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BBC News: 美國政府未對波多黎各進行財政救助





Hello, I am Neil Nunes with the BBC news.


In a rare clash between the executive and the judiciary, the German Justice Minister has sacked the country's top prosecutor Harald Range over a controversial treason case. Rister Booker has the details.

德國司法部和行政部發(fā)生鮮有沖突,德國司法部長由于備具爭議的叛國罪解雇了國家最高檢察官Harald Range。下面是Rister Booker為您帶來詳細報道。

The dispute between the government and Mr. Harald focuses on a blog called Netzpolitik which is alleged to have committed treason by publishing state secrets. This involves allegations about plans to step up the surveillance of online communications. Earlier in the day, Mr. Harald said he had been ordered to withdraw an independent expert who was due to decide if the documents were state secrets. He described this as intolerable. But the Justice Minister rejected this and said the prosecutor could no longer be trusted with his office.”


The security forces in South Sudan have shut down a radio station and a newspaper that supported a plan to end the country's civil war. The authorities forced Free Voice South Sudan to go off air on Tuesday a day after closing the Citizen newspaper. International mediators have given President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar until mid-August to sign a peace agreement. President Obama accused the two men of squandering good will for the world's youngest nation.

南蘇丹安全武裝力量關閉了支持結束國家內戰(zhàn)計劃的廣播電臺和報紙媒體。在封鎖《國民報》后,官方強令南蘇丹禁播《自由之聲》。國際媒體要求總統(tǒng)薩爾瓦和反對派領導人Riek Machar到八月中旬簽署和平協(xié)議。美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬指責兩人辜負了世界對這個最年輕的國家的希望。

A police helicopter has crashed in a remote jungle area of northwest Colombia killing 16 officers. They were involved in an operation to try to arrest one of the leaders of the Clan Usuga, a drug gang that operates in the region. Our America’s editor Leonardo Rocha has the details.

一架軍用直升機在哥倫比亞西南遠方的熱帶叢林中墜毀,造成16名職員死亡。當時這架飛機正在追捕活躍在這片區(qū)域的販毒團伙的頭目Clan Usuga。下面是本臺美國記者Leonardo Rocha為您帶來詳細報道。

“The area of dense forest for the crash took place known as Uraba Antioquia is a high doubt for Colombia's leftwing rebels and criminal gangs. When the crash was reported on Colombian media, rumors of an attack began to circulate. But the Colombian Defense Minister Luis Carlos Villegas told the report that the Black Hawk helicopter had probably crashed against a side of a mountain possibly due to low cloud cover.”

發(fā)生墜機的這片茂密叢林為安蒂奧基亞省的烏拉瓦,是叛亂組織遺留分子和販毒團伙最有可能出現(xiàn)的地方。這次墜機事件被哥倫比亞媒體報道后,有謠言傳出將會發(fā)生襲擊。但是哥倫比亞國防部長Luis Carlos Villegas澄清此次報道,指出,“黑鷹”直升機有可能因為低云層撞上山峰而發(fā)生墜毀的。

The US government says it is not considering a bailout program for Puerto Rico which missed a debt payment on Monday raising fears that the island won't be able to keep paying its creditors. The island, which is an American territory, has debts amounting to 72 billion dollars. A White House spokesman Josh Earnest gave this statement.

美國政府聲稱將不會考慮對波多黎各的緊急財政救助。波多黎各周一未能支付貨款,這在整個島嶼引起恐慌,認為國家沒有能力償還貸款。屬于美國國土一部分的波多黎各欠債大72億美元。一位白宮發(fā)言人Josh Earnest發(fā)表如下聲明:

"We believe Puerto Rico needs an orderly process to restructure its unsustainable liabilities. Unfortunately, Puerto Rico's significant financial challenges didn't begin overnight and this latest development set against the backdrop of ongoing broader economic challenges across the island."


The authorities in North Korea have released a video of a Canadian preacher in which he confesses committing crimes against the state. Reverend Hyeon Soo Lim was arrested in Pyongyang in February when on a regular visit to the country where he has helped to set up an orphanage. The film shows him apparently reading a script admitting defaming North Korea.

朝鮮當局公開了一位加拿大牧師承認犯有詆毀朝鮮的罪行的視頻。Reverend Hyeon Soo Lim was arrested于二月份在平壤被巡邏部隊被捕,當時他正幫忙籌建孤兒院。視頻中清楚顯示,他正念著一張稿子,承認誹謗朝鮮。

World news from the BBC.


The Israeli authorities have for the first time placed a Jewish suspect in administrative detention in a fact jailing him without trial. They said Mordechai Meyer, an Israeli settler, was detained because of his involvement in violent activities and recent terrorist attacks. Administrative detention is normally applied to Palestinians. The move follows the death of an 18-month-old Palestinian child in an arson attack blamed on hard line Jewish nationalists.

以色列當局首次將一名猶太人未經審判進行行政拘留。他們表示,定居在以色列的Mordechai Meyer因為卷入最近的暴力活動和恐怖襲擊而被拘留。對巴勒斯塔來說,行政拘留很正常。在此之前,一名18個月大的巴勒斯坦嬰兒死于系猶太人縱的大眾中。

There are reports that at least five American trained Syrian rebels have been captured by a rival group the al-Nusra Front which is linked to Al Qaeda. Al-Nusra was quoted as saying that its captives were from a US backed organization known as Division 30. It is the second time in a week that al-Nusra Front has made such a claim.

有報道稱,至少5名接受美國訓練的敘利亞叛兵被和基地組織有聯(lián)系的al-Nusra Front組織逮捕。al-Nusra Front稱,人質是美國支持的30師部的士兵。這是一周內第二次al-Nusra Front發(fā)表這樣的生命。

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese in the American state of Milwaukee has agreed to pay 21 million dollars to more than 300 victims of sexual abuse by clergy. The settlement is designed to end a bankruptcy proceeding that’s lasted four years. And lawyer for some of the victims accused the church of treating the abused survivors harshly using tough legal tactics.


Scientists in the United States say they have solved the riddle of why a large number of precariously balanced rocks located near the San Andreas fault line in California have never been toppled by earthquakes. Johansson Web explains.

美國科學家聲稱他們未能解釋為什么位于加利福尼亞州圣安地列斯斷層線附近的許多變化不穩(wěn)的巨石在地震時不被震倒。下面是Johansson Web報道。

“Seismologists have cataloged the rocks in detail measuring how long they have stood and how much shaking would tip them over. They found that the rock stacks, some of which have balanced for 18000 years, must have withstood multiple major quakes. By modeling how this could have happened, the team produced a new description of how the San Andreas interacts with the neighboring San Jacinto fault. This interaction can cause quakes to peter out or to jump from one fault to the other.”


BBC news.


Hello, I am Neil Nunes with the BBC news.

In a rare clash between the executive and the judiciary, the German Justice Minister has sacked the country's top prosecutor Harald Range over a controversial treason case. Rister Booker has the details.

“The dispute between the government and Mr. Harald focuses on a blog called Netzpolitik which is alleged to have committed treason by publishing state secrets. This involves allegations about plans to step up the surveillance of online communications. Earlier in the day, Mr. Harald said he had been ordered to withdraw an independent expert who was due to decide if the documents were state secrets. He described this as intolerable. But the Justice Minister rejected this and said the prosecutor could no longer be trusted with his office.”

The security forces in South Sudan have shut down a radio station and a newspaper that supported a plan to end the country's civil war. The authorities forced Free Voice South Sudan to go off air on Tuesday a day after closing the Citizen newspaper. International mediators have given President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar until mid-August to sign a peace agreement. President Obama accused the two men of squandering good will for the world's youngest nation.

A police helicopter has crashed in a remote jungle area of northwest Colombia killing 16 officers. They were involved in an operation to try to arrest one of the leaders of the Clan Usuga, a drug gang that operates in the region. Our America’s editor Leonardo Rocha has the details.

“The area of dense forest for the crash took place known as Uraba Antioquia is a high doubt for Colombia's leftwing rebels and criminal gangs. When the crash was reported on Colombian media, rumors of an attack began to circulate. But the Colombian Defense Minister Luis Carlos Villegas told the report that the Black Hawk helicopter had probably crashed against a side of a mountain possibly due to low cloud cover.”

The US government says it is not considering a bailout program for Puerto Rico which missed a debt payment on Monday raising fears that the island won't be able to keep paying its creditors. The island, which is an American territory, has debts amounting to 72 billion dollars. A White House spokesman Josh Earnest gave this statement.

"We believe Puerto Rico needs an orderly process to restructure its unsustainable liabilities. Unfortunately, Puerto Rico's significant financial challenges didn't begin overnight and this latest development set against the backdrop of ongoing broader economic challenges across the island."

The authorities in North Korea have released a video of a Canadian preacher in which he confesses committing crimes against the state. Reverend Hyeon Soo Lim was arrested in Pyongyang in February when on a regular visit to the country where he has helped to set up an orphanage. The film shows him apparently reading a script admitting defaming North Korea.

World news from the BBC.

The Israeli authorities have for the first time placed a Jewish suspect in administrative detention in a fact jailing him without trial. They said Mordechai Meyer, an Israeli settler, was detained because of his involvement in violent activities and recent terrorist attacks. Administrative detention is normally applied to Palestinians. The move follows the death of an 18-month-old Palestinian child in an arson attack blamed on hard line Jewish nationalists.

There are reports that at least five American trained Syrian rebels have been captured by a rival group the al-Nusra Front which is linked to Al Qaeda. Al-Nusra was quoted as saying that its captives were from a US backed organization known as Division 30. It is the second time in a week that al-Nusra Front has made such a claim.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese in the American state of Milwaukee has agreed to pay 21 million dollars to more than 300 victims of sexual abuse by clergy. The settlement is designed to end a bankruptcy proceeding that’s lasted four years. And lawyer for some of the victims accused the church of treating the abused survivors harshly using tough legal tactics.

Scientists in the United States say they have solved the riddle of why a large number of precariously balanced rocks located near the San Andreas fault line in California have never been toppled by earthquakes. Johansson Web explains.

“Seismologists have cataloged the rocks in detail measuring how long they have stood and how much shaking would tip them over. They found that the rock stacks, some of which have balanced for 18000 years, must have withstood multiple major quakes. By modeling how this could have happened, the team produced a new description of how the San Andreas interacts with the neighboring San Jacinto fault. This interaction can cause quakes to peter out or to jump from one fault to the other.”

BBC news.


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