I have to confess that these discussions leave me personally agitated. Having become eligiblefor a senior rail card recently they're a bit close to home. And I'm wondering what I can nowsay to my children when they make playful innuendos about inheriting the family home "whenwe're gone."It's not hard, it's hard not to feel like a future fiscal problem loitering in thepresent, a burden rather than a blessing. In this kind of environment, it's hard to read biblicalstatements about the veneration of old age with any kind of assurance.
But in an ancient world without welfare and pension plans, it's easier to see why the currency ofrespect for the old was so vital to the political eco-system and why God himself became involvedin providing assurances for Israel's senior citizens. "Even to old age I am he; even to youradvanced age I myself will support you" said the prophet Isaiah. "I myself have made you, Imyself will carry you". No vague promises here though, because everything about belonging tothis covenant God meant a religious and cultural obligation to look out for the vulnerable andfeeble. Care for the elderly was about attitudes even more than money.
Britain has 1.5 million people over 85. In the next decade, care of the elderly will account for45% of some council spending. In economic terms, aging is a growing service industry in whichthe present and future old will need professional care and respect as much as money. But ifwe are to achieve this, we will also need what the old reformer William Wilberforce called, 'areformation of manners' as much as a reformation in our economic structures.