A study out of Caltech had participants rate the quality of five wines each labeled only by theirprice per bottle, which ranged from five to ninety dollars. While participants drank and ratedthe wines, their brain activity was monitored and recorded using functional magneticresonance imaging, or fMRI. During this experiment the sneaky researchers gave participantsthe same wine twice: first labeled as coming from a ninety-dollar bottle, and then again from aten-dollar bottle. Interestingly people consistently rated the ninety-dollar wine higher than theten-dollar, even though they were really the same wine!
Moreover when drinking the supposedly pricey wine the fMRI scans recorded more activity in aspot in the brain believed to be associated with the experience of pleasure, called the medialorbitofrontal cortex, than when participants drank the supposedly cheap stuff.
So it looks like the next time your friend invites you over for a nice dinner and a bottle of wineyou're better off not asking any questions at all, because in this case ignorance is bliss.