There must have been an ancestor with a partial shell or no shell at all. So how did the shellget there? Some dinosaurs and present day reptiles, like crocodiles, have boney skin platescalled osteoderms. So researchers thought turtle shells might have evolved from these plates.The trouble was, when they studied turtle embryos, they found that shells grow out from thebackbone and ribs and don't appear to be over-grown osteoderms.
The evolution of the shell remained a mystery until a 220- million-year-old fossil wasunearthed in Ghizhou Province, China. The fossil was named Odontochelys semitestacea, or half-shelled turtle with teeth. Unlike modern land turtles, this sixteen-inch-long species was foundwith other marine reptiles, indicating it was aquatic. It had a plastron or lower shell.
But the upper shell, called a carapace, was not there, only a thickened backbone and ribs.Odontochelys not only answered some questions about the shell's origin, it also gave a clue asto why a turtle has a full-body shell. Scientists think the shell evolved as a defense againstocean predators. On land, the belly is protected by the ground, but in an aquaticenvironment, turtles can be attacked from above or below. After the plastron evolved, thecarapace developed, giving turtles extra protection.