喜歡口譯的同學,大多抱有一個外交官的理想,而雙語例行記者會上快節(jié)奏的你問我答及現(xiàn)場翻譯,則給我們提供了寶貴的學習資源。下面是小編整理的關(guān)于【雙語】例行記者會 2021-3-8的資料,希望大家在這些唇槍舌劍中,提升英語,更熱愛祖國!
2021年3月8日外交部發(fā)言人趙立堅主持例行記者會Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on March 8, 2021
CCTV: On March 5, the Republic of Belarus delivered a joint statement on behalf of 70 countries at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council to support China's position and measures on Hong Kong-related issues and oppose Western countries' exploitation of such issues to interfere in China's internal affairs. Do you have any comment on this? 趙立堅:3月5日,白俄羅斯代表70個國家在人權(quán)理事會第46屆會議上作共同發(fā)言,重申支持中國在香港特別行政區(qū)實行“一國兩制”,認為香港國安法實施后,香港擺脫了動蕩局勢,逐漸恢復穩(wěn)定,強調(diào)不干涉主權(quán)國家內(nèi)政是《聯(lián)合國憲章》重要原則,是國際關(guān)系的基本準則,香港特區(qū)是中國不可分離的部分,香港事務是中國內(nèi)政,敦促有關(guān)方面切實尊重中國主權(quán),停止干涉香港事務和中國內(nèi)政。此外,還有20多個國家在人權(quán)理事會以單獨發(fā)言等方式,支持中方在涉港問題上的立場和舉措。 Zhao Lijian: On March 5, on behalf of 70 countries, Belarus delivered a joint statement at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council to reiterate their support for China's practice of One Country, Two Systems in the Hong Kong SAR. The statement said that Hong Kong was lifted out of chaos and stability was gradually restored after the national security legislation took effect. Stressing that non-interference is an important principle of the UN Charter and a basic norm governing international relations, and Hong Kong SAR is an inalienable part of China and its affairs are China's internal affairs, the joint statement urges the relevant parties to earnestly respect China's sovereignty and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs. Besides, another 20-plus countries also voiced support for China's position and measures on Hong Kong-related issues in their respective remarks at the Human Rights Council.中新社記者:昨天,王毅國務委員兼外長在兩會外長記者會上介紹了外交部在幫助海外中國公民抗疫方面所做大量工作,其中提到了向海外同胞發(fā)放“春節(jié)包”。發(fā)言人能否進一步介紹具體情況?
China News Service: Yesterday at a press briefing on the margins of the "two sessions", State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked about the foreign ministry's efforts in helping overseas Chinese fight COVID-19, including the distribution of Spring Festival packages. Can you give us more details on that?
趙立堅:過去一年,身在海外的同胞們確實很不容易。正如昨天王毅國務委員所說,黨和政府始終牽掛每一位海外同胞的生命安全和身體健康。 Zhao Lijian: Our overseas compatriots had a tough time last year. As State Councilor Wang Yi noted yesterday, the Party and the government care deeply about the life and health of each and every Chinese national abroad. 據(jù)我們了解,截至3月1日,我們共有駐163個國家的244家使領(lǐng)館發(fā)放了約50萬份“春節(jié)包”。有的使領(lǐng)館精心設(shè)計了文創(chuàng)“盲盒”、生活物資包等不同內(nèi)容的“春節(jié)包”;有的使領(lǐng)館在“春節(jié)包”中提供中國特色“年夜飯”;有的使領(lǐng)館親筆繪制花卉信封并書寫祝福賀卡。一份份“春節(jié)包”溫暖了一顆顆漂泊的心?!按汗?jié)包”跨越山水重洋,送去了防疫物資,送去了祖國的牽掛,送去了深情的節(jié)日祝福。 As we know, as of March 1, about 500,000 Spring Festival packages were delivered by 244 Chinese diplomatic missions in 163 countries. The packages provided by different embassies and consulates vary in their content, which include blind boxes of cultural and creative products, some daily necessities, traditional Spring Festival cuisines, and hand-written greeting cards in envelopes decorated with hand-drawn flowers. The Spring Festival packages, traveling long distances, delivered anti-epidemic materials, solicitude, warmth and most sincere holiday wishes from the motherland to our compatriots overseas.德國電視二臺記者:在一些西方國家特別是美國,有一些關(guān)于是否應該因人權(quán)問題抵制北京冬奧會的政治討論,請問中方有何回應?會采取何種措施?
ZDF: In Western countries, especially in the United States, there are political discussions about whether the Olympic Games should be boycotted in China because of human rights issues. So how do you respond to that? And how would China react towards countries that want to boycott China for human rights issues and the Winter Games?
趙立堅:北京2022年冬奧會和冬殘奧會是中國對國際奧林匹克運動作出的又一重要貢獻,參加北京冬奧會也是各國冬奧運動愛好者的熱切期盼。中方一定能夠如期完成各項籌備任務,做好全面準備,把北京冬奧會辦成一屆簡約、安全、精彩的奧運盛會。 Zhao Lijian: Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics will be another significant contribution China makes to the Olympic Movement. All winter games lovers are looking forward to taking part in the games in Beijing. China will complete all preparation as scheduled and host a simple, safe and excellent Winter Olympic Games.彭博社記者:王毅國務委員兼外長在昨天的記者會上表示,中方愿同美方合作,希望美方與中方相向而行,盡快解除迄今對中美合作設(shè)置的各種不合理限制,更不要再人為制造出新的障礙。請問中方可以采取哪些具體行動來改善雙邊關(guān)系?
Bloomberg: Also in relation to yesterday's address by Foreign Minister Wang Yi. At that time, he said that Beijing was ready to work with Washington. He said he hope that the United States will move in the same direction and remove all of its unreasonable restrictions on bilateral cooperation as early as possible and stop creating new obstacles. My question is, are there any specific actions that China can take to improve the relations between the two countries.
Zhao Lijian: Yesterday, State Councilor Wang Yi answered questions from the media and elaborated on China's position on China-U.S. relations. I would like to stress again, we are committed to developing a relationship with the United States featuring non-confrontation, non-conflict, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. We are also determined to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests. We hope the U.S. side will view China and China-U.S. relations in an objective and rational manner, keep up with the trend of the times, and replace its obsolete zero-sum thinking with rational and pragmatic policy towards China. Building on the telephone conversation between the two heads of state, China and the United States should work together to focus on cooperation, manage differences, bring China-U.S. relations back on the right track, and deliver greater benefit to the people of our two countries and the world.
As for the specific question you raised, State Councilor Wang Yi has also made very clear statement. The list of areas where the two countries can and should cooperate is very clear. Building on the telephone conversation between the two heads of state, China and the United States should work together to focus on cooperation, manage differences, and bring China-U.S. relations back on the right track.
Follow-up: So it seems like the action is on the U.S. side and everything should be on the U.S. side. Is there any specific actions that China can do to improve the situation?
Zhao Lijian: I think that's your interpretation. Building on the telephone conversation between the two heads of state, foreign ministries of the two countries should work together to focus on cooperation, manage differences, bring China-U.S. relations back on the right track of sound and steady development at an early date. As we all know, the previous U.S. administration took various retrogressive moves against China-U.S. relations, which caused serious damage to bilateral relations. From this perspective, I would say that the U.S. government has a greater responsibility to take initiatives and measures. We hope that the U.S. side will meet China halfway and make joint efforts.
Zhao Lijian: Today is the International Women's Day. In China we have an old saying which goes like "Anything a man can do, a woman can do it, even better." I would like to take this opportunity to send my best wishes to all the ladies here and around the world. Wish you all the best in your work and everyday life.
以上就是【雙語】例行記者會 2021-3-8的全部內(nèi)容,希望對你有所幫助!