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What do professors think of slow learners in the classroom?老師怎么看待學習慢的學生?


獲得272.3k好評的回答@Richard Muller:

When I was five years old, I played the role of the turtle in a play organized by my older sister. I had one line at the end, when I beat the sleeping rabbit to the finish line: slow and steady wins the race.我五歲時在我姐姐組織的一場演出中扮演烏龜,最后打敗熟睡的兔子沖過終點線時有一句臺詞:又慢又穩(wěn)贏得了比賽。I’ve always felt that those words guided my career. I was never the fastest; I was rarely an A student. 我總是感覺那些話對我的事業(yè)有指導作用,我從來不是最快的,我?guī)缀鯖]得過A。But as the careers of others stalled, I kept going. 但當其他人事業(yè)停滯不前時,我的事業(yè)一直在發(fā)展。My goal was always the same: to learn more this year than I had last year.我的目標始終如一:今年要比去年多學點東西。When I see slow students, that’s what I think of. 我看到學習慢的學生時就是這樣想的。Are those the students who will keep learning over their entire lifetime, and leave the “quick” students far behind?那些學生能否終其一生都在學習,然后把學習快的學生遠遠落在后面?


獲得1.4k好評的回答@ Gene Spafford:

Some people have difficulty with particular topics. They may also have a slow deliberate style. 有些人理解某些特定話題有困難,他們可能是緩慢從容的風格。I don’t have a problem with them either, so long as they are trying. 我教他們也沒什么困難,只要他們努力即可。I usually have them come in to see me during office hours, and/or spend time with a TA (if there is one) if they need the extra help. 我經(jīng)常會在工作期間叫他們來見我,或者如果他們需要額外幫助就讓他們跟助教聊聊(如果有助教的話)。The goal of education is not to gain as much knowledge as quickly as possibly, but to gain useful knowledge and retain it. 教育的目標不是以最快速度獲取最多知識,而是要獲取有用的知識并記在大腦里。As such, I would prefer a slow, thoughtful student to a fast, superficial one.正因如此,相較于學習快、膚淺的學生而言,我更喜歡學習慢但深思熟慮的學生。


獲得2.2k好評的回答@Alvin Grissom II:

Technically, I’m not a professor yet, but I have taught middle and high school students, and I’m currently teaching undergraduate machine learning. 從專業(yè)角度來說,我還不是一名教授,但我教過中學生和高中生,我現(xiàn)在教大學生機器學習。As a teacher, I don’t care how “fast” someone learns something. 作為一名教師,我不在乎學生學習有多快。There may be a lot of reasons someone picks up a particular subject or topic more quickly: more background, natural adeptness, previous exposure to the material, more sleep that night, less stress, and so on.有很多原因會導致學生學習某一特定學科或話題比別人快:更多的背景知識、天生的熟練、之前接觸過相關(guān)材料、前一晚睡眠更充足、壓力更小等。We process information differently. 我們處理信息有所不同。To use myself as an example, I tended to be comparatively slow in my advanced undergraduate mathematics classes. 以我自己為例,我在大學高數(shù)課上就屬于相對學習慢的。In retrospect, I’ve come to realize that one of the ways I learn is “error-based.” That is, I effectively learn by making mistakes. 回顧過去,我意識到我的一種學習方法是“以錯為鑒”,就是通過犯錯有效地學習。This may be slower than other methods of learning, but when I learn something, I really learn it.這個方法可能比其他學習方法慢,但只要我學會了,就是真的學會了。Personally, I think that this method of learning is well-suited for research. Now, this is quite different from someone who is simply unprepared for a course.就我個人而言,我認為這種學習方法很適合做研究?,F(xiàn)在我要說明一下這跟課前準備不充分可不是一回事。


獲得1k好評的回答 @Thomas R. Jackson:

I seldom worried about “slow learners” when teaching residents or even medical students. I knew these young men and women could learn. 在教當?shù)鼐用窕蛘呱踔玲t(yī)學生時我不怎么擔心學得慢的人,我知道這些年輕人能學會。There is a lot of material to master in medicine, but there is also time. That is what training programs are about. 醫(yī)學上有很多需要掌握的材料,但也需要時間,這就是培訓項目的意義所在。Like in so many other professions, knowledge is only a part of being a doctor. 像很多其他職業(yè)一樣,知識只是醫(yī)生職業(yè)的一部分。I spent decades learning enough to be a doctor and decades more keeping up and improving. 我花費數(shù)十年時間學習醫(yī)生所需的足夠多的東西,又花費數(shù)十年時間追趕潮流并提高自我。It never stops, and never should.學習永不停歇,也永遠不該停下。Slow learners need a study plan, and time, and good classes, and periodic assessment. 學習慢的人需要學習計劃、時間、好的課堂和定期評估。Now the world is competitive and sometimes being too slow means you miss out. 現(xiàn)在社會競爭激烈,有時速度太慢意味著你會錯過機會。But speed is seldom the biggest marker of success. Learning, like a career, or like life, is a marathon, not a sprint.但速度也極少是成功最大的標志。學習就像事業(yè)或生活一樣,是一場馬拉松,而不是沖刺。





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