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百科知識視頻之煎蛋小學堂57 神奇的美帝





The United States is shockingly a bunch of states that are united.It was just 13 to start with,but as time marched on,the border marked west,bring as to today and the 48 contiguous states plus Alaska and Hawaii usually drawn in these little boxes,not to scale because Hawaii is in the middle of the vast ocean of deadly nothingness.and Alaska is monstrous.

美利堅合眾國是一堆聯(lián)合的州。一開始只有十三個,但隨著時間流逝 邊界西移,形成了今天四十八個相互接壤的州 還有阿拉斯加和夏威夷 它們常不以相同比例尺繪于這些小方格中 因為夏威夷在一片虛無的汪洋大海中央 而阿拉斯加大得像個怪物。

Unlike other unions,where members can leave if they so choose,statehood is eternal.Even for you,Texas.Now,how the federal government works is a story for another time,but at the moment,all you need know is that Congrress,where national laws are written is made of representative sent from the states.

美國不像其它聯(lián)盟 成員可以想離開就離開,它們的地位是永恒的。德克薩斯 你也一樣。欲知聯(lián)邦政府如何工作 且聽下回分解。但現(xiàn)在你只需要知道國會就行,國會起草全國性的法令 由各州派來的議員組成。

Now,there are some non-state gaps not visible on this map.The first is Washington D.C.the nation's capital,which is a stateless limbo land between Maryland and Virginia.As D.C.is a city without a state it puts her under the control of congress.meaning that all the other states get the final say on,how D.C.is run while she doesn't get a vote in anything.It didn't matter when this District of Columbia was basically uninhabited.since more people live in D.C.now than do in a couple of states,It's an uncomfortable arrangement.

有些間隔并非州界 在地圖上并不可見。第一個是華盛頓特區(qū) 美國國都,她位于馬里蘭州和弗吉尼亞州之間 但邊界很模糊。由于華盛頓特區(qū)不屬于任何一個州 于是她受到國會的管轄 意即所有其他的州對華盛頓特區(qū)如何運轉 具有最終決定權 而特區(qū)卻無法作出決定。首都基本沒人住的時候還無所謂 自從現(xiàn)在住在首都的人比一些州的居民都多 這樣的安排就令人不適了。

The other gaps on the map are American Indian reservations which are numerous.United States kind of administers them.while sort of treating them as foreign nations,which means you could draw these states boundaries to look like this.because the reservations are kind of apart from those states.But the American Indian Reservations are such.a full of asterisks also sensitive situations.

地圖上另一些間隙是眾多的印第安人保留區(qū)。美國有點像是在管轄著它們 但同時也把它們類似于外國來對待 也就是說 你可以把州界這樣來畫 因為保留區(qū)有點像是與這些州分離開來。但美國印第安人保留區(qū) 有許多加星號的敏感的情況.

It's also better as a story for another time.Gaps aside,the continent and Hawaii is mostly straightforward but there's more than just these United States.When the U.S.ran out of land to Manifest Destiny,she learned from the best and territory fight a whole bunch of islands.

我們還是下次再說好了。除了這些間隙 美國本土和夏威夷說來直白明了 但合眾國的成員不止這些。當美國無法再進行土地擴張事實,她向老大哥英國學習 爭奪到了許多島嶼。

First up,Puerto Rico.An organized and incooperated territory of US.This means she is self governing to some extent,and then all of U.S.constitution doesn't automatically apply on the island.Now 3.7 million people live in Puerto Rico,which is 91% of the people living on U.S.territorial islands and more people than live in 21 of the states.

首先就是波多黎各 它是非合并建制領土。這意味著她在某種意義上是自治的,因此并非所有的美國憲法都在島上自動適用。現(xiàn)在有370萬人生活在波多黎各,占美國海外島嶼領土的91% 比這21個州的人口都要多。

And U.S.treats Puerto Rico as a state in almost all but names.Possibly soon she will be anyway.bring the number of stars to a nice even 51.But Puerto Rico isn't the only organized incooperated territory.There is also Guam,which was acquired in the Spanish-American war along with Puerto Rico.There's the Northern Mariana Islands taken from Japan during WWII and the US Virgin Islands taken from nobody.Denmark sold her.The people in these territories are American citizens.

美國已經把波多黎各當做一個實質上的州。她有可能很快就成為一個州。讓國旗上的星星數目勻稱 變成51個。但是波多黎各并不是唯一的非合并建制領土。還有關島 它是美國在同西班牙的戰(zhàn)爭中 隨波多黎各一同得到的,還有美國在二戰(zhàn)中從日本攫取的被馬里亞納群島 還有美屬維爾京群島。丹麥把她賣給了美國,這些領土上的人是美國公民。

In most ways the territories are just like DC.Congress can override their local government and they don't have representation because no state-tation,But otherwise,it's America.Actually the territories and D.C.do get to elect congressional representatives to attend all of the meetings but just can't vote in any of them which is either the worst job in the world,or the best job in the world depending on the kind of person who gets it.Also,since votes for president are based on state population citizens in the territories can't vote.which,as mentioned in the previous video,leaved to the weird situation that Americans who lives in the foreign countries.can vote for president in the state where they last lived,while Americans who live in America just in the territory can not.

大多情況下這些領土和華盛頓特區(qū)一樣。美國國會直接管轄其地方政府 但是他們在國會沒有代表權 因為他們并不是一個州 不過他們仍屬于美國。這些領土和華盛頓特區(qū)確實選出了國會議員 他們參加所有會議 但是不能對任何提案投票 這要么是世界上最糟糕的工作,要么是世界上最好的工作 就看是誰得到這份工了。因為總統(tǒng)的選票是基于各州的人口,海外領土上的公民無法投票。正如我們上一個視頻提到的,形成了一種奇怪的情況 在國外的美國人 能夠向最后曾居住的州給總統(tǒng)投票,但有些居住在美國領土的美國人卻不能投票。

Along with these unincorporated organized territories,there are also unincorporated unorganized territories.Actually quite a few,They are Howland Island,Navassa Island,Wake Island,Jarvis Island,Johnston Atoll,Kingman Reef,Midway Reef,Serranilla Bank,and Bajo Nuevo Bank.Most of these were acquired under the delightfully Guano Island Act.when the U.S.decided she wanted a bunch of Islands filled with bird poop,No,really the US just straight up brutal law to declare that those islands are now hers.Unorganized in this system means there's no local governments on these islands,because no one lives in these places,Some of them are barely above the waterline.

除了這些非合并建制領土,還有非合并非建制領土。實際上有挺多的。豪蘭島 納弗沙島 威克島 賈維斯島 約翰斯頓環(huán)礁,金曼礁 中途島 塞拉尼納島和海燕群島。大多數島嶼都是由于“鳥糞島法案”而獲得的。當時美國覺得 她需要許多裝滿鳥屎的島嶼。不 實際上美國是直截了當地聲明 這些島嶼就是她的。在這個制度中 非建制的意思是這些島嶼中沒有地方政府 因為那些地方無人居住。有些島嶼幾乎在水線以下。

Now,the weird category is the unorganized incorporated territories,of which there is one,the Palmyra Atoll.claimed by the US after the totally peaceful annexation of Hawaii.There are currently an uninhabited nature reserve,but incorporated means that the US constitution applies here to who?The Palmyra Atoll is like that question about a tree falling in the forest.If there are no people for the constitution to apply to.Does the constitution still apply?Yes.

有一個奇怪的分類是合并非建制領土,它只有一個 巴爾米拉環(huán)礁。在美國“和平”兼并夏威夷后 聲明為美國領土?,F(xiàn)有一個無人居住的自然保護區(qū),那合并意味著美國憲法能對誰起效呢?巴爾米拉環(huán)礁的情況就像一顆樹倒在森林里那樣。如果沒有人住在憲法適用的地區(qū)。憲法還適用嗎 答案是 能。

This means if a foreigner gives birth on this uninhabited strip,and doesn't die from the nature,their child would be an American citizen.Now,this category is empty.It's where territories go before they come state.when basically the constitution fully applies and it's last occupied by Hawaii.We got full circle,but there is one territory we've left out.American Samoa,home to 55,000 people.Uniquely,American Samoans don't get to be citizens,but instead are American Nationals.They can live in the states but can't vote in presidential elections.unless they go to the immigration process like any foreigner.

這意味著如果一個外國人在這片無人島上生下一個孩子,并且沒有死去 他們的孩子就會成為美國公民?,F(xiàn)在這個類別是空的。這是領土成為州之前所在 之地。此時憲法在領土上完全適用 夏威夷曾最后一次占據這個類別。我們轉了一圈 但我們還漏掉了一個地方。美屬薩摩亞 有五萬五千人住在那兒。美屬薩摩亞人特別之處在于他們并非美國公民,但卻是美國國民。他們可以在各州居住 但卻不能在總統(tǒng)選舉中投票 除非他們像外國人那樣走移民程序。

Even though,in all other ways,they are indistinguishable from citizens.This is unique to American Samoa and there seems to be no reason for it other than that the congress hasn't gotten around to updating the system.The American Samoa is in the no government category.like it's the Lord of the Files over there.which it obviously isn't.American Samoa with its organized governments needs to go over here,and Puerto Rico,essentially a state,needs to go over here,and the empty Palmyra Atoll needs to go over here.But don't hold your breath for the paper work.to make it way through Congress any time soon.

即便如此 在其它任何方面 他們與公民并無區(qū)別。這對于美屬薩摩亞來說非常獨特 看上去毫無緣由 國會并沒有使得這樣的制度得到升級。美屬薩摩亞在無政府的分類中。就像分類中的“蠅王”。很明顯它不是。有著建制政府的美屬薩摩亞 應該被移到這兒,波多黎各 實際上是一個州 應該移到這,無人居住的巴爾米拉環(huán)礁 應該被移到這兒。但是對于國會能盡快通過這些法案 還是別期望太高了

So that's all the territory of the United States.But there is one final thing to talk about.Three tiny nations:Palau,The Marshal Islands,and the Federated Sates of Micronesia.This last as an convenient domain name .FM first choice of quality podcast everywhere HINT HINT CLICK CLICK ,These are separate countries with UN seats and everything but they have quote Compact of Free Association with the United States.

所以這就是美國的所有領土了。但是最后還要提一點。三個小國家 帕勞 馬紹爾群島 密克羅尼西亞聯(lián)邦。最后一個國家有個合適的域名。fm 是各地高品質播客的不二選擇 啪啪啪 這些國家是獨立的 它們有聯(lián)合國席位 有各種權利 但它們與美國簽訂了一個自由聯(lián)合條約。

The deal is that the US provides economic support and military defense to the compact nations in return for being allowed to build military bases there.Also,compact citizens can live and work in the United States and vice versa.The Americans wanting to live aboard.you have three easy options.So that's America,50 states,many reservations.one district,lots of islands territories,some even with people three tiny associated countries.

條約規(guī)定 美國向其提供經濟支持和軍事防衛(wèi) 反過來 條約國允許美國在其領土建設軍事基地。條約國公民可以在美國居住和工作 反之亦然。想在國外生活的美國人 你們有三個便利的選擇。這就是美國 五十個州 許多保留地 一個特區(qū) 許多島嶼和海外領土 有的甚至有人居住 還有三個小盟國。


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