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【雙語】例行記者會 2021-5-26





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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on May 26, 2021

澎湃新聞記者:近期,美國有官員呼吁對新冠病毒起源進行全面、專家主導(dǎo)的“調(diào)查”,稱中國沒有在溯源“調(diào)查”的過程中保持完全透明。中方對此有何評論? The Paper: Recently, several US officials claimed that China's investigation on virus origin-tracing lacked transparency, and called for a comprehensive and experts-led investigation on the origin of the coronavirus. Do you have any comment? 趙立堅:溯源是科學(xué)問題,目的是增進人類對病毒的認知,更好防范未來可能出現(xiàn)的傳染性疾病。 Zhao Lijian: Origin-tracing of the virus is a scientific issue. The purpose is to improve human's understanding of the virus and better guard against infectious diseases in the future. 疫情發(fā)生以來,中國率先支持世衛(wèi)組織開展全球溯源研究工作。今年1月14日至2月10日,世衛(wèi)組織國際專家組同中國專家在武漢開展為期近一個月的深入研究。雙方專家共同開展實地考察,共同分析大量數(shù)據(jù),共同發(fā)布權(quán)威的聯(lián)合研究報告,得出許多重要結(jié)論。此次聯(lián)合研究為全球溯源工作起到了積極推動作用。 After the outbreak of the pandemic, China took the lead to support the WHO in conducting researches on origin-tracing on a global scale. From January 14 to February 10 this year, the WHO international expert team carried out an in-depth study in Wuhan together with the Chinese experts for one month or so. Experts on both sides jointly made field trips, analyzed a large number of statistics, issued an authoritative study report, and reached many significant conclusions. This joint study actively promoted the origin-tracing globally. 美方一些人嘴上鼓吹真相,心里卻全是政治操弄。只要一提到疫情,就對中國進行抹黑攻擊,全然不顧自身疫情溯源的諸多疑點和抗疫失利的慘痛事實。他們一門心思散布的“實驗室泄漏”等陰謀論和虛假信息,是對世衛(wèi)組織專家組成員科學(xué)精神和研究成果的極大不尊重,更是對全球團結(jié)抗疫努力的褻瀆和破壞。 Some people in the US talk about "facts", when what is really on their mind is political manipulation. Every time when the issue of pandemic is brought up, they smear and attack China, while totally ignoring the doubts over the origin-tracing work and failure of pandemic response in the US. They are obsessed with spreading "lab leak theory" and other conspiracy theories and disinformation. What they did is total disrespectful of the spirit of science and research results of the WHO expert team, and undermines global anti-epidemic efforts and solidarity.  我還想再次強調(diào),許多線索、報道和研究表明,疫情早在2019年下半年就已在世界多地多點出現(xiàn)。中國始終以負責任態(tài)度對待溯源工作,也已作出了有目共睹的積極貢獻。如果美方真想做到完全透明調(diào)查,就應(yīng)像中國一樣,邀請世衛(wèi)組織專家赴美調(diào)查,及早開放美軍德特里克堡基地以及美國散布全球的生物實驗室,及早披露2019年7月弗吉尼亞州北部開始出現(xiàn)不明原因的呼吸系統(tǒng)疾病、威斯康星州暴發(fā)大規(guī)?!半娮訜熂膊 钡认嚓P(guān)病例的詳細數(shù)據(jù)和信息。我們敦促美國等有關(guān)國家也能本著科學(xué)、開放、透明態(tài)度同世衛(wèi)組織開展合作。 I want to stress again that, according to the clues, reports and researches, the COVID-19 pandemic was spotted in various places around the world early in the second half of 2019. China takes the origin-tracing work seriously with a responsible attitude, and has made positive contributions that are widely recognized. If the US side truly demands a completely transparent investigation, it should follow China's lead to invite the WHO experts to the US, open Fort Detrick and bio-labs overseas to the rest of the world, and disclose the detailed data and information on the unexplained outbreaks of respiratory disease in northern Virginia in July, 2019 and the EVALI outbreak in Wisconsin. We urge the US and other relevant countries to cooperate with the WHO in a scientific, open and transparent manner.


深圳衛(wèi)視記者:我們注意到,日方近來多次強調(diào)福島核污染水是經(jīng)過過濾稀釋的“處理水”,完全達到排放標準。有評論稱,此舉旨在論證核污染水排海決定的合理性。中方對此有何評論? Shenzhen TV: We noticed that the Japanese side has been stressing lately that the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is treated water that has been filtered and diluted and met the criterion for discharge. Some say this is an attempt to justify the decision of discharging the water into the sea. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: No matter how the Japanese side tries to justify or whitewash itself, there is no way it can cover up its wrong and selfish decision in disregard of the common interests of all humanity.


The nuclear contaminated water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant contains complicated components including many radionuclides as it came into contact with nuclear fuel of the molten reactor core. TEPCO once claimed that after purification, most radionuclides can be removed except for tritium, an attempt to draw public attention to tritium to hide other serious problems. But in 2018, it reluctantly admitted that there were cases where non-tritium radionuclides in treated water exceeded acceptable levels. In February 2020, a report by the Japanese side showed that 73 percent of the nuclear contaminated water exceeded Japan's discharge standards after treatment. Besides, diluting tritium-containing water cannot change the total amount of tritium. The nuclear contaminated water will remain unchanged no matter how it is packaged. Once discharged into the ocean, it will produce inestimable damage to the global marine environment.


We've also noticed that the Atomic Power Citizens Council recently exposed that Japanese testing personnel rigged the equipment in an attempt to fool the public and sell the narrative that the contaminated water is safe after treatment. Head of the Council agrees with this. If indeed the treated nuclear contaminated water conforms with Japan's so-called safety standards, then why not release it into Japan's water pipes for household use? By opting for ocean discharge, the Japanese government and TECPO will cut costs but the global ecology and all people on earth including in Japan will pay too dearly.


Japan's short-sighted economic calculation is a crime against the Earth and humanity. It should correctly assess the situation, return to reason and science, act in a responsible manner to international public interests, and handle the issue prudently with openness and transparency. It mustn't start the discharge before reaching consensus with all stakeholders and the IAEA through full consultation.



AFP: The idea that COVID emerged from a lab leak in Wuhan has been gaining increasing momentum in the US. The demand for more investigation is also getting traction in Western countries. Will China agree to or consider a probe specifically in the lab of Wuhan?


Zhao Lijian: I already stated China's position on origin-tracing just now.



CCTV: Yesterday State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended and addressed the reception celebrating the 58th Africa Day, elaborating China-Africa friendship and cooperation from various aspects. What is the special context and significance of China-Africa co-hosting this Africa Day celebration event?


Zhao Lijian: Africa Day is an important day for the African people in striving for independence and strengthening unity. The Chinese side has actively participated in celebratory activities of the Africa Day organized by African diplomatic missions over the years. Strengthening unity and cooperation with African countries is the constant priority of China's diplomacy, so the Africa Day also marks a common holiday for China and Africa.


This year, China and Africa have overcome the impact of COVID-19 to jointly host the Africa Day reception. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended and addressed the meeting. He put forward four proposals on developing China-Africa relations, namely, to keep pace with the times and ensure the success of the next FOCAC meeting, to work together to quickly defeat the COVID-19 epidemic with mutual assistance, to pursue common development and advance practical cooperation in a steady and sustained manner, and to uphold fairness and justice and strengthen coordination and cooperation in international affairs. African envoys and ambassadors to China warmly congratulated the CPC on the upcoming centenary of its founding, spoke highly of the achievements of China-Africa cooperation and expressed high expectations for a better future of China-Africa relations. It is fair to say that this reception is another important manifestation of the traditional friendship between China and Africa and demonstrates the true solidarity and cooperation between the two sides in the face of the epidemic.


China attaches great importance to Africa and China-Africa relations. In today's world, the international community will be morally untenable if it does not pay attention to or assist Africa in its development. Likewise, without the support and participation of African countries, global affairs cannot be handled well. China and Africa have jointly launched the Initiative on Partnership for Africa's Development. We welcome the participation of more countries and international organizations in this initiative to jointly support Africa's post-epidemic recovery, development and revitalization, and promote greater progress in Africa's seeking strength through unity and integration process. China will continue to deepen practical cooperation with Africa through platforms including the BRI and FOCAC, make greater contributions to Africa's development, jointly uphold international fairness and justice, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.



Xinhua News Agency: At the request of Pakistan, as coordinator of the OIC, and the state of Palestine, the UN Human Rights Council will hold a special session on the Palestine-Israel conflict on May 27. Relevant Muslim countries submitted a draft resolution, calling for establishment of an independent international commission of inquiry to investigate all human rights violations in the conflict. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: China supports the UN Human Rights Council in holding this special session. We express grave concern over the large number of casualties, including women and children, caused by the recent Israel-Palestine conflict. We condemn all acts of violence against civilians and attacks on civilian facilities, especially hospitals and schools. We are also concerned about the continuously worsening human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory in recent years. China welcomes the ceasefire between parties of Israel-Palestine conflict, and hopes that the parties concerned can effectively cease fire and stop violence. China firmly supports Palestine's just appeal and all efforts conducive to the implementation of the two-state solution.


Associated Press of Pakistan: During his meeting with the Chinese Ambassador in Islamabad, Prime Minister Imran Khan highly appreciated President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang for their able leadership. He also reaffirmed top priority accorded by his government to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and its speedy completion of projects. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: We note this and appreciate Prime Minister Imran Khan's positive remarks.


As an important pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has made significant progress in transportation infrastructure, energy, ports and industrial parks since its launch. This has not only vigorously boosted Pakistan's faster economic and social development, but also played a positive role in promoting regional connectivity. Statistics show that since the launch of CPEC, 75,000 jobs have been created in total in Pakistan. China is ready to work with Pakistan to promote the high-quality construction of CPEC and play a bigger role in improving people's living standards and promoting regional connectivity and economic integration.


《環(huán)球時報》記者:5月25日是美國非洲裔男子喬治·弗洛伊德遭跪壓致死一周年紀念日,美國全國再次爆發(fā)游行示威,抗議美國內(nèi)種族歧視問題。但當前美國內(nèi)對亞裔、非洲裔等少數(shù)族裔的仇視問題依然存在,這一狀況似乎并未因弗洛伊德事件而發(fā)生改變。中方對此有何評論? Global Times: People took to the street across the US to protest against racial discrimination on May 25, one year since the killing of George Floyd, an African America who died after a police officer pressed the knee onto his neck. However, the issue of anti-Asian and -African hate is still there and the situation hasn't been changed since the death of Floyd. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: As you said, many netizens have raised these questions to the US side: Has anything changed since one year ago? Can people like Floyd breathe freely now?


Floyd's family said brokenheartedly that "It's been a long year. It's been a painful year". One year on, the desperate cry of "I can't breathe" still echoes, and gun violence and other violence targeting ethnic minorities keeps hitting the headlines. At least 64 people, more than half of which are people of color, have died at the hands of police in 21 days since the start of the trial of the Floyd case according to reports. An Axios-Ipsos poll indicates that the relationship between Black Americans and the police, instead of improving, is becoming a profound and escalating crisis over the past year. Likewise, 72% of Black Americans said police shootings of Black or brown youths have gotten worse in the last year.


What's inside the Floyd case is just a tip of the iceberg on the issue of racism in the US. A poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Americans say racism in the United States is a "very or extremely serious" problem. More than 6,600 hate incidents against Asians have been reported in the year after the pandemic began in the United States, announced Stop AAPI Hate, a non-profit organization. Everyone knows that the US has a poor record of racial discrimination and hate crime. The US leader also admitted this year that hate crime and racial discrimination is a "ugly poison" that plagued the American society.


We hope the US will get its house in order, solve its own problems and ensure safety for its people and enable them to enjoy freedom from discrimination and terror and to breathe freely. It should forsake its obsession with spreading lies and disinformation against other countries, stirring up trouble and interfering in others' internal affairs.


鳳凰衛(wèi)視記者:臺灣“外長”吳釗燮日前接受加拿大廣播公司采訪時稱,大陸在東海、臺海、南海進行軍事活動,試圖擴大影響力,希望理念相同的國家關(guān)注并支持臺灣。他還稱,香港不再享有以往的經(jīng)濟和政治自由,不會讓臺灣成為“第二個香港”。外交部對此有何回應(yīng)? Phoenix TV: In a recent interview with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Taiwan's "foreign minister" Joseph Wu talked about the mainland's military activities in the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea and its attempt to expand its influence. He hopes fellow "states" could pay attention to and support Taiwan. He also said that Hong Kong no longer enjoys the same economic and political freedom as it did before and that he would not let Taiwan become "the second Hong Kong". What is the foreign ministry's response?


Zhao Lijian:  First of all, I need to correct you on one point. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and there is no so-called "foreign minister" of Taiwan. Under the guise of so-called democracy and freedom, the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly taken advantage of Hong Kong affairs to maliciously slander and denigrate the mainland. It's real purpose is to disrupt Hong Kong and seek "Taiwan independence". Its clumsy political manipulation for grandstanding will not succeed, and will only invite humiliation on itself.


中新社記者:今年是聯(lián)合國大會確定的“消除童工現(xiàn)象國際年”。多年來,國際勞工組織不斷對美國雇傭童工并造成嚴重工傷事故表達關(guān)切。媒體也多次披露美國煙草行業(yè)雇傭童工問題。請問中方對此有何評論? China News Service: This year is designated as the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour by the United Nations General Assembly. Over the years, the International Labor Organization (ILO) has repeatedly expressed concern about the child labor problem in the US and the severe work injuries arising therefrom. There are also a plethora of media coverage about child labor in the US tobacco industry. I wonder if China has any comment on this? 趙立堅:兒童是世界的未來,保護和促進兒童權(quán)利是各國促進和保障人權(quán)事業(yè)的重要領(lǐng)域。美國向來自我標榜為所謂“人權(quán)燈塔”,但美國作為世界上最發(fā)達的國家,卻是世界上唯一沒有批準《聯(lián)合國兒童權(quán)利公約》的國家,其嚴重的童工問題更是這個所謂“燈塔”的燈下黑。 Zhao Lijian: Children are the future of the world. To protect and promote children's rights is an important part of the human rights cause that countries in the world commit themselves to. As a self-proclaimed "beacon of human rights" and the most developed country in the world, the US is the only country in the world that has not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and has been keeping itself from the scrutinizing light of this "beacon of human rights" when it comes to its severe child labor problem. 據(jù)美國官方統(tǒng)計,2019年美國執(zhí)法人員發(fā)現(xiàn)違反《公平勞動標準法》的童工案達858宗,在危險職業(yè)場所工作的未成年人達544名。然而美國一些行業(yè)協(xié)會的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)遠比美國官方數(shù)據(jù)觸目驚心。根據(jù)有關(guān)組織報告,美國約有50萬名童工從事農(nóng)業(yè)勞作。很多孩子從8歲起開始工作,每周工作時長達72小時,每天勞作10小時以上也不鮮見。童工因農(nóng)藥致癌風險更是成年人的3倍。美國死亡童工案件有一半來自農(nóng)業(yè)領(lǐng)域。2003至2016年間美國有237名童工死于農(nóng)業(yè)事故,4倍于其他行業(yè)。 According to US official statistics, in 2019, US law enforcement officers found 858 cases of child labor in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, with a total of 544 minors employed in violation of Hazardous Occupation Orders (HOs). The statistics of some US industry associations are far more alarming than the official figure. According to reports of relevant organizations, there are approximately 500,000 child farmworkers in the US. Many of these children start working as young as age 8, and 72-hour work weeks (more than 10 hours per day) are not uncommon. Children are three times more susceptible to the pesticides' carcinogenic effects than are adults. Agriculture was responsible for more than half of child occupational deaths. Between 2003 and 2016, 237 children died in farm-related work accidents, representing four times the number of deaths of any other sector. 尤其令人關(guān)切的是,美國煙草行業(yè)雇傭童工極為普遍。據(jù)一些人權(quán)組織報道,美國多個州存在煙草農(nóng)場大量雇傭兒童從事收割和晾曬煙葉、甚至操作重型機械等情況。同時,煙草農(nóng)場對兒童身心健康危害極大。有報道稱,在煙草農(nóng)場勞動的兒童普遍感到惡心頭疼,出現(xiàn)尼古丁中毒現(xiàn)象,甚至被發(fā)現(xiàn)肺部受到感染。

The prevalence of child labor in the US tobacco industry is particularly worrying. According to some human rights organizations, tobacco farms in many US states employ a large number of children to harvest and dry tobacco leaves, and even operate heavy machinery. Working on tobacco farms can do great harm to children's physical and mental health, as many have reportedly experienced symptoms of nicotine poisoning including nausea and headache, and some have even suffered lung infection.


For years, the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) has been speaking out on the issue of child labor in the US. It has repeatedly expressed concern about the excessive fatal injuries to children working on farms in the US, and urged the US government to step up supervision of the use of child labor in agriculture, and provide relevant statistics in details, In particular, the number of work-related injury cases and the investigation and handling of illegal use of child labor cases.


However, the US government has turned a deaf ear to the concerns and suggestions of ILO, and has done precious little to solve the problem of child labor. On the occasion of the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, we hope that the international community will pay more attention to the child labor issue in the US, urge the US government to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), take effective measures to eliminate the serious problem of child labor in the country, and earnestly implement the ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor.


彭博社記者:昨天,美國演員約翰·塞納就其此前稱呼臺灣為“國家”道歉,美國共和黨及保守媒體批評此舉是向中國低頭。美國共和黨參議員湯姆·科頓稱該道歉十分可悲。你對科頓上述言論有何回應(yīng)? Bloomberg: Recently, the actor John Cena apologized for referring to Taiwan as a country. And then his apology was criticized by some in the US including Republicans and conservative media. They sort of slammed him for bowing to China. Tom Cotton, a Republican Senator, described Cena's as apology as pathetic. Does the foreign ministry have a response to Cotton's remarks? 趙立堅:你提到的這些人的批評毫無道理。誰都知道科頓是個什么人,他說的話就像廢紙一樣。 Zhao Lijian: The criticism of the people you mentioned is groundless. Everyone knows what kind of person Cotton is. His words are nothing but like what's written on a piece of waste paper.


《北京日報》記者:美國國務(wù)院發(fā)布“2020年度國際宗教自由報告”,宣布對中方一名官員進行制裁。中方對此有何回應(yīng)? Beijing Daily: The US Department of State released the 2020 Report on International Religious Freedom and announced sanctions on a Chinese official. Do you have any response? 趙立堅:美方所謂報告罔顧事實,充滿意識形態(tài)偏見,大肆詆毀中國宗教政策,嚴重干涉中國內(nèi)政。中方對此堅決反對。 Zhao Lijian: This so-called report from the US side, in disregard of facts and fraught with ideological bias, has unscrupulously denigrated China's religious policy and severely interfered in China's internal affairs. China firmly rejects this. 針對美方公然為邪教組織張目、基于謊言和虛假信息對中方人員實施單邊制裁的行徑,中方?jīng)Q定對美國國際宗教自由委員會委員約翰尼·摩爾實施制裁,禁止摩及其家屬入境中國內(nèi)地及香港、澳門特別行政區(qū)。

In response to the US blatant move to endorse cults and impose unilateral sanctions on Chinese personnel based on lies and disinformation, China decides to sanction Johnnie Moore, Commissioner of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The individual concerned and his family members are prohibited from entering the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao of China.


China urges the US side to rectify its mistake, rescind the so-called sanctions and stop interfering China's internal affairs in the name of religious issues.


《人民日報》記者:新加坡國立大學(xué)亞洲研究學(xué)院學(xué)者馬凱碩日前接受《聯(lián)合早報》訪問時表示,中國人民被中國共產(chǎn)黨壓迫得很痛苦是美國對中國的一大誤解。根據(jù)哈佛肯尼迪學(xué)院權(quán)威研究顯示,“中國共產(chǎn)黨的支持率高得驚人”。請問中方對此有何評論? People's Daily: In an interview with Singapore-based Lianhe Zaobao recently,  Kishore Mahbubani, a Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, said that one of the big misunderstandings the US has about China is that the Chinese people are oppressed by the Communist Party of China. A credible academic study by the Harvard Kennedy School has shown that the approval rate of the CPC is surprisingly high. What is China's comment on this? 趙立堅:確實如此,正如昨晚王毅國務(wù)委員兼外長在慕尼黑安全會議“中國專場”活動上發(fā)表演講時所指出的,理解中國的發(fā)展,關(guān)鍵在于客觀把握中國的歷史,正確看待中國共產(chǎn)黨。作為一個有五千年文明的古老民族,中國有過輝煌,也經(jīng)歷過苦難。近代以來,為了救亡圖存,中國人民嘗試了幾乎所有的政治模式,都沒有成功。最后是中國共產(chǎn)黨把馬克思主義同中國實際結(jié)合起來,團結(jié)帶領(lǐng)全體中國人民,實現(xiàn)了民族獨立和解放,并最終找到了一條走向繁榮富強的正確道路,這就是中國特色社會主義。特別是近年來,在以習(xí)近平同志為核心的黨中央領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,中國的發(fā)展又取得一系列歷史性成就,中國特色社會主義進入了新時代。 Zhao Lijian: Indeed. As State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out in his speech at the China Edition of the 57th Munich Security Conference last night, to understand China's development, it is essential to have a good understanding of China's history and the CPC. As an ancient nation with a 5,000-year civilization, China has had its glory days and been through trials and tribulations. In modern times, to save the nation, the Chinese people explored and exhausted almost all political models available at the time, and yet all ended up in failure. Finally, it was the CPC that adapted Marxism to the Chinese context and rallied and led the Chinese people to achieve national independence and liberation. A right path was found to prosperity and strength, a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In recent years in particular, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, China has scored a succession of historic achievements in its development, and socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. 中國共產(chǎn)黨以自己的實際行動踐行著為中國人民謀幸福、為中華民族謀復(fù)興的初心和使命,始終代表中國最廣大人民的根本利益,全心全意為人民服務(wù),把人民利益作為一切工作的出發(fā)點和落腳點。正因為如此,中國共產(chǎn)黨深受人民愛戴和支持。國際權(quán)威機構(gòu)民調(diào)顯示,中國民眾對中國政府的滿意度連年超過90%。我們相信,隨著時間推移,將會有越來越多的人對中國共產(chǎn)黨形成客觀和正確的認知。

The Communist Party of China has been putting into practice its original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation with concrete actions. It always represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, serves the people wholeheartedly, and takes the interests of the people as the fundamental purpose and ultimate goal of all work. It is for this reason that the Communist Party of China is deeply revered and supported by the people. According to polls conducted by authoritative international polling agencies, the Chinese public satisfaction with the Chinese government has exceeded 90% year after year. We believe that as time goes on, more and more people will have an objective and correct understanding of the Communist Party of China.


路透社記者:臺灣“總統(tǒng)”蔡英文今天稱,由于大陸的阻撓,臺未能與德國生物新技術(shù)(BioNTech)公司簽署采購疫苗合同。中方對此有何評論? Reuters: Taiwan's "president" Tsai Ing-wen said today that the government has not been able to sign a deal with Germany's BioNTech for vaccines because of China's intervention. Do you have any comment on this? 趙立堅:首先,我要糾正你的錯誤提法。我們不承認你提到的所謂“總統(tǒng)”,她只是中國一位地區(qū)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人。你提到的具體情況我不掌握。我可以告訴你的是,臺灣從大陸獲得疫苗的渠道是暢通的。臺灣當局搞“以疫謀獨”注定是死路一條。 Zhao Lijian: First of all, I must correct you on one point. We don't recognize this so-called "president". She is only the leader of a region of China. I'm not aware of what you mentioned, but I can tell you that Taiwan's access to vaccines from the mainland is open. Taiwan's attempt to seek independence under the pretext of COVID-19 will only lead to a dead end.


《北京青年報》記者:一些反華勢力與“世維會”等“東突”組織合謀成立所謂“維吾爾特別法庭”。該“法庭”將于近期“開庭”,對所謂涉疆“種族滅絕”進行“聽證”。中方對此有何評論? Beijing Youth Daily: The so-called "Uyghur Tribunal" set up by anti-China forces in collusion with East Turkestan organizations like the "World Uyghur Congress" will hold a public hearing soon on genocide allegations in Xinjiang. Does China have any comment? 趙立堅:昨天,新疆維吾爾自治區(qū)政府在北京舉辦了涉疆問題新聞發(fā)布會,專門就你提到的所謂“維吾爾特別法庭”進行了詳盡的揭批。我想強調(diào)的是,所謂“維吾爾特別法庭”既不能代表廣大維吾爾族民眾,也根本不是什么“法庭”,而是個謊言制造機。這個謊言制造機是臭名昭著的反華分裂組織“世維會”勾結(jié)反華勢力拼湊出來的,專門生產(chǎn)推銷謊言,攻擊抹黑新疆,干涉中國內(nèi)政,其最終目的就是為了“以疆制華”。 Zhao Lijian: The government of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region responded in detail to the so-called "Uyghur Tribunal" you mentioned at the ninth press conference on Xinjiang-related issues held in Beijing on May 25. I would like to stress that the so-called "Uyghur Tribunal" can by no means represent the vast Uyghur community. It is not even a real tribunal or special court, but only a special machine producing lies. It was patched together by the notorious anti-China separatist "World Uyghur Congress" in collusion with anti-China forces. Its speciality is producing and promoting lies to attack and smear Xinjiang and meddle in China's internal affairs with the end goal of using Xinjiang to contain China. 這個所謂“維吾爾特別法庭”,根本不是大家所理解的“司法機構(gòu)”或“司法程序”,不過是別有用心的人自己創(chuàng)立,毫無嚴肅性和權(quán)威性,本質(zhì)上是披著法律外衣的拙劣輿論把戲,打著所謂“法庭”的幌子掩人耳目,嘩眾取寵,借此攻擊抹黑新疆,干涉中國內(nèi)政,既荒唐又非法。 This so-called "tribunal" is not a judicial organ or procedure as we understand the terms to mean. It was founded by people with ulterior motives and carries no weight or authority. It is just a clumsy public opinion show under the guise of law. Using the word "tribunal" as a cover, it resorts to grandstanding to attack and smear Xinjiang and meddle in China's internal affairs, which is both illegal and preposterous. 該所謂“法庭”的設(shè)立根本沒有法律依據(jù)。根據(jù)《防止及懲治滅絕種族罪公約》規(guī)定,滅絕種族罪案件要么由行為發(fā)生地國家的主管法院管轄,要么由締約國接受其管轄權(quán)的國際刑事法院審理。個別國家法院也審理過發(fā)生在本國境內(nèi)的滅絕種族案件。除此以外,任何國家、組織或個人都沒有資格和權(quán)力隨意認定別國犯有滅絕種族罪。該所謂“法庭”是一個由“世維會”和西方反華勢力合謀成立的違法組織,根本無權(quán)搞什么“聽證會”,遑論妄圖對一項極其嚴重的國際罪行進行指控認定。如此行徑,不僅是對中國新疆的污蔑和挑釁,更是對國際法的嚴重玷污,也是對歷史上所有滅絕種族罪受害者的公然褻瀆。 Its establishment is completely void of any legal basis. According to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, "Persons charged with genocide ... shall be tried by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties which shall have accepted its jurisdiction". Genocide cases have been tried in courts of a few countries where the acts were committed. Other than that, no country, organization or individual has the authority or power to wantonly designate that a certain country is guilty of genocide. This so-called "tribunal" is an illegal organization set up by the "World Uyghur Congress" in collusion with Western anti-China forces. It is in no position to file charges or pass verdicts on such a grave international crime. It is not just smearing and provoking China but also trampling upon international law and insulting the memory of all victims of genocide throughout history. 這個所謂“法庭”帶著“有罪推定”立場偽造證據(jù),尋找演員。糾集的所謂“證人”,翻來覆去無非就是那么幾個滿嘴謊言的反華分子。我們已經(jīng)多次對這些所謂“證人”進行過揭露和批判。也許是為了出錢雇傭“演員”,這個所謂“法庭”曾想募集5萬英鎊,但在長達3個月的時間里僅籌集到7000多英鎊。這說明他們是多么不得人心。 Based on presumption of guilt, this so-called "tribunal" falsifies evidence and recruits actors. The few so-called "witnesses" who keep up the show are just lying anti-China elements. We've laid bare their true faces repeatedly. Perhaps to cover the cost of recruiting the actors, this special machine of lies launched a public fundraising campaign for 50,000 pounds, but only received about 7,000 pounds in three months, which serves to show how little support it has. 這個特別的謊言制造機自恃披上“法律”偽裝,就可以肆意妄為、嘩眾取寵,公然聲稱他們“要引起注意,要施加壓力”。他們生產(chǎn)的任何所謂“判決”只會為他們散布謠言增添新的罪證。謊言重復(fù)千遍也成不了真理。不管他們?nèi)绾钨u力表演,都改變不了新疆穩(wěn)定發(fā)展、欣欣向榮的大好局面,都改變不了新疆各族群眾安居樂業(yè)、幸福生活的美好景象。

This special machine of lies thinks it can do whatever it wants under the guise of law. Those behind it openly claim that they want to draw attention and "impose pressure". Any so-called "verdict" by this mechanism would only add to existing evidence of how they spread rumors. A lie can never become truth, even if repeated a thousand times. No matter how hard they try to sell the show, they won't be able to change the fact that Xinjiang is flourishing in security and stability and residents of various ethnic groups there are leading happy and fulfilling lives.


路透社記者:馬里總統(tǒng)和總理自周一傍晚起被軍方拘禁,美國和歐盟對此表示譴責。中方對此有何評論? Reuters: The President and Prime Minister of Mali has been detained by the military since Monday evening. The United States, and the European Union and others have condemned their detention. Does China have any comment?  趙立堅:中方關(guān)注馬里局勢發(fā)展,注意到有關(guān)報道。中方一貫支持馬里和平與發(fā)展事業(yè),呼吁馬里有關(guān)各方從國家和人民的根本利益出發(fā),通過對話協(xié)商解決分歧,維護國家穩(wěn)定和團結(jié)。中方愿同國際社會一道,為此發(fā)揮建設(shè)性作用。 Zhao Lijian: China follows the developments in Mali and noted relevant reports. China supports Mali in pursuing peace and development, and calls on relevant parties in Mali to proceed from the fundamental interests of the country and people, and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, so as to safeguard national stability and solidarity. China is willing to work with the international community and play a constructive role in this regard.


路透社記者:美國眾議院于周二提交了“確保美國全球領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力和參與法案”,呼吁美國與盟友協(xié)調(diào)應(yīng)對中國的競爭。中方對此有何評論? Reuters: The Ensuring American Global Leadership and Engagement Act was introduced to the United States House of Representatives on Tuesday. This bill is calling for the US to coordinate with allies to compete with China. Do you have any comment on that? 趙立堅:美國會有關(guān)法案罔顧事實,誣蔑抹黑中國發(fā)展道路和內(nèi)外政策,在涉及中國主權(quán)和領(lǐng)土完整問題上干涉中國內(nèi)政、損害中方利益。中方對此堅決反對,將堅定捍衛(wèi)自身利益。 Zhao Lijian: The relevant bill of the US Congress defames China's development path and domestic and foreign policies in disregard of facts. It interferes in China's internal affairs and undermines China's interests on issues concerning China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. China is firmly opposed to this and will firmly defend its own interests. 臺灣問題是中美關(guān)系政治基礎(chǔ),是不可逾越的紅線,不容任何外部勢力插手干涉。香港是中國的香港?;貧w之后,香港同胞才真正開始當家作主,完全行使民主權(quán)利。所謂新疆維吾爾族受到“種族滅絕”是個別西方反華勢力炮制的彌天大謊,已被無數(shù)事實所證偽。美方濫用國家安全概念打壓中國企業(yè)、遏制中國發(fā)展,有關(guān)做法損人不利己。中國奉行獨立自主的和平外交政策和互利共贏開放戰(zhàn)略,推動構(gòu)建新型國際關(guān)系和人類命運共同體。美國在國際上到處拉幫結(jié)伙、逼迫別國選邊站隊,搞針對中國的“小圈子”,所作所為不得人心。我們也注意到,有關(guān)法案納入了支持中美在應(yīng)對氣候變化等全球性挑戰(zhàn)方面加強合作的內(nèi)容。同時必須指出,合作必須也只能在相互尊重的基礎(chǔ)上開展。

The Taiwan question is the political foundation of China-US relations. It is a red line that cannot be crossed and allows no interference by any outside forces. Hong Kong is part of China's territory. Only after Hong Kong's return did Hong Kong compatriots truly begin to exercise their democratic rights as masters of the city. The so-called "genocide" of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang is a blatant lie conspired by a few Western anti-China forces, which has been proved false by numerous facts. The US has abused the concept of national security to suppress Chinese companies and curb China's development. Such actions harm others and do no good to the US itself. China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and a win-win strategy of opening-up, and promotes the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. The US has been ganging up around the world, forcing other countries to take sides and forming a "clique" against China, which is unpopular. We also noted that the relevant bill includes the content of supporting closer cooperation between China and the US in addressing climate change and other global challenges. At the same time, it must be pointed out that cooperation must and can only be carried out on the basis of mutual respect.


China urges relevant members of US Congress to abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, stop making use of false information to engage in political manipulation on China-related issues, stop saying or doing anything to undermine China's interests under the guise of so-called "democracy and human rights", stop deliberating and pushing forward the relevant negative China-related bill, and remove the China-related negative content. The US side should do more to promote China-US relations, mutual trust and cooperation and create favorable conditions for our cooperation in climate change and other fields.


《中國日報》記者:25日,針對原北海道教育大學(xué)教授袁克勤因涉嫌間諜犯罪被中國政府拘留一事,袁克勤長子袁成驥及其支持者舉行記者會。袁成驥等稱,希望袁克勤能早日洗清冤屈,得到釋放,希望日中兩國能恢復(fù)安全安心的交流。中方對此有何評論? China Daily: After Yuan Keqin, former professor of Hokkaido University of Education, was detained by the Chinese Government for suspected espionage, his eldest son Yuan Chengji and his supporters held a press conference. They said, it is hoped that Yuan Keqin will be proven innocent and released at an early date, and that people-to-people exchanges can take place between China and Japan in a secure and reassuring way as usual. Do you have any comment? 趙立堅:袁克勤是中國公民,但長期按照日本情治機關(guān)間諜人員要求,為日方從事對華間諜情報活動。袁克勤已因涉嫌間諜犯罪,被中國國家安全部門依法審查,此前其本人對犯罪事實供認不諱。該案事實清楚、證據(jù)確鑿,已經(jīng)檢察機關(guān)審查起訴,移送法院審理。 Zhao Lijian: The Chinese citizen, Yuan Keqin, has long been engaged in espionage and intelligence activities at the request of spies of Japanese intelligence agencies. Yuan, suspected of espionage, was investigated by the national security department in accordance with law, and he made a full confession to his crimes. Based on clear facts and conclusive evidence, Yuan's case has been examined and prosecuted by the procuratorial organ and handed over to the court.


Hereby I'd like to ask those who voiced grievances for Yuan Keqin. Are you not aware of the facts? Or do you just play dumb? China is a country under the rule of law. Those who endanger national security should undoubtedly be punished by law. Any attempt to smear China and interfere in China's judicial system would be proven unavailing.


It reminds me of many cases in recent years where Japanese citizens are suspected of espionage and violating Chinese laws. It is not hard to see who exactly cast a shadow over the normal personnel exchanges between China and Japan. I want to stress that the Chinese side supports normal bilateral people-to-people exchanges with the Japanese side, and this position remains unchanged. Meanwhile, China will resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal activities that endanger China's national security in accordance with the law.


法新社記者:據(jù)報道,美國防長試圖與中國軍方領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人取得聯(lián)系,但未能成功,似乎中方拒絕與其通話。你能否證實并介紹情況? AFP: According to media report, US defense secretary has tried to connect with the Chinese military counterpart but failed to do so. It seems that his calls were rejected. Do you have any comment on this or more information? 趙立堅:我不了解你提到的情況,請你向國防部提問。 Zhao Lijian: I'm not aware of the situation and you may refer to the Ministry of National Defense. 外交部發(fā)言人辦公室



以上就是【雙語】例行記者會 2021-5-26的全部內(nèi)容,希望對你有所幫助!


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