[00:00.00] [00:04.50] [00:05.50]If Mary alice was having some sort of crisis,we'd have known. [00:08.30] [00:08.30]She lives 50 feet away, for god's sakes. [00:10.80] [00:10.80]Gabby, the woman killed herlf. [00:13.38] [00:13.38]Something must have been going on. [00:15.01] [00:15.01]Every time I'm around that man, he tries to grab my ass. [00:18.01] [00:18.18]I made over $200,000 doing business with him last year. [00:21.18] [00:21.18]If he wants to grab your ass, you let him. [00:24.10] [00:24.10]Why aren't you happy? [00:26.61] [00:26.61]Turns out I wanted all the wrong things. [00:29.61] [00:30.98]What's that? [00:32.11] [00:32.11]It's a letter addressed to Mary Alice. [00:35.11] [00:35.49]Oh, Mary Alice, what did you do? [00:38.08] [00:46.71]An odd thing happens when we die. [00:49.29] [00:49.29]Our senses vanish. [00:51.09] [00:51.09]Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, [00:54.09] [00:54.88]but our sight -- [00:56.89] [00:56.89]ah, our sight expands, [00:59.51] [00:59.51]and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. [01:03.18] [01:03.18]Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, [01:07.19] [01:08.69]if they'd only take the time to look. [01:11.69] [01:11.90]Like my friend Gabrielle. [01:13.90] [01:13.90]I should have seen how unhappy she was, but I didn't. [01:16.91] [01:18.28]I only saw her clothes from Paris... [01:21.29] [01:21.58]and her platinum jewelry... [01:24.58] [01:25.41]and her brand-new diamond watch. [01:28.38] [01:28.71]Had I looked closer, [01:30.59] [01:30.59]I'd have seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman [01:33.30] [01:33.30]desperately in search of a life raft. [01:36.01] [01:36.01]Luckily for her, she found one. [01:39.01] [01:39.68]Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener [01:42.51] [01:42.51]as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. [01:45.48] [01:47.39]But now she was about to discover just how exciting her life could get. [01:49.40] [01:49.40]But now she was about to discover just how exciting her life could get. [01:52.40] [02:04.91]Damn it. [02:07.92] [02:07.92]Come on, come on, come on! Hurry up! Let's go! [02:10.29] [02:10.29]Come on, come on! [02:13.30] [02:13.80]Where are the rest of my clothes? [02:14.80] [02:14.80]I'll find them. Just get out. [02:16.59] [02:16.59]Where? [02:17.67] [02:17.67]- Out the window. - What? [02:20.68] [02:24.10]Go, go, go, go, go! [02:25.52] [02:30.10]Hi, honey. You're home early. [02:31.98] [02:31.98]My meeting got canceled. [02:34.98] [02:36.40]Didn't you take a shower this morning? [02:39.40] [02:39.40]I, uh, I just finished a workout. [02:41.99] [02:41.99]Where's John? [02:43.70] [02:43.70]John? [02:45.29] [02:45.29]Yeah. That's his truck out front. [02:47.91] [02:47.91]Gabrielle was panicked. [02:49.71] [02:49.71]She knew if her husband discovered her secret, [02:52.08] [02:52.08]she would feel the full force of his wrath. [02:55.09] [02:56.00]Hey, mr. Solis. [02:59.01] [02:59.17]Hey, John, take care of that ficus yet? [03:01.80] [03:01.80]- I'll get to it as soon as I'm done here. - All right. [03:04.81] [03:07.31]- But she was quickly reminded that... - Yeah, sure. [03:10.10] [03:10.10]- what Carlos couldn't see... - No problem. [03:13.11] [03:14.40]Couldn't hurt her. [03:17.40] [03:57.61]Episode 2 - Ah, but underneath [04:00.61] [04:04.20]The peaceful facade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered, [04:08.20] [04:09.49]first by my suicide... [04:12.50] [04:13.00]and then by the discovery of... [04:16.00] [04:16.21]a note among my belongings that suggested a suspicious reason for my desperate act. [04:21.22] [04:22.01]My friends gathered to discuss its implications. [04:25.01] [04:25.09]I think we should give it to Paul. [04:26.80] [04:26.80]He's still mourning, Susan. He'll probably freak out. [04:29.81] [04:29.89]It doesn't matter. She was his wife. He deserves to have all the facts. [04:32.89] [04:33.31]Well, we could do it gently. [04:35.31] [04:35.31]We could tell him about it over coffee and pastry. [04:37.90] [04:37.90]That would be fun. [04:39.11] [04:39.11]"Paul, we have proof your wife killed herself [04:40.90] [04:40.90]over some deep, dark secret. Another bear claw?" [04:43.20] [04:43.20]We could always call the police. [04:46.20] [04:46.28]Maybe it's just some sort of sick joke. [04:48.08] [04:48.08]Well, if it was a joke, it was in very poor taste. [04:50.41] [04:50.41]No, this was serious. I know it was. [04:53.21] [04:53.21]We got to find out what was going on. [04:55.29] [04:55.29]Let's say we do. There's a chance we're not going to like what we find. [04:58.29] [04:58.50]Well, isn't it worse to be in the dark? [05:00.59] [05:00.59]I mean, imagining she did all these horrible things. [05:03.30] [05:03.30]It's the age-old question, isn't it? [05:05.80] [05:05.80]How much do we really want to know about our neighbors? [05:08.80] [05:16.90]My friends were right to be concerned. [05:19.90] [05:21.40]They knew that every family has its secrets, [05:24.40] [05:25.78]and as my son and husband could have told them, [05:28.78] [05:29.28]you need to think carefully before digging them up. [05:33.29] [05:50.51]After talking for hours, [05:52.18] [05:52.18]my friends still hadn't agreed on what to do with the note. [05:55.18] [05:56.31]So they decided to talk about it in the morning after a good night's rest. [06:01.32] [06:02.77]But no one could sleep that night. [06:05.78] [06:07.20]They each kept thinking of my suicide [06:10.20] [06:10.70]and how terribly alone I must have felt. [06:13.70] [06:15.08]You see, loneliness was something my friends understood all too well. [06:21.08] [06:28.38]It's okay. I'm up. [06:30.30] [06:30.30]Good. [06:32.10] [06:32.10]I have a question for you. [06:35.10] [06:40.48]Do you remember when you proposed? [06:42.31] [06:42.31]For god's sake -- [06:43.40] [06:43.40]We sat on skyline drive and drank a bottle of apple wine, [06:46.40] [06:46.61]and when we finished it, you turned to me, and you said, [06:49.28] [06:49.28]"if you marry me, Bree Mason, [06:51.78] [06:51.78]I promise to love you for the rest of my life." [06:54.79] [06:55.41]And even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, and even though my father didn't like you, [06:58.91] [06:58.91]I said yes. [07:00.50] [07:00.50]That was a long time ago. [07:01.88] [07:01.88]You're going to cancel the meeting with that divorce lawyer, [07:04.50] [07:04.50]and we're going to find ourselves a marriage counselor. [07:06.59] [07:06.59]- Bree -- - You promised. [07:09.59] [07:17.68]All right. [07:20.60] [07:20.60]Good. I'm going to go, uh, make myself some warm milk. [07:23.61] [07:26.98]Would you like something to drink? [07:29.28] [07:29.28]Anything but apple wine. [07:32.28] [07:37.41]Susan awoke that night alone and parched, [07:40.41] [07:40.71]but as she gazed out her window, [07:42.58] [07:42.58]she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quinch her thirst. [07:46.59] [07:48.09]"dear diary, Mike doesn't even know I'm alive." [07:50.72] [07:50.72]Shut up. [07:52.01] [07:52.01]If you want to date him, you're going to have to ask him out. [07:54.60] [07:54.60]I keep hoping he'll ask me out. [07:57.01] [07:57.01]How's that going? [07:58.39] [07:58.39]Shouldn't you be making brownies for your nerdy friends? [08:00.81] [08:00.81]I can't find the measuring cup. Have you seen it? [08:03.10] [08:03.10]The measuring cup? [08:05.81] [08:05.81]Yeah. [08:07.32] [08:14.91]I -- well, it's -- it's got to be here somewhere. Just keep looking. [08:17.91] [08:22.92]I know you're awake. [08:24.50] [08:24.50]I know you're a jerk. [08:26.59] [08:26.59]Dinner with Tanaka ran long. I'm sorry. [08:29.59] [08:29.71]You know, Carlos, I didn't marry you so I could have dinner by myself six times a week. [08:33.68] [08:33.80]You know how bored I was today? [08:35.39] [08:35.39]I came this close to actually cleaning the house. [08:37.68] [08:37.68]Don't be that way. I got you a gift. [08:39.89] [08:39.89]Nope. No, no, no, no. [08:41.39] [08:41.39]You're not going to buy your way out of this one. [08:44.39] [08:45.60]It's a good gift. [08:48.61] [08:53.70]Is that white gold? [08:55.61] [08:55.61]Yeah. Put it on... [08:58.58] [08:58.70]and then make love to me. [09:01.70] [09:02.20]I'm not in the mood. [09:04.92] [09:04.92]But we could stay up and talk. [09:07.88] [09:09.29]When a man buys a womaexpensive jewelry, [09:11.51] [09:11.51]there are many things he may want in return for future reference, [09:14.51] [09:15.01]conversation ain't one of them. [09:18.01] [09:19.81]- Hey, that was a joke. - Yeah, right. [09:22.81] [09:24.10]- What the hell is wrong with you? - Let go of me. [09:26.10] [09:26.10]Hey, you've been acting like a nightmare for a month. What's wrong? [09:29.11] [09:29.61]I can't fix it unless you tell me. [09:32.61] [09:37.61]It's not exciting anymore, Carlos. [09:40.58] [09:42.70]So what am I supposed to do? [09:45.71] [09:46.79]I don't know. [09:49.00] [09:49.00]Be the way you used to be. [09:51.38] [09:51.38]Surprise me. Take my breath away. [09:54.38] [09:56.68]Okay. [09:59.68] [10:17.20]Hey, Susan. [10:20.20] [10:20.41]What's wrong? [10:23.41] [10:23.41]I didn't realize anybody was going to be out here. I just sort of rolled out of bed. [10:27.21] [10:27.21]I'm sure you look fine. [10:30.21] [10:35.09]Oh, Bongo, stop. [10:38.09] [10:40.18]Sorry, uh... he scares easy. [10:43.01] [10:43.01]No, it-- it's fine. [10:45.97] [10:46.18]I-I get it. I didn't mean to disturb you. [10:48.39] [10:48.39]I'll see you later. [10:51.40] [10:52.61]Do you want to have dinner with me? [10:55.61] [10:56.61]Just the two of us? [10:59.61] [10:59.78]Well... and Julie. [11:02.78] [11:02.91]It's a thing we do when somebody new moves into the neighborhood, [11:05.79] [11:05.79]we invite them over for a home-cooked meal. Sort of a tradition. [11:08.79] [11:09.50]I thought you said you were a lousy cook. [11:11.79] [11:11.79]Well, I order takeout. [11:13.50] [11:13.50]Oh, you invite them over for home cooking and give them takeout. [11:16.00] [11:16.00]Yeah, it's -- it's -- it's sort of a new tradition. [11:19.01] [11:19.09]I'm working out the kinks. [11:22.09] [11:22.09]I'll tell you what -- how about I cook and you guys come over to my place? [11:27.10] [11:28.48]Great. [11:29.81] [11:29.81]Friday night at 6:00? [11:31.98] [11:31.98]I'll be there. [11:33.98] [11:33.98]All right. Come on [11:36.90] [11:36.90]Bye, Bongo. [11:39.90] [11:47.58]Julie! [11:49.41] [11:49.41]Mike Delfino just invited us to dinner friday night. [11:51.71] [11:51.71]He did? Cool. [11:53.29] [11:53.29]But only I'm going, because you're going to come down with something semi-serious [11:56.09] [11:56.09]that requires bed rest and fluids. [11:59.09] [12:00.38]Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life. [12:03.39] [12:04.18]Of course, she was unaware of her mother's recent track record with fire. [12:07.18] [12:08.68]It's all gone -- [12:09.98] [12:09.98]everything my ex-husband worked for all those years. [12:12.98] [12:13.19]Gone. [12:14.90] [12:14.90]Well, don't worry about clothing. [12:15.90] [12:15.90]I already started a collection from people in the neighborhood. [12:18.90] [12:20.19]What? I don't want to wear other people's old crap. [12:23.11] [12:23.11]Edie, you can be homeless, or you can be ungracious. You really can't afford to be both. [12:27.08] [12:27.58]That reminds me -- my insurance check still hasn't come yet. [12:30.58] [12:31.50]Can I stay with you for a few more weeks? [12:33.71] [12:33.71]Of course. What kind of christian would I be if I denied shelter to a friend in need? [12:38.71] [12:39.59]Oh, look, here's something we can salvage. [12:42.59] [12:43.80]Your measuring cup. [12:45.18] [12:45.18]We can just scrape off the burnt part, and it'll look good as new. [12:48.18] [12:49.18]That's not my cup. Mine was plastic. [12:52.18] [12:52.89]Well, how did it get in here? [12:54.60] [12:54.60]I don't know. Who cares? [12:57.61] [13:02.61]Now, would you put that down and start looking for jewelry? [13:05.61] [13:11.41]Dr. Albert Goldfein was the most accomplished marriage counselor in the city. [13:15.42] [13:17.29]He had dealt with problems ranging from substance abuse [13:20.30] [13:21.30]to infidelity [13:24.30] [13:25.59]to domestic violence. [13:28.60] [13:30.39]Yes, dr. Goldfine thought he had seen it all, [13:33.39] [13:34.18]and then he met the Van de Kamps. [13:37.19] [13:37.69]Hi. I'm Bree, and this is my husband Rex... [13:40.69] [13:41.61]and I brought you some homemade potpourri. [13:44.61] [13:46.99]The answer is yes. [13:48.91] [13:48.91]You're about to make a fortune off of us. [13:51.91] [13:56.29]Guys, I'm very -- [13:58.71] [13:58.71]Sit in your seats. [14:01.00] [14:01.00]I am not going to tell you again! [14:03.01] [14:03.01]Buckle up! [14:06.01] [14:06.68]I mean it, so help me, I will -- [14:09.68] [14:12.31]Crap! [14:15.31] [14:19.31]Licenses, registration, ma'am. [14:22.32] [14:22.61]Ma'am, you know why I pulled you over? [14:25.61] [14:26.11]I have a theory. [14:27.11] [14:27.11]The kids are jumping up and down. They should be sitting, wearing their seat belts. [14:30.12] [14:30.49]I don't let them -- they don't even listen to me. It's very frustrating. [14:34.49] [14:35.50]Well, you have to find a way to control them. After all, that's your job. [14:39.50] [14:40.58]Though he'd been a policeman for six years, [14:42.79] [14:42.79]officer Hayes had never found himself in a truly dangerous situation. [14:47.80] [14:48.09]Then again, he had never before told a woman how to raise her children. [14:52.10] [14:56.10]Are you saying I'm a bad mother? [14:57.81] [14:57.81]Ma'am, you need to get back in your car, please. [14:59.90] [14:59.90]I have no help. My husband's always away on business. [15:03.61] [15:03.61]I'm going to have to ask you to step back now. [15:05.48] [15:05.48]My babysitter joined the witness relocation program. [15:08.49] [15:08.99]I haven't slept through the night in six years, [15:11.99] [15:11.99]and for you to stand there and judge me... [15:14.99] [15:27.21]I'm not going to give you a ticket. [15:30.18] [15:30.30]I'm just going to let you off with a warning. [15:33.30] [15:34.10]I accept your apology. [15:37.10] [15:45.98]Buckle up. [15:47.48] [16:18.02]Mrs. Solis. [16:19.39] [16:19.39]Hello, Jonathan. [16:22.39] [16:22.81]Well, this is my room. [16:24.69] [16:24.69]Sorry about the mess. [16:26.19] [16:26.19]Ah, don't worry about it. [16:29.19] [16:29.40]You just missed my mom. Friday she coaches my little sister's soccer team. [16:32.40] [16:33.41]Oh, yes. I heard that. [16:36.20] [16:36.20]Um, John, we need to talk about what happened the other day. [16:39.20] [16:40.20]Mr. Solis isn't starting to catch on, is he? [16:42.58] [16:42.58]No, no, he doesn't have a clue, god love him. [16:45.58] [16:46.21]It's just that when you come over to garden, you might actually have to garden. [16:52.22] [16:53.88]Great. You're breaking up with me [16:56.89] [16:57.80]in my own bedroom. [16:59.01] [16:59.01]No, no, no. I'm not dumping you. [17:01.89] [17:01.89]Lately you've been the only thing keeping me going. [17:04.90] [17:05.10]It's just we can't do it at my house anymore. [17:08.11] [17:08.48]So, then, where do you want to do it? [17:11.49] [17:11.49]Well, what time does your mom get back from soccer practice? [17:14.49] [17:16.41]Mrs. Solis. [17:18.08] [17:18.08]Better hurry. We don't have a lot of time. [17:21.08] [17:34.80]And so there's just the four of us. [17:37.68] [17:37.68]My older son Andrew is 16, Danielle is 15, and -- [17:40.68] [17:41.52]I don't need to see pictures. Bree, [17:43.89] [17:43.89]you've spent most of the hour engaging in small talk. [17:46.90] [17:47.98]Oh, have I? [17:48.98] [17:48.98]Yes. Rex has been very vocal about his issues. [17:52.99] [17:54.28]Don't you want to discuss your feelings about your marriage? [17:58.28] [18:05.41]Doc, um... this is the thing you got to know about Bree -- [18:07.50] [18:07.50]she doesn't like to talk about her feelings. [18:09.50] [18:09.50]To be honest, it's hard to know if s has any. [18:12.50] [18:13.30]Does she feel anger, rage, ecstasy? [18:17.30] [18:17.68]Who knows? [18:19.01] [18:19.01]She's always pleasant, [18:22.01] [18:22.60]and I can't tell you how annoying that is. [18:25.60] [18:25.98]Whatever she feels, it's so far below the surface, no one can see it. [18:32.98] [18:35.49]I feel like she's using all these... [18:38.49] [18:44.79]What? [18:46.79] [18:46.79]Uh, I'm sorry. [18:48.50] [18:48.50]Would you like to respond to what Rex just said? [18:51.50] [18:53.88]Is there some truth there? [18:55.80] [18:55.80]Do you use housework as a way to disengage emotionally? [19:00.80] [19:00.89]Of course not. [19:03.89] [19:06.31]Ah. This is great. [19:07.68] [19:07.68]I've got tons of homework tonight. [19:09.98] [19:09.98]It's so easy to concentrate after sex. [19:12.19] [19:12.19]I'm glad I could help. Education is very important. [19:15.19] [19:15.78]Oh, I got something for you. [19:18.40] [19:18.40]I was going to give it to you next time I mowed your lawn, [19:20.41] [19:20.41]but since you're here... [19:23.41] [19:25.41]Oh, it's a rose. [19:26.79] [19:26.79]It's not just any rose. [19:28.41] [19:28.41]Look at all the petals. There's no floss. It's perfect. [19:31.38] [19:32.79]Oh, John. [19:34.50] [19:34.50]Just like you. [19:36.38] [19:36.38]The truth hit her like a thunderbolt. [19:38.59] [19:38.59]I spent days looking for just the right one. I finally found it. [19:41.59] [19:42.09]For John, this was no longer a meaningless little affair. [19:45.10] [19:46.39]Gabrielle could now clearly see he was falling in love with her. [19:50.39] [19:50.89]It's just beautiful. [19:53.90] [19:55.40]I... [19:57.90] [19:57.90]I got to go. [20:00.90] [20:02.11]Goodbye. [20:03.49] [20:11.21]So what are we having? [20:12.42] [20:12.42]Uh, well, I talked to Julie, and -- thanks. And she suggested rib eye steaks. [20:15.38] [20:15.88]She said that's your favorite. [20:17.09] [20:17.09]Oh, yeah, I love my steak. [20:19.01] [20:20.59]Hi, Mike. Susan. [20:23.59] [20:27.31]Hey, I'm sorry about your house. How you holding up? [20:29.68] [20:29.68]All right, I guess. [20:32.69] [20:32.81]Oh, is somebody having a party? [20:34.69] [20:34.69]No, Susan's just throwing me one of her traditional welcome-to-the-neighborhood dinners, [20:37.69] [20:37.98]only I'm cooking... [20:39.61] [20:39.61]and having it at my house. [20:42.61] [20:42.61]Ha ha. Traditional, huh? I didn't get one. [20:45.62] [20:46.28]Oh, it's sort of a new tradition. [20:48.58] [20:48.58]Well, it won't be anything fancy. Just a little home cooking. [20:51.58] [20:52.29]That sounds so good. [20:53.71] [20:53.71]Susan suddenly had an awful feeling in the pit of her stoma... [20:57.59] [20:57.59]I've been having nothing but fast food lately. [21:00.59] [21:00.80]As if she was watching an accident in slow motion. [21:03.80] [21:05.30]She knew it would happen, but was powerless to stop it. [21:09.31] [21:14.31]Edie, would you like to join us for dinner? [21:16.81] [21:16.81]Oh, that's so sweet. [21:18.98] [21:18.98]No, I don't want to intrude. Three's a crowd. [21:21.90] [21:21.90]No, it's not like that. I mean, Susan's bringing Julie. [21:24.91] [21:26.41]Yeah, it's not like that. [21:27.78] [21:27.78]The more, the merrier. [21:30.08] [21:30.08]- Well, this will be fun. - All right. [21:32.08] [21:32.08]- Tomorrow night.We'll eat at 6:00. - Great. [21:35.08] [21:36.50]Oh, and, Susan... - Yeah. [21:38.79] [21:38.79]This will make up for the dinner that you never threw me. [21:41.80] [21:41.88]Right. Ha ha. [21:44.88] [21:45.80]Should I have told her we were having steak? [21:47.68] [21:47.68]She's not, like, a vegetarian or something, is she? [21:49.89] [21:49.89]Oh, no, no. [21:52.39] [21:52.39]No, edie's definitely a carnivore. [21:55.39] [22:00.61]Here's, um... [22:01.90] [22:01.90]Here's what I pulled for Edie. [22:03.99] [22:03.99]I should warn you that most of the clothes in there aren't that stylish. [22:06.91] [22:06.91]Oh, don't worry about it. Edie's a beggar now, [22:09.49] [22:09.49]which means she can'be a chooser. [22:11.91] [22:11.91]Of course, we don't have to add salt to the wound. [22:14.91] [22:15.79]Listen, I was just getting dinner ready. [22:18.21] [22:18.21]Say no more. [22:19.38] [22:19.38]- I'll get out of your hair. - No, no. [22:22.00] [22:22.00]By the way, was that you I saw getting pulled over by a policeman? [22:26.01] [22:26.18]Yeah, the boys were acting up in the car, [22:29.01] [22:29.01]and I couldn't get them to sit down. [22:31.01] [22:31.01]Young boys can be so willful. [22:33.10] [22:33.10]I try everything. [22:34.81] [22:34.81]I scream, I threaten, I reason, I beg. Nothing works. [22:38.81] [22:39.48]I don't know if it's because they're too young and they don't understand, [22:42.48] [22:42.48]or if they're just getting some perverse joy out of testing me. [22:46.49] [22:46.70]My mother used to have the worst time with me in the car, [22:49.20] [22:49.20]so one time when I was acting up, she stopped [22:51.91] [22:51.91]and left me on the side of the road, and she drove off. [22:54.91] [22:57.00]You're kidding. [22:58.58] [22:58.58]Oh, she came back immediately, [23:00.50] [23:00.50]but I never misbehaved in the car again. [23:02.88] [23:02.88]You should try that. [23:04.38] [23:04.38]Mrs. Huber, I could never leave my kids by the side of the road. [23:08.18] [23:08.18]When it comes to discipline, sometimes you must be creative. [23:11.18] [23:11.39]My mother knew that. Smart lady. [23:13.81] [23:13.81]Of course, she's in a home now, [23:15.60] [23:15.60]and her mind has just turned to mush. [23:18.60] [23:20.40]Well, like I said, I should go back and get dinner ready. [23:23.40] [23:24.11]Oh, right, right. [23:26.40] [23:26.40]- Goodbye. - Goodbye. [23:29.40] [23:30.11]Susan, have you been able to find old clothes for Edie? [23:32.99] [23:32.99]She has nothing to wear. [23:34.91] [23:34.91]I thought that was the look she was going for. [23:37.41] [23:37.41]Oh, Susan. [23:38.58] [23:38.58]Edie may be trash, but she's still a human being. [23:41.58] [23:56.18]Zach? Is your dad home? [23:57.81] [23:57.81]I need to talk to him. [24:00.81] [24:07.40]- Hey, Paul. - Hey. [24:09.28] [24:09.28]Hope I'm not interrupting. [24:10.70] [24:10.70]Actually, I was getting ready to go somewhere. [24:13.70] [24:13.78]I just wanted to come by and say hello, you know, [24:16.79] [24:16.79]see how you guys a doing. [24:18.20] [24:18.20]We're trying to move on. It's been pretty tough. [24:20.91] [24:20.91]Yeah, I could only imagine. [24:23.88] [24:24.00]I mean, not knowing why Mary Alice... [24:25.88] [24:25.88]Why what? [24:27.50] [24:27.50]Why she did it. Oh, here, let me help you. [24:30.09] [24:30.09]I've got it, I've got it. [24:33.09] [24:39.81]I'm sorry if I upset you. [24:42.39] [24:42.39]Can I be frank? [24:44.19] [24:44.19]Of course. [24:45.40] [24:45.40]I don't care what her reasons were. [24:47.32] [24:47.32]Maybe she was depressed, maybe she was bored. [24:49.48] [24:49.48]It doesn't matter. [24:51.11] [24:51.11]She abandoned her husband and her son, and I'll never forgive her. [24:55.12] [25:12.88]As I watched Ssusan, I couldn't help feeling sorry for her. [25:15.89] [25:16.89]She wanted so much to know why I did it... [25:19.89] [25:22.48]Why I killed myself. [25:25.48] [25:27.11]It's not enough to want the truth. [25:30.11] [25:31.11]You must know where to look for it. [25:34.11] [25:36.11]And the truth is elusive, because it knows where to hide. [25:41.08] [25:48.50]Hello, Julie. [25:49.88] [25:49.88]I talked to your mom about donating some clothes for Edie. [25:52.71] [25:52.71]She's at mrs. Van de Kamp's, [25:54.68] [25:54.68]but I'll see if she left some stuff upstairs. [25:57.68] [26:31.50]I-I was, um, just admiring your new measuring cup. [26:34.51] [26:35.59]Yeah, we lost ours. [26:37.38] [26:37.38]Really? [26:38.89] [26:38.89]So I couldn't find the clothes. I'm sorry. [26:41.01] [26:41.01]That's okay. [26:43.39] [26:43.39]If you want me to keep looking... [26:44.98] [26:44.98]No, you've done more than enough, truly. [26:47.98] [26:55.11]Bree, Rex just called. He won't be able to meet you here today. [26:58.99] [26:58.99]Apparently, there was an emergency at the hospital. [27:01.99] [27:02.49]Oh. Well, I wish he had called me. [27:05.41] [27:05.41]He suggested perhaps you'd like to meet with me by yourself. [27:08.42] [27:09.58]You've been very quiet in our joint sessions. [27:12.59] [27:13.38]What? [27:15.88] [27:15.88]Oh -- oh, no, thank you. I-I have some things that I-I need to do today. [27:19.89] [27:19.89]You -- you sure? [27:21.60] [27:21.60]Uh, yeah. I'm sure. [27:24.60] [27:34.27]Dr. Goldfine, there is something you can do for me. [27:37.28] [27:37.78]What's that? [27:39.20] [27:39.20]Take off your coat. [27:42.20] [27:43.78]So now you're taking Julie on the dinner date with Mike? [27:46.79] [27:46.91]Yeah, well, if Edie's going to be there, I'm going to need emotional support. [27:49.92] [27:50.21]I can't believe she wormed her way in. [27:52.21] [27:52.21]- How did you let her do that? - I don't know. [27:54.21] [27:54.21]I was going to take her out at the knees, but it all happened so fast. [27:57.01] [27:57.01]Well, you know what you need to do. [27:58.30] [27:58.30]You need to get there early, spend a little time with Mike before the little barracuda gets there. [28:02.30] [28:02.59]That's a good idea. [28:04.30] [28:04.30]Edie will get there at 5:45, which means her breasts will arrive at 5:30, [28:07.89] [28:07.89]so I should shoot for 5:00. [28:09.10] [28:09.10]That a girl. [28:10.60] [28:10.60]I'm just going to take these upstairs. [28:12.60] [28:12.60]I'm going to keep my one little bag and go home. [28:15.61] [28:19.99]That is a beautiful rose. Where did you get it? [28:22.49] [28:22.49]Oh, John gave it to me. [28:25.49] [28:25.70]John? Your gardener? He gave you a rose? [28:28.70] [28:29.00]Yes. [28:31.29] [28:31.29]I am having some new bushes planted outside, [28:34.29] [28:34.29]and he gave me that as a color palette. [28:37.30] [28:43.18]Sure is beautiful, isn't it? [28:46.18] [28:49.47]Yes, it is. [28:51.89] [28:51.89]I'm sure Freud would not approve of this. [28:54.90] [28:55.81]Oh, who cares what he thinks? [28:57.19] [28:57.19]I took psychology in college. We learned all about Freud. [29:00.19] [29:00.69]A miserable human being. [29:02.70] [29:02.70]What makes you say that? [29:03.91] [29:03.91]Well, think about it -- [29:05.20] [29:05.20]he grew up in the late 1800s. There were no appliances back then. [29:09.20] [29:09.79]His mother had to do everything by hand, [29:12.79] [29:13.58]just backbreaking work from sunup to sundown, [29:16.59] [29:16.79]not to mention the countless other sacrifices she probably had to make to take care of her family. [29:20.80] [29:21.38]And what does he do? [29:22.67] [29:22.67]He grows up and becomes famous peddling a theory [29:25.51] [29:25.51]that the problems of most adults [29:27.01] [29:27.01]can be traced back to something awful their mother has done. [29:30.97] [29:31.60]She must have felt so betrayed. [29:33.89] [29:33.89]He saw how hard she worked. [29:36.19] [29:36.19]He saw what she did for him. [29:38.90] [29:38.90]Did he even ever think to say "thank you"? [29:42.90] [29:46.28]I doubt it. [29:49.28] [29:57.00]There you go. [29:59.50] [29:59.50]Just so you know, many of Freud's theories have been discredited. [30:03.51] [30:04.68]Good. [30:06.51] [30:14.39]Boys, I am not going to tell you again -- sit. I mean it. [30:17.40] [30:18.98]I am serious. [30:20.69] [30:20.69]You boys are going to be in so much trouble if you don't sit back in those seats. [30:23.69] [30:30.99]For the first time, Lynette could see this was not the innocent play of children. [30:36.00] [30:37.08]She was being challenged. [30:40.09] [30:40.21]So she decided it was time to get creative. [30:43.21] [30:51.81]Out. Can't behave, you heard me, you cannot ride. [30:54.81] [30:56.39]You, out. [30:59.40] [31:07.61]- Where's mom going? - I don't know. [31:10.62] [31:18.58]Mommy's a genius. [31:21.29] [31:21.29]5, 6 -- alright. [31:24.30] [31:36.39]I will be right back. [31:38.69] [31:38.69]Boys? [31:41.69] [31:47.28]If you're hiding, you've got to stop now, 'cause mommy doesn't think it's funny! [31:51.28] [31:52.28]Oh, excuse me. [31:53.49] [31:53.49]I'm sorry. I'm looking for my boys. Three boys with red hair. [31:56.50] [31:56.70]- Have you seen them? - Yeah. I also saw you drive away and leave them. [31:59.71] [31:59.71]I know. I was just trying to scare them into behaving. [32:02.00] [32:02.00]Did you see where they went? [32:03.00] [32:03.00]Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're in my kitchen. [32:04.88] [32:04.88]Listen, uh, it seems to me that you have some anger management issues. [32:08.88] [32:09.09]I have four kids under the age of 6. I absolutely have anger management issues. [32:14.10] [32:14.10]Yeah, well, I think you need to talk to somebody, [32:16.89] [32:16.89]because abandoning your children is -- [32:18.81] [32:18.81]Hey, I-I didn't abandon them. I came back. [32:20.60] [32:20.60]I'm just saying it's not normal. [32:23.19] [32:23.19]Well, my kids aren't normal, [32:24.98] [32:24.98]and now I don't have time for this, lady, so -- [32:26.98] [32:26.98]boys, get out here! [32:28.28] [32:28.28]No, I don't think they should go anywhere until you calm down. [32:31.28] [32:32.28]- Get in the car. - She's got cookies. [32:34.91] [32:34.91]Well, bring them. We're leaving. [32:36.20] [32:36.20]- Oh, no, no. Stay put. - I don't think so. Aah! [32:38.58] [32:38.58]- Listen, lady, you and I are going to have a little talk. - Leave my mommy alone! [32:41.00] [32:41.00]Let go of me! [32:42.50] [32:42.50]What's the matter with you? [32:45.50] [32:48.51]Run, boys, run! [32:51.51] [32:56.01]Son of a -- aah! [32:57.68] [32:57.68]You get back here! [32:58.68] [32:58.68]Boys, you're going to need to put on your -- [33:01.69] [33:07.19]You come back here right now! Get back or I'm going to call social services! [33:10.19] [33:30.71]Oh, my god. [33:33.68] [33:33.80]Carlos, what have you done? [33:35.39] [33:35.39]I saw it when I drove by the dealership. [33:36.80] [33:36.80]I thought, "Gabrielle would look so beautiful in this." [33:39.81] [33:42.31]Cost me an arm and a leg. [33:43.98] [33:43.98]It's got GPS navigation, 200-watt stereo system, rear parking -- [33:47.98] [33:48.32]Oh, my god, it's beautiful. [33:51.28] [33:52.61]So... did I take your breath away? [33:54.99] [33:54.99]Absolutely. [33:57.99] [33:59.08]Is it the best gift you've ever gotten? [34:02.08] [34:02.58]Gabrielle could see what this gesture had cost Carlos, [34:05.58] [34:05.79]so she responded the only way she knew how. [34:08.79] [34:14.68]She had a feeling the truth would have been lost on her husband anyway. [34:18.68] [34:19.01]After all, [34:20.68] [34:20.68]it's the rare man who understands the value of a single perfect rose. [34:25.69] [34:50.21]Oh, I hope you don't mind. I thought I'd come by early and help you set up. [34:54.21] [34:54.38]Hey, Susan. [34:57.38] [34:57.68]Don't worry. Mike and I have got everything under control. [35:00.68] [35:05.89]Bongo. [35:07.90] [35:07.90]I don't know why he barks at you. [35:09.81] [35:09.81]Well, I wouldn't take it personally. Dogs are very sensitive. [35:12.77] [35:13.69]What's up, Bongo, huh? [35:15.40] [35:15.40]You never know what freaks them out, huh? [35:17.28] [35:17.28]In the distance, susan thought she heard a bell ring. [35:20.28] [35:20.70]Ooh, is it a strange noise, huh? What is it? A weird smell? [35:23.70] [35:24.58]Round one had started. [35:27.58] [35:28.21]Look, all I'm saying is that this whole [35:30.79] [35:30.79]"it takes two to mess up a marriage" theory is bull. [35:33.50] [35:33.50]The problems that weave are because of her. [35:35.51] [35:35.51]That is not true, Rex. [35:37.01] [35:37.01]All right, fine. What have I been doing for the past 20 years that's been so awful? [35:41.01] [35:41.89]You're not saying anything because I've been a great husband, [35:44.89] [35:45.39]and it kills you to admit that. [35:47.81] [35:47.81]Rex, I'm curious -- [35:49.10] [35:49.10]do you ever acknowledge the benefits of living with Bree? [35:54.11] [35:55.69]Huh? [35:56.61] [35:56.61]By your own admission, your home is always clean, [35:59.61] [35:59.78]your clothes are always freshly pressed. Sounds like a wonderful cook. [36:03.70] [36:03.70]Despite her flaws, do you ever remember to say "thank you"? [36:08.71] [36:11.21]"Thank you"? [36:12.71] [36:12.71]Yes. [36:14.38] [36:19.68]Bongo! Bongo.Get down. Down. [36:22.01] [36:22.01]Go on. Unh-unh. Down. [36:23.60] [36:23.60]I'm sorry. [36:26.01] [36:26.01]So, um, who's the guy that lives across from mrs. Huber again? [36:28.98] [36:28.98]Mm. That's mr. Mullen, [36:30.31] [36:30.31]and just so you know, if he invites you in, you have to meet all of his pets. [36:33.31] [36:33.48]That's okay. I love animals. [36:34.69] [36:34.69]He's a taxidermist. [36:37.69] [36:38.49]Thanks for the warning. [36:41.49] [36:42.11]Isn't mr. Mullen's brother your divorce attorney? [36:45.08] [36:46.29]Uh, yes. Yes, he was. [36:48.79] [36:48.79]Can I say something? [36:50.79] [36:50.79]In my heart, I still believe that you and Carl are going to get back together. [36:54.79] [36:56.30]Really? [36:57.38] [36:57.38]Oh, yeah, I-I've never seen two people more in love. [37:00.38] [37:00.72]I mean, she's never going to find that kind of chemistry with another man. Never. [37:03.68] [37:04.89]It was everything susan could do to keep a smile on her face. [37:07.89] [37:08.60]Round two was under way, and she was already taking a beating. [37:11.60] [37:11.81]- You know what, mrs. Britt? - What edie hadn't counted on... [37:14.69] [37:14.69]- Do you know who I always liked? - Was Susan had someone else in her corner. [37:17.69] [37:18.40]Mr. Authwell -- your fourth husband. [37:21.20] [37:21.20]Oh, he was my second husband. I've only been married twice. [37:24.20] [37:25.12]Twice? [37:25.99] [37:25.99]You weren't married to the guy with all the tattoos that they took away in handcuffs? [37:28.99] [37:29.41]No, Julie, she wasn't married to Javier. [37:32.41] [37:32.58]That was just one of her special friends. [37:35.58] [37:36.00]I think we should change the subject. You know, unless you want to keep talking about it. [37:40.01] [37:42.67]Bongo, get down. [37:44.89] [37:44.89]Wait, wait. Let -- let me show you something. Bongo. [37:46.39] [37:46.39]He loves that gravy. [37:48.39] [37:48.39]While you were in there tossing the salad, [37:50.39] [37:50.39]I taught him something. [37:51.89] [37:51.89]Up. [37:54.48] [37:54.48]Susan was furious with Edie for using a dog to ingratiate herself with its owner. [37:59.48] [38:00.11]She was also furious with Mike for not seeing through this blatant maneuver. [38:04.11] [38:04.91]But mostly... [38:05.91] [38:05.91]you know what? I'm going to go get the desserts. [38:08.41] [38:08.41]She was furious with herself for not having thought of it first. [38:12.41] [38:13.58]I can barely get him to sit. [38:15.58] [38:15.58]You are a good dog. You're the best dog ever. Yes, you are. [38:18.59] [38:20.38]Ha ha. I've never seen him walk on two legs. [38:22.09] [38:22.09]Well, he knows who to come to, doesn't he? He knows who to come to. [38:25.09] [38:31.89]Here's your dessert. [38:33.81] [38:33.81]Thank you. Mmm. My, this looks yummy. [38:36.81] [38:40.90]Oh, look at that. [38:42.69] [38:42.69]Looks like Bongo's finally warming up to Susan. [38:45.70] [38:46.20]Yeah, we just got off on the wrong foot. We're best buddies now. [38:49.20] [38:52.91]Oh, what a good boy. [38:55.91] [38:57.29]Bongo, are you okay? [38:58.58] [38:58.58]What's wrong with him? [38:59.59] [38:59.59]I don't know. I've never heard him make that sound. [39:02.59] [39:03.80]Hey, you okay, pal? [39:05.22] [39:05.22]Mom. [39:08.18] [39:08.80]Hey, you all right? You okay? Come on. [39:09.89] [39:16.48]Call the vet. The number's on the fridge. Tell him I'll be right there. [39:18.90] [39:18.90]Okay, don't you worry about a thing. I'll stay here and get everything cleaned up. [39:22.77] [39:22.77]Thanks, Edie. [39:25.78] [39:25.90]Is there anything I can do? [39:28.91] [39:29.49]No. [39:31.41] [39:56.89]- Hey. - Hey. [39:59.39] [39:59.39]How's Bongo doing? [40:00.98] [40:00.98]I'm, uh, just waiting to see if they'll have to operate. [40:03.48] [40:03.48]Oh, god. [40:06.49] [40:10.61]I-I... I stopped and I got this... [40:13.58] [40:14.70]I am just so sorry for this. [40:16.50] [40:16.50]I'm really sorry I snapped at you. I was ju so -- [40:18.79] [40:18.79]Oh, no, it's okay. [40:20.87] [40:20.87]Good news. [40:22.50] [40:22.50]We won't have to do surgery. [40:24.09] [40:24.09]Oh, that's great. [40:26.38] [40:26.38]We've given Bongo something to help pass the earring. [40:29.01] [40:29.01]When he does, would you like us to retrieve it for you? [40:32.01] [40:32.18]I'm going to say no. [40:34.39] [40:34.39]Okay. You should be able to take him home in about an hour. [40:37.39] [40:39.89]You must be so relieved. [40:42.90] [40:44.61]I'm sorry. I was just really worried. [40:47.11] [40:47.11]Well, it was your dog. I get it. [40:49.40] [40:49.40]Actually, he was my wife's dog, and, uh... [40:52.41] [40:53.41]one of the last things she said to me in the hospital before she died [40:56.20] [40:56.20]was to be sure I looked after him, [40:58.29] [40:58.29]and, um, I promised her I would. [41:01.00] [41:01.00]And just like that,Susan could suddenly see something she'd never seen before. [41:07.00] [41:08.80]He, uh, meant so much to her. [41:10.30] [41:10.30]Mike Delfino was still in love with his late wife. [41:13.30] [41:15.01]And if, uh, something had happened, I would have felt like I had failed her. [41:18.02] [41:20.10]I know that sounds stupid, but I... [41:21.98] [41:21.98]and she knew right then neither she nor Edie would be laying claim to his heart anytime soon. [41:27.98] [41:28.11]No, it doesn't. Not at all. [41:30.40] [41:30.40]So she decided, for now, [41:33.41] [41:33.41]she could settle for just being his friend. [41:36.20] [41:36.20]This is for you. Well, for Bongo. [41:38.79] [41:38.79]You give it to him. [41:40.50] [41:54.80]Yes. As I look back at the world I left behind, [41:57.80] [41:58.18]it's all so clear to me: [42:01.18] [42:01.39]the beauty that waits to be unveiled, [42:04.39] [42:04.48]the mysteries that long to be uncovered. [42:07.48] [42:11.11]But people so rarely stop to take a look, [42:14.11] [42:15.41]they just keep moving. [42:18.41] [42:22.29]It's a shame really, [42:24.79] [42:24.79]there's so much to see. [42:27.79] [42:28.79] [42:38.79]
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