第十二章 艾德
[00:00.01]The summons came in the hour before the dawn, when the world was still and grey.
[00:09.59]Alyn shook him roughly from his dreams and Ned stumbled into the predawn chill, groggy from sleep, to find his horse saddled and the king already mounted.
[00:22.08]Robert wore thick brown gloves and a heavy fur cloak with a hood that covered his ears, and looked for all the world like a bear sitting a horse.
[00:31.52]“Up, Stark!” he roared. “Up, up! We have matters of state to discuss.”
[00:38.33]“By all means,” Ned said. “Come inside, Your Grace.” Alyn lifted the flap of the tent.
[00:44.05]“No, no, no,” Robert said. His breath steamed with every word. “The camp is full of ears.
[00:50.44]Besides, I want to ride out and taste this country of yours.”
[00:54.15]Ser Boros and Ser Meryn waited behind him with a dozen guardsmen, Ned saw. There was nothing to do but rub the sleep from his eyes, dress, and mount up.
[01:05.49]Robert set the pace, driving his huge black destrier hard as Ned galloped along beside him, trying to keep up.
[01:13.42]He called out a question as they rode, but the wind blew his words away, and the king did not hear him.
[01:20.16]After that Ned rode in silence. They soon left the kingsroad and took off across rolling plains dark with mist.
[01:29.12]By then the guard had fallen back a small distance, safely out of earshot, but still Robert would not slow.