For so long we have fought to be treated the same asmen. And of course we have equal value in God'ssight, and deserve equal pay, equal rights andopportunities. But we are not the same. That's thepoint. I will make a colleague and a companionmeet for you, God says, fitting, appropriate anddifferent.The men of Athens considered the threat ofSparta and the need to protect democracy. Theirwives saw sons slaughtered. Pilate considered thepolitical unrest, the dangerous crowd, the unstablesituation. His wife saw one man, innocent anddisturbing.Recently I heard a preacher, male, describing Jesus as abandoned by all his friendsat the end. Shame on you, I rebuked him afterwards. There were faithful disciples at the footof the cross, only leaving his body to observe for the prescribed Sabbath, back at dawn onSunday to embalm him.The men saw the larger canvas, the dangers, the risks and ran. Thewomen saw only the friend they loved and stayed.