦 別了 - 別走 對(duì)不起 等等!

[05:25.32]Please come back! 快回來(lái)嘛!

[05:53.13]There. Done. 好了 做好了

[05:54.05]All right. 12 minutes and 17 seconds. 看看 12分17秒

[05:57.11]Pretty good,right? 還不錯(cuò)哈?

[05:58.54]That's 4. 9 Penny Blossoms per hour. 也就是一小時(shí)做4.9個(gè)"Penny小花"

[06:00.95]Based on your cost of materials and your wholesale selling price, 根據(jù)你的材料錢(qián)和批發(fā)價(jià)

[06:04.07]you'll effectively be paying yourself... $5.19 a day. 你一天實(shí)際能掙5.19塊美元

[06:09.67]A day? 一天?

[06:10.57]There are children in a sneaker factory in Indonesia who outearn you. 印尼運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋廠的小孩都比你賺的多

[06:16.05]That just can't be right. 不對(duì)啊

[06:17.52]- You're questioning my math? - No,sorry. - 你質(zhì)疑我的算數(shù)? - 沒(méi)有 抱歉

[06:20.63]- Want me to show my work? - Oh,God,no. - 用我給你演示遍怎么算的嗎? - 哦 天啊 可別

[06:23.12]- Just please tell me what to do about it. - All right. - 就告訴我該怎么辦吧 - 好的

[06:25.75]Are you familiar with the development that resulted from Honor\ Blanc's 你了解Honore Blanc1778年 使用可替換零件

[06:29.02]1778 use of interchangeable parts? 給工業(yè)帶來(lái)什么發(fā)展嗎?

[06:36.49]The assembly line,of course. 不就是裝配線嘛

[06:38.96]Okay,you know what,if I'm not allowed to be snide,you're not allowed to be condescending. 好了 這樣吧 既然你不讓我諷刺 那你也不許表現(xiàn)得高人一等

[06:42.95]That wasn't a part of our original agreement,and I don't agree to it now. 最初的協(xié)定里可沒(méi)有這條 我現(xiàn)在也不同意

[06:47.32]All right,fine. How are we supposed to set up machines and conveyor belts in my apartment? 隨便了 那我們?cè)趺丛谖夜?弄機(jī)器和傳送帶啊?

[06:50.92]You're thinking of the moving assembly line,an understandable but not excusable mistake. 你說(shuō)的是流動(dòng)裝配線啊 可以理解但無(wú)法原諒的錯(cuò)誤

[06:55.47]No. The... 不是的 流動(dòng)...

[06:57.93]The moving assembly line,that was introduced by Henry Ford in 1908. 流動(dòng)裝配線是由亨利·福特 在1908年引進(jìn)的

[07:01.20]That innovation is what made possible our modern consumer culture 是這項(xiàng)革新技術(shù)通過(guò)低費(fèi)用生產(chǎn)

[07:04.64]by enabling a low-unit cost for manufactured goods. 促成了現(xiàn)代消費(fèi)文化

[07:07.43]I guess that isn't one of the topics discussed on your Radiohead. 我看Radiohead不講這些東西吧

[07:15.53]Let's go. We're going to miss the coming attractions. 走了 別錯(cuò)過(guò)精彩的事

[07:18.36]What's the matter? 怎么了?

[07:23.88]I think I bruised a testicle capturing that last pawn. 我想我吃上一個(gè)卒時(shí)挫傷了睪丸

[07:31.06]* Please pay attentn and listen to me* * Please pay attention and listen to me*

[07:34.18]* Give me some time to blow the man down * * Give me some time to blow the man down *

[07:37.49]* I'm a deepwater sailor just come from Hong Kong * * I'm a deepwater sailor just come from Hong Kong *

[07:40.84]* Give me way,hey,blow the man down * * Give me way, hey, blow the man down *

[07:43.91]* If you give me some whiskey I'll sing you a song * * If you give me some whiskey I'll sing you a song *

[07:47.04]* Give me some time to blow the man down.* * Give me some time to blow the man down.*

[07:49.92]Hello? 你們好哇?

[07:52.62]- Hello. - Hello. - 你們好 - 你們好

[07:54.16]* Come quickly lay aft To the break of the poop * * Come quickly lay after To the break of the poop *

[07:56.86]* To me way,hey,blow the man down * * To me way,hey,blow the man down *

[08:00.09]* Or I'll help you along with the toe of my boot * * Or I'll help you along with the toe of my boot *

[08:03.15]* Give me some time to blow the man down.* * Give me some time to blow the man down.*

[08:05.80]W-W-Wait,what's going on? 嘿嘿 這是怎么了?

[08:08.18]I assume you're referring to the sea shanty. 我猜你是說(shuō)這勞動(dòng)工作歌

[08:10.21]It's a rhythmic work song designed to increase productivity. 這是首用來(lái)提高生產(chǎn)力的 節(jié)奏感強(qiáng)的勞動(dòng)歌

[08:13.10]Yeah,it's crazy,but it totally works. 是啊 傻了吧唧 但的確有用

[08:14.74]Look,we made this Penny Blossom in under three minutes. 瞧 不到3分鐘就做好一個(gè)"Penny小花"

[08:18.04]Terrific,but that kind of raises more questions than it answers. 真棒 不過(guò)我們的疑問(wèn)倒是更多了

[08:23.06]Penny's making hair accessories. Penny在做頭飾

[08:24.69]I'm helping her optimize her manufacturing process. 我?guī)退晟扑闹谱鞴に?/p>

[08:27.23]All right,break's over. 好了 休息結(jié)束

[08:28.25]* Pay attention to orders now you one and all...* * Pay attention to orders now you one and all...*

[08:30.96]Hold on. What are you using as a bonding agent? 等等 你用什么粘的?

[08:33.77]- Hot glue. - You're kidding. - 熱粘接劑 - 傻了吧你

[08:35.10]Any of the cyanoacrylates would do a better job. 隨便一種氰基丙烯酸鹽粘合劑 粘的效果都會(huì)更好啊

[08:37.70]It won't work,the flower's too porous. 不行的 花的孔太多了

[08:39.64]What if we infused the bottom layer with silicone-RTV to provide a better mounting surface? 要是在底層那片注入硅橡膠 打好一個(gè)基礎(chǔ)面呢?

[08:44.53]Intriguing. 有點(diǎn)意思

[08:46.88]Good question. ****tion channels? 問(wèn)的好 你的市場(chǎng)銷售渠道呢?

[08:49.17]Well,there are the waitresses at my work,and this cute,little shop in Old Town... 有我上班那的服務(wù)生們 還有奧德城的一家小店...

[08:52.01]Hush,hush,hush,hush,hush-- virtually non-existent. 噓噓噓 事實(shí)上 沒(méi)有

[08:55.46]I'm thinking that we set her up with a hosted turnkey e-commerce system to start. 我在考慮我們讓她從 全權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)的電子商務(wù)做起

[08:59.40]Why not eliminate the middle man? 何不省去中間人呢?

[09:01.05]We couldnstall a small server farm with a static IP in her bedroom. 我們可以用她臥室的靜止IP 裝一個(gè)服務(wù)器場(chǎng)

[09:04.11]She'd need some kind of industrial cooling system. 她得要工業(yè)冷卻系統(tǒng)

[09:06.07]Of course,but before we set up a marketing and distribution infrastructure, 當(dāng)然 但建立銷售和分銷基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施前

[09:09.45]we should finish optimizing the manufacturing process. 我們得先完善好制作工藝

[09:11.97]To start with,she has a terrible problem with moisture-induced glitter clump. 首先 遇濕凝結(jié)的亮片是個(gè)老大難

[09:17.96]Yeah,it's a bitch. 是啊 煩透了

[09:22.09]Uh,I've seen this before. 哦 我見(jiàn)過(guò)

[09:25.13]Where? 在哪?

[09:26.00]It's a common stripper probl. 常見(jiàn)的脫衣舞女問(wèn)題

[09:30.64]They dance,they sweat,they clump. 她們跳啊 流汗啊 凝到一起

[09:37.62]Are you thinking about adding a desiccant like calcium sulfate? 你在想加入些除濕劑 比如說(shuō)硫酸鈣?

[09:40.67]Actually,I'm thinking about this one stripper named Vega. 事實(shí)上 我在想那叫Vega的脫衣舞女郎

[09:47.16]But sure,calcium sulfate uld work. 但當(dāng)然 硫酸鈣應(yīng)該行

[09:50.39]Let's think out of the box for a moment. 咱跳出框框想一想

[09:53.24]How about a molecular sieve? 分子篩怎么樣?

[09:57.24]I've got a spaghetti strainer in the kitchen. 我廚房有個(gè)意面濾網(wǎng)

[10:07.97]Hey,we could liberate some micro-porous charcoal from the chem lab. 我們可以從化學(xué)實(shí)驗(yàn)室弄點(diǎn)微孔木炭

[10:11.29]Oh,great. Raj,why don't you and Howard go get the charcoal? 哦 太好了 Raj 你和Howard去拿木炭吧

[10:14.63]Leonard,why don't you start working on some preliminary Web site designs. Leonard 你著手做網(wǎng)站的初步設(shè)計(jì)

[10:17.67]I'll make some space in our apartment so we can move the manufacturing process. 我去我們公寓騰點(diǎn)地方 好弄到那邊去制作

[10:21.51]Well,what's wrong with my apartment? 我的公寓怎么了?

[10:23.71]It's not my apartment. 因?yàn)椴皇俏业墓?/p>

[10:25.87]Wait,wait,what am I going to do? 等下啊 我干點(diǎn)啥呢?

[10:27.47]Uh,hey,it's your business. Do whatever you want. 嘿 是你的事嘛 想干啥干啥吧

[10:32.61]Okay,cool. 好吧

[10:36.05]I'm going to take a nap. 我睡一小覺(jué)去

[10:41.87]I'm still tweaking things a little bit,but this will give you the general idea of the Web site. 我還在不斷改進(jìn) 不過(guò)現(xiàn)在 也能看到網(wǎng)站的基本概念

[10:51.15]So,what do you guys think? 怎么樣?

[10:54.39]Uh,pretty much any way I say that is going to hurt his feelings. 呃...不管咋說(shuō)都會(huì)傷感情的

[11:02.06]Okay,what's wrong with it? 好吧 不足在哪里?

[11:03.55]- What's wrong with it? - Not you. I wasn't asking you. - 不足在哪里? - 你別說(shuō)話 沒(méi)問(wèn)你

[11:07.97]Penny? Penny?

[11:08.93]Uh,well,it's a little juvenile. 好吧 有點(diǎn)裝嫩

[11:11.43]I mean,it kind of looks like the MySpace page of a 13-year-old girl. 我是說(shuō) 感覺(jué)是13歲小姑娘的MySpace頁(yè)面

[11:16.06]No,it doesn't. 沒(méi)有啊

[11:17.62]Please. Dateline could use it to attract predators. 得了吧 可以用日期欄吊禽獸上鉤

[11:24.40]Penny,this is your enterprise,so it's ultimately your decision, Penny 這是你的生意 你有最終決定權(quán)

[11:28.65]but based on the quality of his work,I'd strongly recommend that we let Leonard go. 但鑒于Leonard的工作質(zhì)量 我強(qiáng)烈建議把他打發(fā)掉

[11:34.08]You want to fire me? 你想開(kāi)了我?

[11:35.38]What I want is irrelevant. This is Penny's decision. 我想怎樣沒(méi)關(guān)系 是Penny的決定

[11:39.07]Penny? Penny?

[11:40.90]Excuse me,but if I did such a bad job then why do we already have orders? 抱歉 要是我真做的那么糟 怎么會(huì)有訂單了呢?

[11:44.53]- We do? - Look. - 有了? - 瞧

[11:47.89]Mrs. Fiona Fondell from Huntsville,Alabama has ordered two. 阿拉巴馬Huntsville的Fiona Fondell女士 下了兩個(gè)訂單

[11:51.75]No kidding. Two? 真的啊 兩個(gè)?

[11:53.98]Look at the comments. 看看評(píng)論吧

[11:56.01]"Thank you,Penny Blossoms. These will be perfect to cover my bald spot." "謝謝 Penny小花 剛好可以 蓋住我謝頂?shù)牡胤?quot;

[12:02.25]that... that is so sweet. 真是...真是貼心啊

[12:04.55]Camouflaging bald spots. 遮蓋謝頂

[12:06.18]That's primarily a male concern. 男士一大隱患啊

[12:08.02]Perhaps we could expand our market. 可以以此拓寬市場(chǎng)

[12:11.14]How are flower barrettes going to appeal to men? 男的怎么會(huì)對(duì)花發(fā)夾感興趣的?

[12:17.43]We add Bluetooth! 加上藍(lán)牙!

[12:20.63]Brilliant. Men love Bluetooth. 聰明 男人喜歡藍(lán)牙

[12:23.38]Wait a minute,wait a minute,you want to make a hair barrette with Bluetooth? 等等 用藍(lán)牙做發(fā)夾?

[12:26.50]Penny,everything is better with Bluetooth. Penny 有了藍(lán)牙事半功倍

[12:33.87]Holy crap. Someone just ordered a thousand Penny Blossoms. 天吶 剛有人定了1千朵的Penny小花

[12:37.92]Get out! 不可能

[12:39.23]Who needs a thousand sparkly flower barrettes with rhinestones? 誰(shuí)會(huì)要一千個(gè)萊茵仿鉆花發(fā)夾啊?

[12:43.68]"The Fifth Annual East Rutherford,New Jersey,Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual and Transgender Alliance Luau." "新澤西東盧瑟福男同 女同 雙性戀 變性人聯(lián)盟5周年慶"

[12:50.26]Oh,another market to expand into-- balding gay men. 哦~我們還以發(fā)展一下謝頂同志

[12:55.01]And I'll bet lesbians love Bluetooth. 我打賭拉拉肯定也喜歡藍(lán)牙

[12:58.34]We should get to work. 開(kāi)工啦

[13:00.13]Wait,wait,why does it say "one-day rush"? 等等 為什么說(shuō)是"一天交貨"

[13:02.39]Since when do we offer a one-day rush? 我們什么時(shí)候有這服務(wù)了?

[13:04.51]Amazon offers one-day rush. 亞馬遜就有"一天交貨"

[13:06.58]Yeah,but they don't have to glue the books together. 是啊 但是他們不需要把書(shū)粘起來(lái)

[13:10.44]How the hell are we going to make a thousand Penny Blossoms in one day? 我們到底要怎樣才能 在一天內(nèi)做出一千個(gè)?

[13:13.78]Don't yell at me. I'm not manufacturing. I'm just Web design. 別對(duì)我吼 我又不是搞生產(chǎn)的 我只是設(shè)計(jì)網(wǎng)站而已啦

[13:17.57]Okay,well,I'm gonna have to call them and cancel the order. 好 那我打電話告訴他們?nèi)∠唵?/p>

[13:19.73]Excuse me,but was this not your goal? 等等 難道這不是你的目標(biāo)?

[13:23.04]Financial independence through entrepreneurial brilliance and innovation? 通過(guò)才智和創(chuàng)新的商業(yè)頭腦來(lái)財(cái)政獨(dú)立

[13:26.85]My brilliance and innovation,of course,but still. 我的才智和創(chuàng)新 當(dāng)然

[13:31.20]I just don't see how we can pull this off. 我只是不知道要怎么完成訂單

[13:33.48]That,right there,that equivocation and self-doubt,that is not the American spirit. 別 你這模棱兩可和自我懷疑 可不符合美國(guó)精神

[13:39.92]Did Davy Crockett quit at the Alamo? 大衛(wèi)·克勞克拉從阿拉莫之圍中退卻了嗎?

[13:42.20]Did Jim Bowie? 吉姆·鮑伊有嗎?

[13:44.04]They didn't quit. They were massacred... 沒(méi) 但他們被屠殺了

[13:48.03]by like a gazillion angry Mexicans. 被無(wú)數(shù)墨西哥暴民給屠殺了

[13:53.35]Let me put it this way. 這么說(shuō)吧

[13:54.89]Your gross receipts on this one order will be over $3,000 for one night's work. 你這一夜收入總額可以超過(guò)3000美金

[14:01.57]You guys get started. 你們快開(kāi)工

[14:04.35]- What are you doing? - Going online to buy shoes! - 那你干嘛? - 我要上網(wǎng)買(mǎi)鞋!

[14:09.99]She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes * She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes *

[14:13.50]She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes * She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes *

[14:17.08]She'll be coming round the mountain She'll be coming round the mountain... * She'll be coming round the mountain *

[14:20.44]You know,if I wanted to spend my Saturday nights doing this,I could have stayed in India. 早知道我要在周六晚上做這個(gè) 我還不如待在印度

[14:27.44]Oh,stop with the fake third world crap. 少裝可憐 瞎掰你那第三世界國(guó)家生活

[14:29.77]Your father's a gynecologist. And you had a house full of servants. 你爸是婦科醫(yī)生 你有一屋子仆人

[14:33.14]We only had four servants. 我們只有4個(gè)仆人

[14:34.97]And two of them were children. 其中2個(gè)還是未成年

[14:39.66]How we doing? 我們干的怎么樣了

[14:40.85]We have 128 assorted Penny Blossoms ready to ship. 已經(jīng)有128朵Penny小花可以發(fā)貨了

[14:44.39]Oh,God,we're never gonna finish in time. 上帝 我們不可能做得完的

[14:47.34]Who made Sheldon the boss anyway? 誰(shuí)提議讓Sheldon當(dāng)頭的?

[14:49.23]I believe I'm hearing some negativity on the factory floor. 有人在工廠里散布消極言論

[14:55.04]So? 所以呢?

[14:55.79]Penny,the labor force is a living organism that must be carefully nurtured. Penny 打工仔團(tuán)體是需要好好教育的

[15:00.01]Any counterproductive grumbling must be skillfully headed off by management. Observe. 任何會(huì)產(chǎn)生不良后果的抱怨 必須及時(shí)喝止 看著

[15:06.19]Less talk,more work! 少說(shuō)話 多干活

[15:11.18]- Nicely done. - Thank you. - 做的好 - 謝謝

[15:13.24]You hear any union talk,you let me know. 你要看到什么交頭接耳 告訴我

[15:18.47]* Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah...* * Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah...*

[15:24.20]* Someone's in the kitchen I know-ow-ow-ow * * Someone's in the kitchen I know-ow-ow-ow *

[15:29.66]* Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah...* * Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah...*

[15:33.80]Sheldon? Sheldon! Sheldon? Sheldon!

[15:35.18]'Cause I sold my soul to the company store. * 'Cause I sold my soul to the company store. *

[15:42.65]Honey,do you want some coffee? 要不要來(lái)點(diǎn)咖啡?

[15:44.43]I don't drink coffee. 我不喝咖啡

[15:45.48]Come on,but if you don't stay awake we'll never finish in time. 行了 你要是睡過(guò)去了 我們肯定完成不了

[15:48.14]I'm sorry,coffee's out of the question. 對(duì)不起 但是我絕不喝咖啡

[15:49.91]When I moved to California,I promised my mother that I wouldn't start doing drugs. 當(dāng)我搬來(lái)加利福尼亞 我答應(yīng)媽媽不磕藥的

[15:54.48]Leonard,help. Leonard 幫幫忙

[15:55.66]Sheldon,we still have 380 of these things to make. Sheldon 我們還有380個(gè)要做呢

[15:58.42]I have complete faith that you will make them. Good night. 晚安 你們行的 我對(duì)你們絕對(duì)有信心

[16:01.50]Leonard? Leonard?

[16:03.38]But,Sheldon,without your insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail. 但是 Shelon 沒(méi)了你英明的領(lǐng)導(dǎo) 我們的事業(yè)絕對(duì)是做不起來(lái)的

[16:11.65]You're right,of course. 當(dāng)然 你說(shuō)的對(duì)

[16:14.45]Here,this will help. 來(lái) 這個(gè)會(huì)有幫助

[16:18.16]Very well,but if this leads to opiates or hallucinogenics, 好吧 但要這讓我上癮或產(chǎn)生幻覺(jué)

[16:22.61]you're going to have to answer to my mother. 你得去和我媽交待了

[16:27.80]Look at Planck's Constant. People say it's arbitrary. 說(shuō)到普朗克常數(shù) 有人說(shuō)不確定

[16:30.86]It could not be less arbitrary. 怎么可能呢

[16:32.62]If it varied slightly,life as we know it would not exist. Bam! 如果它稍有改變 我們所知的世界將不復(fù)存在 嘣!

[16:40.56]Now,now,let's reconsider the entire argument,but with entropy reversed and effect preceding cause. 現(xiàn)在 讓我們考慮熵的改變 和因果聯(lián)系 重新來(lái)看這論點(diǎn)

[16:46.61]So you are thinking of a universe that's not expanding from the center-- 你想到的是不由中心擴(kuò)張的宇宙

[16:50.10]no,it is retreating from a,from a possibility space. Bam! 對(duì)的 而是從可能性空間衰減 嘣!

[16:57.08]This is a space where we are all essentially Alice through the looking glass, 在那個(gè)空間 我們就像愛(ài)麗絲夢(mèng)游仙境

[17:01.30]standing in front the Red Queen,and we're being offered a cracker to quench our thirst. 穿過(guò)鏡子站到紅心皇后面前 被給予餅干來(lái)充饑

[17:06.90]Bam! 嘣!

[17:09.16]Of course,in another universe,let's call it universe prime, 當(dāng)然 在另外一個(gè)宇宙 讓我們暫時(shí)稱之為超宇宙

[17:11.73]there's another Sheldon,let's call him Sheldon prime... 那個(gè)宇宙也有個(gè)Sheldon 讓我們稱為超Sheldon

[17:13.00]- We should have let him go to bed. - Bam. - 真該讓他睡覺(jué)去 - 嘣!

[17:19.87]I can't believe we actually did it. 難以置信 我們居然完成了

[17:22.68]1,000 friggin' Penny Blossoms. 奶奶的1000朵Penny小花

[17:27.68]I just want you guys to know I am really grateful for your help. 真是太謝謝你們的幫助了

[17:30.70]And for ever dollar I make,I'm going to give you 20 cents. 每掙一塊錢(qián)我分20分給你們

[17:35.12]That's your entire profit margin. 那是你所有的利潤(rùn)了

[17:38.47]Then never mind. 哦 那算了

[17:41.33]I'll print out the shippi label. 我打印發(fā)貨標(biāo)簽

[17:48.07]What? 等等?

[17:49.43]We got an e-mail from the East Rutherford,New Jersey,Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual and Transgender Alliance. 新澤西東盧瑟福男同 女同 雙性戀 變性人聯(lián)盟又來(lái)了封郵件

[17:56.64]They want another thousand Penny Blossoms. 他們?cè)僖?000朵Penny小花

[17:59.55]Really? 真的?

[18:00.95]One-day rush. 一天交貨

[18:03.66]I really need to take that off the Web site. 我真得把這選項(xiàng)改了去

[18:07.72]d better get started. 我們最好現(xiàn)在開(kāi)工

[18:10.78]You can't be serious. 你開(kāi)玩笑吧

[18:13.30]Come on. What about the living organism of the workforce and the American spirit? 我們可是有美國(guó)精神的職工團(tuán)體

[18:19.29]And Jiminy Crockett at the Alamo? 還有阿拉莫之圍里的占美尼?

[18:23.92]Davy Crockett. Jiminy Crockett was a cricket. 是大衛(wèi)·克勞克拉 占美尼是匹諾曹里的蟋蟀啦

[18:27.56]Yes,yes,I know that,okay? 行啦 行啦 我知道?

[18:29.22]I'm tired-- I've had like 18 cups of coffee. 我累了 我已經(jīng)喝了18杯咖啡了

[18:30.95]The point is,if we just pull together,we can do this. 關(guān)鍵是 我們齊心協(xié)力 一定行的

[18:34.84]Who's with me? 誰(shuí)支持我?

[18:40.28]Penny,although you may find it hard to believe,we do have lives. Penny 雖然你可能很難相信 但是我們都有自己的生活

[18:49.73]Leonard? Leonard?

[18:52.53]Sorry. 對(duì)不起

[18:54.90]My apologies to the gay community of East Rutherford,New Jersey. 新澤西東盧瑟福同性聯(lián)盟 我實(shí)在抱歉

[19:04.02]Zoom,zoom,zoom! 咻 咻 咻!

[19:10.57]Where's the coffee? 咖啡呢?

[19:12.66]We're all out. 都喝光了

[19:16.35]No problem. 沒(méi)問(wèn)題

[19:18.24]I'll be back before this banana hits the ground. 我會(huì)在香蕉落地前回來(lái)

[19:21.86]Zoom,zoom,zoom,zoom! Zoom,zoom,zoom,zoom! 咻 咻 咻 咻!

[19:48.33]Yes! 耶!

[19:51.69]Sorry,guys,but Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Lunch is just stupid. 對(duì)不起 伙計(jì)們 但激光障礙午餐特工真的很傻


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