喜歡口譯的同學,大多抱有一個外交官的理想,而雙語例行記者會上快節(jié)奏的你問我答及現(xiàn)場翻譯,則給我們提供了寶貴的學習資源。下面是小編整理的關于【雙語】例行記者會 2021-6-2的資料,希望大家在這些唇槍舌劍中,提升英語,更熱愛祖國!
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on June 2, 2021應國務委員兼外長王毅邀請,巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞外長埃奧將于6月2日開始對中國進行訪問。
At the invitation of State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Foreign Minister Soroi Eoe of Papua New Guinea will begin his visit to China on June 2.
State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will preside over the fourth China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Trilateral Foreign Ministers' Dialogue on June 3. Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar and Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi will attend the dialogue via video link. The three foreign ministers will have in-depth exchange of views on the key issues of peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan, the trilateral practical cooperation and anti-terrorism security cooperation.
CCTV: You just announced that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will preside over the fourth China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Trilateral Foreign Ministers' Dialogue. Any special background for this meeting? What do you expect out of it?
Wang Wenbin: The China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Trilateral Foreign Ministers' Dialogue is an important platform for the three parties to enhance mutual trust and promote cooperation. Up till now, three sessions have been held with a host of positive results since the mechanism was set up under China's initiative in 2017. As agreed upon consensus of the three parties, it is China's turn to host the fourth dialogue.
At present, the unilateral withdrawal of US and NATO troops at the critical stage of the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan has brought uncertainties to Afghanistan's domestic situation and regional security landscape. As neighbors, friends and partners sharing not just common mountains and rivers, but also weal and woe, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan all aspire to maintain regional peace and stability. Against this background, the foreign ministers of the three countries decided to hold the fourth dialogue, whereby they will have in-depth exchange of views on the key issues of peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan, the trilateral practical cooperation and anti-terrorism security cooperation. The dialogue is expected to reach positive consensus and inject impetus into regional peace, stability and development.
Bloomberg: Malaysia complained about Chinese military aircraft flying in the South China Sea yesterday. How did the Chinese government respond? Do you have any comment?
Wang Wenbin: To my knowledge, it was a routine training conducted by China's air force over waters to the south of Nansha Islands. It doesn't target any country. During the training, China's air force strictly complied with international law and didn't enter the air space of any other country. The Chinese side has communicated with the Malaysian side over this.
中新社記者:6月1日,金磚國家外長會晤以視頻方式舉行,王毅國務委員兼外長出席了會晤。你能否介紹相關情況? China News Service: State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the BRICS foreign ministers' video conference held on June 1. Could you share more information on that? 汪文斌:6月1日晚,王毅國務委員兼外長以視頻方式出席了金磚國家外長會晤。五國外長圍繞新冠肺炎疫情、多邊主義、全球和地區(qū)熱點、金磚務實合作等問題深入交換看法,達成許多共識。 Wang Wenbin: On the night of June 1, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Video Conference of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations. The five foreign ministers held an in-depth exchange of views on the COVID-19 pandemic, multilateralism, global and regional hotspot issues and practical BRICS cooperation, reaching broad consensus. 王毅國務委員兼外長在會晤中指出,金磚國家是新興市場和發(fā)展中國家合作的樣板。面對百年未有之大變局和百年未遇的疫情大流行,金磚國家要做人類健康的守護者、國際秩序的維護者、全球發(fā)展的貢獻者、世界和平的建設者,為促進全球團結(jié)扛起金磚責任,為破解治理赤字提供金磚智慧,為應對共同挑戰(zhàn)貢獻金磚力量。中方的看法和主張得到與會各方積極評價。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out at the meeting that BRICS represents a prototype of cooperation between emerging markets and developing nations. In the face of major changes and a global pandemic unseen in a century, BRICS should work to protect people's health, uphold international order, contribute to global development and world peace. BRICS should assume its responsibility in promoting global solidarity, providing wisdom to tackling the governance deficit, and contributing strength to global response to common challenges. China's views and propositions are spoken highly of by other parties at the meeting.4
鳳凰衛(wèi)視記者:6月1日,北京科興中維生物技術有限公司研發(fā)的新冠滅活疫苗經(jīng)世衛(wèi)組織專家組評審通過。請問中方對此有何評論? Phoenix TV: It is reported that on June 1, WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) validated the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use. The vaccine is produced by the Beijing-based pharmaceutical company Sinovac. What is China's comment on this? 汪文斌:繼5月7日中國國藥疫苗通過審評后,中國科興公司的疫苗再次獲批,充分證明中國有關疫苗和技術路線的安全性和有效性,為全球早日戰(zhàn)勝疫情提供了更多有力工具。 Wang Wenbin: The Sinovac vaccine is the second Chinese vaccine to win the WHO listing, after Sinopharm vaccine was granted approval on May 7. This fully attests to the safety and efficacy of relevant vaccines and technical lines that provide more powerful tools for the world to overcome the epidemic at an early date. 中方一直以實際行動踐行習近平主席關于疫苗全球公共產(chǎn)品的宣示,積極鼓勵和支持中國疫苗企業(yè)申請列入世衛(wèi)組織緊急使用清單。在自身人口基數(shù)巨大、疫苗供應十分緊張的情況下,中方已經(jīng)向國際社會提供了超過3.5億劑疫苗,包括向80多個國家提供疫苗援助,向40多個國家出口疫苗。同時,中方還同多個發(fā)展中國家開展合作生產(chǎn),迅速推進疫苗大規(guī)模生產(chǎn),國藥集團向“新冠疫苗實施計劃”供應的首批疫苗5月31日正式下線,為疫苗在發(fā)展中國家的公平可及作出了實實在在的貢獻。 China has been acting on General Secretary Xi Jinping's pledge to make COVID-19 vaccines a global public good, and has been encouraging and supporting Chinese vaccine manufacturers to apply for the WHO's Emergency Use Listing. Despite its own huge population and tight vaccine supply, China has provided more than 350 million doses of vaccines to the international community, including vaccine assistance to over 80 countries and vaccine exports to 40 plus countries. In addition, China has also carried out production cooperation with a number of developing countries to promote large-scale production of vaccines at a fast pace. The first batch of Sinopharm vaccines to be provided to COVAX rolled off production line on May 31, representing a real contribution to enhancing the equitable distribution and accessibility of vaccines in developing countries.5
《環(huán)球時報》:最近中國媒體發(fā)表了一封中英文公開信,呼吁世衛(wèi)組織調(diào)查美軍德特里克堡生物實驗室。你對此有何評論? Global Times: Recently, Chinese media published an open letter in both Chinese and English calling on the WHO to organize an investigation of the US Army's Fort Detrick bio-lab. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:我注意到有關報道,這反映了中國老百姓的心聲。我們在這個平臺上也多次呼吁美方本著開放、透明的態(tài)度,向國際社會澄清德特里克堡以及美方設在全球的200多個生物實驗室的真實情況。 Wang Wenbin: I noted relevant reports. This open letter reflects Chinese people's aspirations. On this podium, we have also repeatedly called on the US to take an open and transparent attitude in telling the international community about the truth of Fort Detrick and its 200 plus bio-labs around the world.6
彭博社記者:周一,習近平主席強調(diào),中國對外交流“要注重把握好基調(diào),既開放自信也謙遜謙和”。這是否意味著中國會采取不同的外交策略? Bloomberg: On Monday, President Xi Jinping told senior communist party leaders that China needed a grip on its tone in its communication with the world, and should be more open and confident, and also modest and humble. Does this speech mean that China would be taking a different approach in its diplomatic efforts? 汪文斌:5月31日,中共中央政治局進行了第三十次集體學習,習近平總書記主持并講話。有關消息稿已經(jīng)發(fā)布,大家可以查閱。 Wang Wenbin: On May 31, the CPC Politburo convened its 30th group study session. General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired the session and delivered an address. You may refer to the readout that has been released.7
總臺央廣記者:我們注意到,5月28日,在第74屆世界衛(wèi)生大會上,世衛(wèi)組織授予中國援鄂專家吳浩“世川衛(wèi)生獎”,他是第三位獲此獎項的中國專家。中方對此有何評論? CNR: We've noted that on May 28, WHO presented the Sasakawa Health Prize at the 74th session of the WHA to Chinese expert Wu Hao who assisted Hubei Province in its fight against COVID-19. Dr. Wu is the third Chinese expert to be awarded this prize. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:我也注意到了有關報道。吳浩醫(yī)生開發(fā)了智慧家庭醫(yī)生優(yōu)化協(xié)同服務模式,讓社區(qū)衛(wèi)生機構更方便、更有效地為群眾健康服務。新冠肺炎疫情發(fā)生后,吳浩醫(yī)生作為中國中央指導組社區(qū)防控專家組組長前往武漢,與許多基層醫(yī)務工作者共同抗擊疫情。吳浩醫(yī)生還先后奔赴喀什、石家莊等10個地方參與指導聚集性疫情處置,作出了突出貢獻?,F(xiàn)在,他正在廣州參與指導社區(qū)疫情防控。我們對吳浩醫(yī)生榮獲“世川衛(wèi)生獎”表示祝賀。 Wang Wenbin: I also noticed relevant reports. Dr. Wu pioneered an intelligent family physician-optimized collaborative model to ensure easier access to more effective community-level health service. After the epidemic broke out, Dr. Wu Hao went to Wuhan as head of a team of experts on community-level prevention and control under China's central guiding team. There he worked with community-based medical staff to fight the epidemic. He also traveled to 10 localities including Kashgar, Beijing and Shijiazhuang to guide the handling of clusters of cases, making outstanding contributions. As we speak, he is working on guiding community-level prevention and control in Guangzhou. We congratulate Dr. Wu on being awarded the Sasakawa Health Prize.8
總臺國廣記者:想進一步了解巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞外長埃奧訪華的有關情況。你能否介紹訪華的具體行程和安排? CRI: Could you tell us a bit more about the visit by Papua New Guinea's Foreign Minister Soroi Eoe in early June? 汪文斌:巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞是中國在太平洋島國地區(qū)的好朋友、好伙伴。當前,中國同巴新關系發(fā)展良好。2018年,習近平主席對巴新成功進行國事訪問,開啟兩國關系發(fā)展新篇章。新冠肺炎疫情發(fā)生以來,兩國同舟共濟,相互支持,中國同巴新全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系日益深化。 Wang Wenbin: Papua New Guinea is a good friend and partner of China in the Pacific island region. At present, our bilateral relations enjoy sound development. President Xi Jinping's successful state visit to Papua New Guinea in 2018 opened a new chapter in the development of bilateral relations. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the two countries have been standing in solidarity with mutual assistance, and our comprehensive strategic partnership has further deepened.9
彭博社記者:請問截止目前中國向“新冠肺炎疫苗實施計劃”(COVAX)提供了多少劑疫苗?未來還計劃提供多少? Bloomberg: Can you please tell us how many vaccine shots China has supplied to COVAX so far and how many it intends to supply in the future? 汪文斌:剛才我已經(jīng)介紹了,中方迄今為止已經(jīng)向國際社會提供了超過3.5億劑疫苗,包括向80多個國家提供疫苗援助,向40多個國家出口疫苗,并同多個發(fā)展中國家開展合作生產(chǎn)。中方已經(jīng)宣布向“新冠疫苗實施計劃”首批提供1000萬劑疫苗,其中第一批疫苗已經(jīng)于5月31日下線。中方愿繼續(xù)同各方共同努力,攜手推動疫苗的公平分配,為全球團結(jié)抗疫作出積極貢獻。我們也希望國際社會秉持團結(jié)抗疫精神,以更多實際行動幫助發(fā)展中國家盡早獲得更多疫苗,早日戰(zhàn)勝疫情。 Wang Wenbin: Like I just said, China has provided more than 350 million doses of vaccines to the international community, including vaccine assistance to over 80 countries and vaccine exports to 40 plus countries. China has also carried out production cooperation with a number of developing countries. China has announced to provide the first batch of 10 million doses of vaccines to the COVAX. The first batch of vaccines to be provided to COVAX rolled off production line on May 31. China will continue to work with all parties to enhance the equitable distribution and accessibility of vaccines and make positive contributions to the global anti-epidemic endeavor.Meanwhile, we also hope that the international community will uphold the spirit of solidarity, and take more concrete actions to increase vaccine accessibility in developing countries so as to secure an early victory in the fight against the epidemic.10
《北京青年報》記者:我們注意到,盡管美國仍然在炒作“種族滅絕”“強迫勞動”等謊言,但是國際上越來越多的媒體和人士站出來揭批美國此舉純屬政治操弄,呼吁國際社會不要被謊言所蒙蔽。中方如何看待這一現(xiàn)象? Beijing Youth Daily: We've noticed that despite continued US efforts to hype up lies like "genocide" and "forced labor" in China's Xinjiang, more and more media outlets and individuals have spoken out to expose and criticize the political manipulation behind this US move and to call on the international community to see through these lies. How do you see this phenomenon? 汪文斌:我注意到近一個時期《俄羅斯報》、日本《商業(yè)內(nèi)部》期刊、丹麥《理性》雜志、瑞士《世界周報》和《新蘇黎世報》、巴西《價值報》及南非《比陀新聞報》等媒體接連刊發(fā)涉疆客觀報道和理性學術文章。這些文章普遍指出,所謂涉疆“種族滅絕”完全基于對中國的偏見和敵視,有些人罔顧中國政府治疆成果,對中國的人權狀況指手畫腳,是出于政治圖謀,意在通過政治認定“種族滅絕”,制造有關中國的負面觀感,進行于己有利的宣傳和心理戰(zhàn)。有關文章還指出,新疆棉花行業(yè)早已實現(xiàn)大規(guī)模自動化采摘,不存在也沒有必要搞“強迫勞動”。夢想只有通過誠實的工作才能實現(xiàn),所有勤勞工作的人民都應得到全世界的尊重。 Wang Wenbin: We've noticed that Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Business Insider Japan, Danish magazine Reason, Die Weltwoche and Neue Zürcher Zeitung from Switzerland, Brazil's valorglobal and South Africa's Pretoria News have all run objective reports or rational articles on Xinjiang. They point out that the so-called allegation of "genocide" in Xinjiang is based entirely on bias and hostility against China. Relevant people turned a blind eye to the outcomes produced by the Chinese government's Xinjiang policy and wantonly criticized China's human rights conditions. It is driven by political agenda and aimed to conduct propaganda and psychological warfare to their advantage by creating a negative image of China with the political designation of "genocide". The articles also pointed out that large-scale mechanical harvest has been realized across the cotton industry in Xinjiang, so "forced labor" is neither existent nor necessary. Dreams can only be realized through honest work. All hardworking people deserve the respect of the world.11
澎湃新聞記者:此次金磚外長會晤單獨就加強和改革多邊體系發(fā)表了聯(lián)合聲明。中方對此有何評論? The Paper: The BRICS foreign ministers' meeting issued a joint statement on strengthening and reforming the multilateral system. Can you comment on that? 汪文斌:多邊主義是構成現(xiàn)行國際體系的重要基石。當前,這一基石正遭受侵蝕,少數(shù)國家假借多邊旗幟搞單邊行徑,甚至以多邊為名行霸權之實。各方對真正的多邊主義的呼聲更加高漲。另一方面,全球性挑戰(zhàn)層出不窮,需要全球性的解決辦法,需要國際社會團結(jié)協(xié)作。各方對加強多邊體系的愿望更加迫切。 Wang Wenbin: Multilateralism is an important cornerstone of the existing international system. This cornerstone is now being encroached upon, as a few countries follow unilateralism and even seek hegemony in the name of multilateralism. All parties are increasingly calling for true multilateralism. On the other hand, the emerging global threats necessitate global response and international solidarity and collaboration. The desire for strengthening multilateral system by all parties is becoming more urgent.
以上就是【雙語】例行記者會 2021-6-2的全部內(nèi)容,希望對你有所幫助!