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林超倫實戰(zhàn)口譯 Unit 19-24




單元19 霍爾塞特公司 (英音) 4-00:18

Our reputation for engineering excellence has created a sound base for our future business. The Holset turbocharger is an intrinsic part of the modern diesel engine, delivering efficient combustion and high levels of power density reliably--mile after mile, hour after hour. We are clearly focused on the heavy-duty turbo-charger market, thereby committing our engineering resources to the specific product requirements of this key market sector.


With our continued investment in technology, people and facilities, the future of Holset has never looked so bright. We will continue to bring you integrated air handling solutions to the demanding requirements of tomorrow's medium and heavy duty diesel engines, and beyond .We pride ourselves on our industry-leading standards of customer care. Our worldwide aftersales activities are operated through a separate division known as Holset Service.


Wherever you are in the world we will provide you with a comprehensive range of replacement turbochargers and spare parts. Our service and distribution centers in the UK, Holland, Brazil and the USA supply 170 distributors in 70 countries, and are supported by the latest integrated computer systems for planning and controlling inventory. The network's technical capability and impressively fast response ensures the maximum up-time to keep our turbos and your engines running and running.


Holset recognizes the link between a skilled, trained and motivated workforce and the company's overall performance. In all areas of our activity--new products, manufacturing systems, technology, customer service and even our local communities--it is Holset people who make the difference. In encouraging these attitudes, Holset people can expect 5% of their time with the company to be spent on training. We provide the best working conditions, buildings and facilities.


Our system of team-based working is designed to bring out the best in our people in whose minds and hands the next generation of turbocharger technology will ultimately take shape. Holset has a proven track record in delivering outstanding technology solutions and bringing innovation to the turbocharger place. Our turbocharger specialists pursue an in-depth understanding of the fundamental elements that combine to produce world class turbochargers.


This expertise coupled with our comprehensive design criteria and development resources combine to create definitive turbocharger solutions. Since 1973 Holset has been owned by Cummins Inc. of Indiana USA, the world's largest producer of heavy-duty diesel engines. Backed by the resources of Cummins Inc. Holset turbochargers can invest in technology, people and facilities to bring turbocharger technology to the market place.


To support the growing Chinese market, in February 1996 Wuxi Holset was established. This is a joint venture between HOlset Turbochargers and Wuxi Power Engineering Co. Ltd. Wuxi Holset enjoys a leading position in MR turbos in the Chinese turbocharger market and serve an extensive customer base including leading Chinese truck manufacturers. They also have a strong and growing presence in the aftermarket.


Holset Turbochargers aim to improve the quality of life in local communities through donations, supporting activities of our employees, business/community partnerships and practices that encourage and support our employees in contributing their time and resources to this end. Our world-wide sites achieve this through community action committees representative of the entire workforce.


單元20 中國法制改革1


Today, I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to visit this historic and prestigious university, and to give a speech. Looking back over the past one hundred years, there have been tremendous developments and changes in the political, economic, social and legal spheres that were appropriate to the individual characteristics of our respective countries. After 20 years of reform, China has undergone a world of changes.


Today, I'd like to focus on the development of our legal system and our judicial reform. The rule of law in China has been developed in accordance with the individual characteristics of China. For over 20 years, in order to safeguard and facilitate reform and modernization, we have carried out political reforms along with economic reforms. We have also been working on our democratic legal system.


The People's Congress is the comer stone of the political system in China. The state administrative, judicial and procuratory organs at all levels are appointed by the Congress and accountable to it. This system suits China. It is the correct choice made by the Chinese people. At the second plenary session of the Ninth People's Congress, we approved the revised constitution. The rule of law, to develop a socialist country ruled by the law, has been written into the constitution as our basic strategy.


That was a milestone in the development of our legal system. It demonstrates China's commitment to the rule of law and its unequivocal attitude. It the past 20 years, we have achieved much in legislation. The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee have instigated 370 laws and decisions about the law. The central government formulated more than 800 national level administrative regulations. The local People's Congresses formulated over 7,000 bylaws and regulations.


In order to develop the socialist market economy, China has instigated Corporation Law, Guarantee Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Securities Law, Contract Law and Sole Proprietor Enterprise Law. In order to develop socialist democratic politics, and to protect the lawful interests of citizens, we have revised the Criminal Law, Criminal Prosecution Law and the Law of the Organization of Village Councils. At the same time, we have instigated Administrative Reconsideration Law.


The Supreme People's Court has promulgated many judicial interpretations of procedural matters in prosecution. The formulation and implementation of the system is a major achievement in the reform of the judicial system in China. Generally speaking, we now have the initial framework of a socialist legal system based on our constitution. In accordance with the strategy of ruling the country by law, China is confident that it will have a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics by 2010.


China is a country of several legal traditions. After the return of Hong Kong and Macao, China successfully implemented the policy of "One Country, Two Systems". The Inland China uses the socialist system. Hong Kong and Macao continue with their previous social and economic systems, maintaining their way of life. Furthermore, there has been very little change to their legal systems. This has created a unique entity unseen anywhere else in the world.


To avoid clashes between legal systems, China has instigated, in conjunction with Hong King and Macao, a set of regulations aimed at resolving legal conflicts arising from different legal traditions. This has improved judicial communication and coordination across legal boundaries. It has also facilitated the implementation of the principles of "One Country, Two Systems", "Hong Kong Ruled by Hong Kong People" and "Macao Ruled by Macao People".

單元21 梅森律師事務(wù)所 (英音)

Welcome to Aylesbury Street. We are delighted to have the opportunity to talk to you this morning regarding some of the practical legal issues that we have come across on rail projects. We hope that this session can stimulate some useful discussions which we can continue over lunch, to which we have invited a number of our railway industry associates from differing businesses and organizations.


Masons and Rail. As a leading international construction and engineering law firm, Masons has a long and active involvement in providing advice to and working with members of the railway industry. Projects with which we have been associated include Hong Kong. We have provided advice to KCRC over many years, including advice on the development of the light rail scheme in the New Territories.


Channel Tunnel. We acted as advisor to the TML consortium regarding a wide range of issues arising from the construction of what is probably the greatest European civil engineering project of the last century. Malaysia. We have acted for the sponsors of the Kuala Lumpur light rails stem and associated infrastructure. Singapore. We worked with the contractor for the MRT system. Sough Africa. We are currently working with the government of the Gauteng/Johannesburg province in relation to the procurement of a new rail network using private-public partnership methods.

英法海底隧道:我們擔(dān)任了TML財團(tuán)的咨詢顧問,就廣泛的建設(shè)問題提供咨詢,為這個很可能是上個世紀(jì)歐洲規(guī)模最大的建設(shè)工程項目作出了貢獻(xiàn)。馬來西亞:我們的客戶是吉隆坡輕軌系統(tǒng)和相關(guān)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的贊助者。新加坡:我們與MRT 系統(tǒng)的合同商合作。南非:我們正在幫助Gauteng、約翰內(nèi)斯堡的省政府,策劃購買一個新的鐵路網(wǎng)絡(luò)。通過采用公私伙伴關(guān)系的方式。

UK. We are perhaps the pre-eminent law firm in the light rail sector, having acted for the concession company on the Arrow Light Rail project in Nottingham in the Midlands, which is the first such scheme to reach financial close under the UK government's "private finance initiative", and we are currently active on the four other light rail schemes that have gone out to bidders.


Masons lawyers were involved in advising contractors on the major Jubilee Line Extension of London Underground, and we are currently advising on aspects of the LUL PPP scheme. Europe. Europe. Masons has worked on projects throughout Europe. We have acted for bankers in relation to the Barcelona metro, provided advice on private rail franchises in Scandinavia and are currently acting for the Irish governments' Railway Procurement Agency in the procurement of a metro system for Dublin.


Rail opportunities: As I am sure you are aware, these are very exciting times for those of us who work on rail projects. For example, in United Kingdom, the government has announced that it proposes to invest £6 billion in the rail sector over the next 10 years. In many countries, much of the infrastructure that is being used dates back to the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century and needs replacing.


There are many projects under way at present in the United Kingdom and further field to up-date out-dated technology in the field of signaling and control systems, track geometry, rolling stock and so on. In the wider context, the demand to reduce the harmful environmental effects of private vehicle use is leading to demands for a "modal shift" to public transportation, and we are seeing increasing numbers of schemes being drawn up for light rail systems, tramways, guided buses and metros.


Rail challenges: From both a technological and legal perspective, rail projects can produce bigger challenges than almost any other type of infrastructure projects. The next hour or so, my partner Jon Hart will be speaking about particular issues that they see as fundamental, including funding and financing aspects of rail projects as well as design, construction and some operational issues. There will also be time for questions.

鐵路的挑戰(zhàn):從技術(shù)和法律角度看,鐵路項目帶來的挑戰(zhàn)會超過任何其他形式的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施項目。在接下來一小時左右的時間里,我的合伙人Jon Hart將談?wù)勊麄冋J(rèn)為具有根本性質(zhì)的幾個特別問題,其中包括鐵路項目的資金來源和融資,還有設(shè)計、建設(shè)和一些操作上的問題。然后還有時間提問題。

單元22 中國法制改革2


As our legal system continues to develop, our courts are improving, too. The People's Courts are playing an increasingly important role in the social life of our country. We carry out duties bestowed on us by the Constitution and the law. We fight serious crimes. We protect the life and property of the people. We create the social conditions for economic development. We use the law to punish those who sabotage the order of the market economy.


The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy, crack down on embezzlement and briber, punish corruption, handle civil, economic and administrative cases, balance economic relations, resolving social conflicts, and upholding social justice. The People's Courts pass fair judgments in social conflicts and disputes, and have become an indispensable part of our economic development and social life.


China has promulgated the Law on Judges. This is a major event in our legal development. The Law on Judges has established the status and duties of judges in China for the first time. It has clarified the rights and obligations of judges, and specified management principles and systems relating to judges. It has laid the foundation for future development of the judge system in China.


The Supreme People's Court of China is meeting the State's request to drive forward judicial reform. In accordance with the Constitution and such statutes as Prosecution Law, we have increased our efforts to rationalize the management system of our courts. We have now implemented central management and coordination by the Senior People's Courts. We have established the system of People's Jurors. It is now all above board.


Judges across the country have abandoned the old uniform, and now wear black robes with red lapels and a neckline decorated with a yellow band in court. This keeps with the times. It symbolizes the progress of democratic legal development in China. The Supreme People's Court has issues regulations of legal aid, a sign that the legal aid system in China is moving from inception towards maturity.


These are major steps forward in our judicial reform. It has brought momentum to the development of our democratic legal system. We are confident that we will have a socialist trial mechanism and an organizational system that is fairer, corruption free, more efficient and more civilized, with Chinese characteristics. China's experience has proven that the rule of law is the only way forward for a modern society.


Without the rule of law, a nation can't prosper and people won't be happy. Without the rule of law, there will not be long-term order and security. China has clearly stated its goal is to be the development of socialist democratic politics, a country ruled by law, and the development of a socialist country ruled by law. In order to meet the requirements of economic reform and modernization, we will continue to drive forward the reform of our political system.


We will strengthen our democratic legal system, carry forward the judicial reform, implement laws to the letter, and uphold judicial justice. There is great prospect in the development of our legal system and judicial reform. We have an excellent foundation for friendly exchanges between the legal and judicial professions of our two countries. The legal and judicial profession in China wishes to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with colleagues in your country, and to make new contributions to the friendly cooperation between our two countries.

單元23 萬能工具公司 (美音)

Universal Instruments is a global electronics productivity specialist, providing innovative circuit, semiconductor, and back-end assembly technologies and equipment, integrated system solutions, and process expertise to manufacturers in every sector of the electronics industry. A subsidiary of Dover Corporation, which is listed in the New York Exchange, Universal Instruments is headquartered in Binghamton, New York.


Universal Instruments is a multinational company with sales, service, product training, and parts distribution locations throughout the world. In addition, the corporation operates manufacturing facilities in both Binghamton, New York, and Shekou, China. Universal Instruments employs more than 1,100 people and operates in more than 30 countries. All Universal employees worldwide operate under a common mission: to be a global supplier of automated electronic assembly technology, equipment, and support through product innovation and enhancement of customer productivity.


Universal Instrument traces its roots to the Universal Instruments and Metal Company, a safety pin manufacturer founded in 1919. Through time, the company discontinued safety pin production and made a transition to a machining and tool and die business. By controlling costs during the Great Depression, Universal continued to grow through World War II, when the company's tool and die talents were pressed to meet the needs of the state's small arms manufacturers.


This work continued until the 1950s, when Universal entered the electronics assembly equipment manufacturing industry. Universal first built electronic circuit assembly equipment for through hole components in the 1960s. In the early 1990s Universal developed a modular platform concept and shipped its first platform-based surface mount technology machines in 1993.


With an installed base of several thousand machines, Universal's GSM Platform is widely accepted an has evolved into an industry standard. Today, Universal Instruments is regarded as a leading manufacturer of electronic assembly equipment. Universal Instruments offers a robust and flexible line of products to meet virtually all your circuit assembly equipment needs. Combined with our direct service and support, Universal is well positioned to be your full line supplier.


We use these products, in addition to our process expertise, to help you meet your challenges. Universal Instruments provides industry-leading support and services worldwide to help our customers achieve maximum efficiency and productivity. Indeed, Universal Instruments is considered to have developed and deployed the most comprehensive service infrastructure in the industry. We combine that infrastructure with a team of skilled, dedicated employees who are committed to providing the best service possible.


At Universal Instruments, we expect service to become an increasingly significant competitive differentiator as the sophistication of manufacturing processes increases. Changes in customer demographics are placing increasing demands on our global customers as new and used machines find their way into environs with inexperienced or limited support infrastructure. With this in mind, you can be sure Universal Instruments takes its service commitment very seriously.


At our technology day road shows, being scheduled in locations throughout the world during 2003, you can look forward to meeting members of Universal's team who are eager to help you develop an assembly solution that not only meets, but surpasses your manufacturing goals. What is more, Universal experts can help solve process issues, service and training concerns, and ultimately, work with you as a partner to ensure your success. Our first show will take place on Wednesday, at the Rosen Plaza in Orlando, Florida.

我們的巡回技術(shù)展覽預(yù)定于2003年在世界各地舉行。屆時,大家可以會見萬能工具公司的成員,他們熱心于幫助你們發(fā)展組裝解決方案,不僅要滿足,而且要超出你們的制造生產(chǎn)目標(biāo)。不僅如此,萬能工具公司的專家們還能夠幫助解決流程問題,解決服務(wù)和培訓(xùn)上的問題,而且最終與你們一起確保你們的成功。我們的巡回展覽的第一站是星期三,在佛羅里達(dá)的奧蘭多的Rosen Plaza。

單元24 北京開發(fā)區(qū)介紹


The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area is very well located. We have the Capital behind us, the Bo Sea in front, and the Jingjintang Motorway to the east. It takes only 30 minutes to drive to the Capital's International Airport. 10 minutes to the city, 15 minutes to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station, and one and half hours to the Tianjin New Port.


The Area was established in August 1994. It is the only national level development area in Beijing approved by the State Council. We have the same authority to approve projects as the municipal government of Beijing. We have a management system of international standards.


Under the leadership of the People's Government of the City of Beijing and the Management Committee of the Area, we have taken full advantage of the preferential policies and achieved impressive results. There are already multinational companies from the US, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Canada and Holland, settling down in our area.


The first phase of the Beijing Development Area covers 15 square kilometers. It has been well planned. There is a golf course to the east, Liangshui River to the west, and a green belt, one kilometer wide to the north. Within the Area, there is an industrial zone in the east, a residential area in the west, and an area for public utilities in-between.


In addition, there is a 143 square kilometers support area, providing ample space for future development. We now have a good mix of companies in pharmaceutical manufacturing, information technology, in opto-mechatronics as well as in new materials. We are very pleased with the way things are going.


Currently, there are 963 companies in the Area with total investment of 3.54 billion US dollars. Among them, there are 269 of the three types, and 33 from the world's top 500, with a combined investment of nearly 2.7 billion dollars. Their registered capital was just under 2.37 billion dollars. There are 694 Chinese companies with a combined registered capital of just under 6.9 billion RMB.


In the next few years we will continue to take strong measures to improve the investment environment, to develop new competitive advantages, and to make our area a happy home for hi-tech and new-tech companies, multinationals, and large-scale backbone industrial enterprises.


We have been pursuing the policy of ecological and sustainable development. Many of our environmental indicators are better than in the city itself. To ensure the quality of the environment, we set our goal as "attracting investment by being green, staying green through investment". Within our area, we have green grass, blossoming flowers, clean air and a truly lvely environment.


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