If you allow guilt to take up space, that's space that you don't have for the confidence you need. And the reason some people don't enjoy their lives, is because their container, their heart is contaminated with so many things. They have 10% worried, stressed out over their job, 12% bitterness, mad at their neighbor, 20% guilt, beating themselves up for past mistakes, 9% jealousy, their co-worker is more beautiful. They don't realize 70% of their container is negative. They wonder why they don't have joy, creativity, passion, they only have room for 30% of what they should have.
And the scripture says give no place to the enemy. It's not just talking about forces of darkness, that means give no place to guilt, give no place to worry, give no place to bitterness. It can't come in and automatically take over. You control what's in your container. You control what you think about, what you choose to allow in, and we all have negative emotions, negative feelings. You have to make the choice, I'm not going to give this jealousy, this bitterness, this anger valuable space and let it poison my life. I'm going to protect what I allow in me. And every morning when we wake up, we need to empty out anything negative from the day before. Somebody offended you at work, they didn't treat you right, it's easy to let that offense stay.
Feels good to carry around a grudge, but you have to be disciplined, say no I am giving this offense any room. I am not going to let it sour my day. They hurt you once, don't let them continue to hurt you by holding on to the offense. Being offended is not harming them, it's harming you. It's taking up space you need for the good things that move you towards your destiny. Take inventory of what you're giving space to. Life is too short to go through it with negative things holding us down.