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BBC News: 潘基文解雇一名性侵幼女的中非負責人





Marshall with the BBC news.


Huge explosions have rocked Chinese port city of Tianjin. State media say 13 people have been killed and hundreds of others injured. The state broadcaster said residents had been moved 10km from the explosion zone as buildings were collapsing. Our China correspondent John Sudworthreports.

中國港口城市天津發(fā)生重大爆炸事故。國家媒體報道稱,目前已有13人死亡,數(shù)百人受傷。國家媒體表示,由于爆炸造成建筑倒塌,距離爆炸中心10千米范圍的居民已經(jīng)轉移。本臺駐中國記者John S報道。

“The scale of the disaster is illustrated by one particular piece of mobile phone video taken from a high-rise apartment block. It shows a bright burning glow on the horizon at a distance of around 2km, possibly more, and clearly something large is on fire, then suddenly another bright flashes a huge fireball, lights up the sky. The man filming can be heard talking excitedly and then a full 8 seconds later, the force of the blast rattles the building violently, one can only imagine the effect on the buildings, clearly visible in silhouette, much closer to the blast.”


The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has sacked the head of the UN peace keeping mission in the Central African Republic. Mr. Ban said the Senegalese diplomat Babacar Gaye would step down as head of mission. Human rights group Amnesty International has accused UN peace keepers of raping a 12-year old girl, and of killing a boy and his father. Mr. Ban expressed outrage over the reports.

聯(lián)合國秘書長潘基文解雇了聯(lián)合國駐中非共和國維和任務負責人。潘基文表示,這位來自塞內加爾的領導人蓋伊(Babacar Gaye)辭去維和任務負責人一職。人權組織國際特赦組織指控聯(lián)合國維和人員強奸一名12歲的幼女,殺害了一名男孩和他的父親。潘基文對這些報告表示憤怒。

“I cannot put into words how anguished and angered and ashamed I am by recurrent reports over the years of sexual exploitation, and abuse by UN forces. When the United Nations deploys the peacekeepers, we do so to protect the world's most vulnerable people.”


The Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic says he fears the worst for a Croatian hostage kidnapped in Egypt following reports that he has been killed by militants affiliated to the Islamic State group. Mr. Milanovic said he could not be 100% certain that Tomislav Salopec was dead, but described the situation as horrifying.

克羅地亞總理米拉諾維奇(Zoran Milanovic)表示,他擔心在埃及被綁架的克羅地亞人質可能已經(jīng)發(fā)生了最糟糕的狀況。此前有報道稱人質已被附屬于伊斯蘭國組織的激進分子殺害。米拉諾維奇表示,他不能百分之百確定托米斯拉夫(Tomislav Salopek)已經(jīng)遇難,但是形勢非常嚴峻。

United States’ most senior soldier has suggested that the country should considered deploying troops with their Iraq counterparts if progress is not made within a month in the fight against Islamic state. The army's chief of staff General Ray O’Diano says such forces would have a support rather than a combat role.

美國高級軍官建議如果幾個月內打擊伊斯蘭國的任務未取得進展,國家應該考慮向伊拉克派駐軍隊。陸軍參謀長雷蒙德·奧迪爾諾(Raymond Odierno)表示,這類政策只是起到支持作用而不是作戰(zhàn)作用。

The President of Chad said Jihadist group Boko Haram has appointed a new leader. President Idriss Deby named him as Mahamat Daoud, but did not say what might’ve happened to the man who has lead Boko Haram in recent years Abubakar Shekau. From Legas, Will rose.

乍得總統(tǒng)表示,博科圣地圣戰(zhàn)組織博科圣地委任了新的領導人??偨y(tǒng)伊德里斯·代比(Idriss Deby)稱這位領導人為穆罕默德·達烏德(Mahamat Daoud),但是并未言明近年來領導博科圣地的阿布巴卡爾·謝考(Abubakar Shekau)何去何從。Will Ross在拉各斯報道。

“In numerous propaganda videos, Abubakar Shekau taunted the Nigerian authorities, but he has not been seen for several months. President Deby did not say whether Abubakar Shekau had been killed. Last year, the Chadian leader was said to be brokering peace talks with Boko Haram, but the negotiations never happened, then were widely seen as a sham. So some analyst will question how much credence to give to Idriss Deby's latest comments.”

在眾多宣傳視頻中,阿布巴卡爾·謝考(Abubakar Shekau)嘲諷了尼日利亞當局,但是他本人已經(jīng)數(shù)月未出現(xiàn)在公眾視線中。代比總統(tǒng)并未表示阿布巴卡爾·謝考(Abubakar Shekau)是否已被擊斃。去年,這位乍得領導人計劃促成與博科圣地的和平會談,但是談判從來沒有進行,這在當時被廣泛地認為是一個恥辱,因此,一些分析家質疑代比最新的言論有多少可信性。

World news from the BBC


Police and soldiers in Myanmar have raided the headquarters of the military backed ruling party in the capital Naypyidaw. Correspondents say that factions within the ruling union solidarity and development party have been engaged in a power struggle in recent months. There’ve been disagreements between the country's president Thein Sein and party's chairman over who should serve the next presidential term.


The former American president Jimmy Carter has announced that he has cancer. He said he would be rearranging his schedule to undergo a treatment. From Washington, here is Gary O’Donoghue.

美國前總統(tǒng)吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)宣布患癌癥。他表示將會重新安排行程已進行手術。Gary A在華盛頓報道。

“Jimmy Carter underwent a liver surgery last week. And it's now become clear that the cancer has spread to other parts of his body. In a statement, he said further details would be made public after he undergoes further tests by his doctors in a hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. President Carter is 90 years old, and he is the second oldest living president after George Bush Senior.”

吉米·卡特上周剛剛接受了肝臟手術,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)確認癌細胞擴散至身體其他部位。在一份聲明中,他表示,Atlanta George醫(yī)院的醫(yī)生對他進行進一步的檢查之后將公布更詳細的情況。卡特總統(tǒng)現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)90歲了,是布什總統(tǒng)之后第二個長壽總統(tǒng)。

A boring factions in Libya have ended two days of talks brokered by the United Nations in Geneva. According to the UN, the parties have committed themselves to reaching a peace agreement within weeks. The UN envoy Bernardino Leon has urged them to strike a deal by the end of the month.

利比亞派系沖突導致聯(lián)合國在日內瓦促成的為期兩天的會談結束。據(jù)聯(lián)合國所說,各黨派希望能夠在幾周的時間內達成和平協(xié)議。聯(lián)合國特使利昂(Bernardino Leon)敦促在月末之前達成協(xié)議。

One of Venezuela’s main opposition leaders Daniel Ceballos has been released from jail and placed under house arrest. He was arrested in March last year for inciting violence during protests against food shortages, high inflation and rampant crime. Mr. Ceballos is the second leading opposition politician to be released this year.

委內瑞拉主要反對派領導人之一丹尼爾·塞瓦略斯(Daniel Ceballos)從監(jiān)獄獲釋,被軟禁在家中。他于去年三月份在聲討食物短缺,通貨膨脹和犯罪猖獗的抗議活動中煽動暴力被捕。他是近年獲釋的第二位主要反對派政客。

The coach of Costa Rica's national football team has resigned a day after he was involved in a fight during a match in Panama. Paulo Wanchope, a former star of the national team, said he got angry when a steward denied him access to the pitch. The two men, as seen on the video, exchanged punches before police intervened. Wanchope said he was pushed first, but apologized for overreacting.

哥斯達黎加國家足球隊主帥在巴拿馬一場比賽期間涉嫌打架斗毆一天之后辭職。前國家隊球星保羅·萬喬普(Paulo Wanchope)表示,一名管理人員拒絕他進入比賽場地,他非常憤怒。視頻中可以看到兩人互毆,后來警察介入。一名警察表示,他先被對方毆打,但是已經(jīng)因反應過激道歉。

BBC news.


Marshall with the BBC news.

Huge explosions have rocked Chinese port city of Tianjin. State media say 13 people have been killed and hundreds of others injured. The state broadcaster said residents had been moved 10km from the explosion zone as buildings were collapsing. Our China correspondent John Sudworthreports.

“The scale of the disaster is illustrated by one particular piece of mobile phone video taken from a high-rise apartment block. It shows a bright burning glow on the horizon at a distance of around 2km, possibly more, and clearly something large is on fire, then suddenly another bright flashes a huge fireball, lights up the sky. The man filming can be heard talking excitedly and then a full 8 seconds later, the force of the blast rattles the building violently, one can only imagine the effect on the buildings, clearly visible in silhouette, much closer to the blast.”

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has sacked the head of the UN peace keeping mission in the Central African Republic. Mr. Ban said the Senegalese diplomat Babacar Gaye would step down as head of mission. Human rights group Amnesty International has accused UN peace keepers of raping a 12-year old girl, and of killing a boy and his father. Mr. Ban expressed outrage over the reports.

“I cannot put into words how anguished and angered and ashamed I am by recurrent reports over the years of sexual exploitation, and abuse by UN forces. When the United Nations deploys the peacekeepers, we do so to protect the world's most vulnerable people.”

The Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic says he fears the worst for a Croatian hostage kidnapped in Egypt following reports that he has been killed by militants affiliated to the Islamic State group. Mr. Milanovic said he could not be 100% certain that Tomislav Salopec was dead, but described the situation as horrifying.

United States’ most senior soldier has suggested that the country should considered deploying troops with their Iraq counterparts if progress is not made within a month in the fight against Islamic state. The army's chief of staff General Ray O’Diano says such forces would have a support rather than a combat role.

The President of Chad said Jihadist group Boko Haram has appointed a new leader. President Idriss Deby named him as Mahamat Daoud, but did not say what might’ve happened to the man who has lead Boko Haram in recent years Abubakar Shekau. From Legas, Will rose.

“In numerous propaganda videos, Abubakar Shekau taunted the Nigerian authorities, but he has not been seen for several months. President Deby did not say whether Abubakar Shekau had been killed. Last year, the Chadian leader was said to be brokering peace talks with Boko Haram, but the negotiations never happened, then were widely seen as a sham. So some analyst will question how much credence to give to Idriss Deby's latest comments.”

World news from the BBC.

Police and soldiers in Myanmar have raided the headquarters of the military backed ruling party in the capital Naypyidaw. Correspondents say that factions within the ruling union solidarity and development party have been engaged in a power struggle in recent months. There’ve been disagreements between the country's president Thein Sein and party's chairman over who should serve the next presidential term.

The former American president Jimmy Carter has announced that he has cancer. He said he would be rearranging his schedule to undergo a treatment. From Washington, here is Gary O’Donoghue.

“Jimmy Carter underwent a liver surgery last week. And it's now become clear that the cancer has spread to other parts of his body. In a statement, he said further details would be made public after he undergoes further tests by his doctors in a hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. President Carter is 90 years old, and he is the second oldest living president after George Bush Senior.”

A boring factions in Libya have ended two days of talks brokered by the United Nations in Geneva. According to the UN, the parties have committed themselves to reaching a peace agreement within weeks. The UN envoy Bernardino Leon has urged them to strike a deal by the end of the month.

One of Venezuela’s main opposition leaders Daniel Ceballos has been released from jail and placed under house arrest. He was arrested in March last year for inciting violence during protests against food shortages, high inflation and rampant crime. Mr. Ceballos is the second leading opposition politician to be released this year.

The coach of Costa Rica's national football team has resigned a day after he was involved in a fight during a match in Panama. Paulo Wanchope, a former star of the national team, said he got angry when a steward denied him access to the pitch. The two men, as seen on the video, exchanged punches before police intervened. Wanchope said he was pushed first, but apologized for overreacting.

BBC news.


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