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英語口譯教程(第二版)--中級 Unit 1-3



Part Two A Trainning Course ;

Unit 1 Interpreting Conversations ;

1-1 Welcome Text for Interpretation ;

Interpret the following conversation alternatively into English and Chinese: ;

歡迎來上海,羅伯茨先生。 我是上海郵電服務(wù)發(fā)展 公司海外部主任陳天明 ;

Nice to meet you, Director Chen.I'm very excited to visit your company and of course, ;

to tour around Shang hai and the whole country. ;

您專程從英國趕來,我很 高興。我們?yōu)槟鷣泶藚⒓?工作,成為我部門的一員 而感到驕傲和榮幸。 ;

我真誠地希望您的來訪有 價值,有意義。 ;

It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation ;

and work with a distinguished group of people like Director Chen ;

I had been looking forward to this visit for years, ;

I had a dream that someday I would visit China ;

and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while. ;

I'm very grateful that you have made my dream come true. ;

您對這次來滬短期工作 有如此高的期望,真令人 高興。我們會盡力使您在 滬期間過得愉快 ;

考慮到您的方便和舒適, 您可以居住在公司的外 賓專用別墅。 ;

別墅挨著海灘,從那里騎 自行車15分鐘可到我海外 部的辦公樓。您一定會 喜歡的。 ;

That's wonderful.Isn't it nice that not only your"Overseas" ;

Department looks"over the sea".but also my residence? ;

羅伯茨先生,我真的很喜 歡您的幽默感。 ;

您可知道“上海”這兩個 字在漢語里的字面意思 是“海上之埠? ;

我們?yōu)槟軌虬才庞笥?在臨海的寓所下榻而感 到驕傲。英國不是海上 島國嗎? ;

I like what you said, Mr.Chen. ;

We have much in common with Shanghai and its people. ;

I believe my wife will like here, too. ;

我希望您的家人能早日與 您在此團聚。我公司支付 包括國際機票在內(nèi)所需的 一切費用 ;

thank you so much for your concern.My wife teaches at a university ;

and the best time for her and our son to come over is ;

when school breaks in the summer. ;

Two more months.We simply can't wait to see each other here in Shanghai. ;

真遺憾,您還要等那么久 。 ;

You're very nice,Mr. Chen,really. ;

長途飛行后您一定累了。 今晚有招待晚宴,您需要 休息一下。晚上6時我派 車來接您。 ;

Very good. ;

我得走了,我們晚上再 見。 ;

Bye now. ;

1-2 A Wish to Invest ;

Text for Interpretation ;

Interpret the folloing conversation alternatively into English and Chinese: ;

您好,羅伯茨先生。 ;

Hi,Mr.Chen,I have been thinking about something lately ;

and I'd like to share with you my thoughts. ;

愿洗耳恭聽。如能為您 效勞,我將很高興。 ;

In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. ;

Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into China, ;

and the Pudong area of Shanghai ;

is among the best choices of their investment destinations. ;

Today it is not a matter of whether to go east,but when and how. ;

您說得對。海外人士在上 海及周邊地區(qū)的投資近年 來翻了兩番。 ;

出現(xiàn)這一 高漲不止的投 資熱有多種緣由。 ;

除了中國是世界上經(jīng)濟 增長最快的國家之一這 個原因外, ;

中國政府和地方政府很 重視對外全面開放, ;

不僅開放沿海城市, 也開放內(nèi)地,盡可能吸 引外資。 ;

另外,許多海外團體與 個人投資者認(rèn)為在中國 直接投資比同中國公司 做生意更有利可圖。 ;

I'm not sure if I understand the logic behind this preference. ;

I'm all ears to your explanation. ;

好的,基本情況是這樣 的,外國直接在華投資 可以在最大程度上發(fā)揮 有關(guān)雙方的優(yōu)勢。 ;

中國幅員遼闊,自然資 源豐富,廉價勞動力充裕, 稅收低,消費市場不斷 增長, ;

基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施不斷改善, 當(dāng)然羅,我們還有穩(wěn)定 的社會政治環(huán)境以及誘人 的投資政策。 ;

所有這些優(yōu)勢難以在其 他國家找到。 ;

而來自發(fā)達(dá)國家和地區(qū)的 外國投資者則有充足的 資金,先進(jìn)的技術(shù)和 管理知識。 ;

同做進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易生意相 比,在華直接投資的經(jīng)濟 回報則更高。 ;

You're right.I have friends who are interested in direct investment in China. ;

Do you have any idea of the best place in which to invest? ;

就我個人來說,我希望 你們在上海的浦東地區(qū) 投資。 ;

這倒不是因為浦東是我的 家鄉(xiāng),而是因為浦東的 確是投資者的理想場所。 ;

如果您或您的朋友有興趣 我可以向你們提供許多 研究資料。 ;

我也聽說過許多關(guān)于在 中國內(nèi)地和其他沿海城市 進(jìn)行投資而獲得成功的 例子。 ;

真的很難說哪一個地方 為最佳。也許應(yīng)該說在 某一時期的某一地點做 投資相對比較為好。 ;

My next question concerns the forms of investment ;

that are allowed in China currently. ;

投資方式很多,您可以同 中方合資辦企業(yè),也可以 獨資辦公司。 ;

What are the differences? ;

投資興辦合資企業(yè)時, 通常外方提供資金,機械 先進(jìn)技術(shù)和管理方法,而 中方則提供土地, ;

勞工以及部分用于基礎(chǔ) 設(shè)施建設(shè)的資金。 ;

至于獨資企業(yè)嘛,外商 提供所有資金,賺取所有 利潤,同時承擔(dān)所有風(fēng) 險。 ;

您可以選擇自己喜歡的 方式經(jīng)營獨資公司, 當(dāng)然不可超越中國法律。 ;

Your explanations are very enlightening.If we ever decide to invest in Shanghai, ;

We'd like you to be our Chinese consultant. ;

I hope you won't refuse our offer then. ;

我深感榮幸。希望早日 為您的投資效勞。 ;

1-3 Establishing a Joint Venture ;

Text for Interpretation ;

Interpret the following conversation alternatively into English and Chinese: ;

羅伯茨先生,很高興再次 見到你。有什么需要我 做的嗎? ;

Hi,Mr.Chen,it's been ten months since I left China. ;

I would like to discuss with you the possibilities of ;

establishing a joint venture with your company to manufacture cordless phones ;

and mobile phones. ;

好極了。您的投資意向是 明智的。我公司也正在 尋求外資, ;

合辦一家生產(chǎn)無繩電話 和移動電話的制造公司, 您的提議很好。 ;

羅伯茨先生,我還記得 一年前曾同您討論過有 關(guān)外國在華投資的事情。 ;

Yes.you did a good job. The whole idea of my investing in a joint enterprise ;

with your company is the direct result of your wonderful lecture. ;

Your answers were direct and honest.And your explanations were sincere and persuasive. ;

May 1 get on China's economic express train and share your economic gains? ;

當(dāng)然可以。歡迎羅伯茨 先生加入我們的行列! 我們來討論一下合資企業(yè) 的事宜吧。 ;

您能告訴我您得設(shè)想嗎? ;

I did a lot of research in the market of telecommunications equipment lately. ;

There's a potential market for cordless and mobile phones in China ;

and the world as a whole.Initially. ;

I would like to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate and a safe scale. ;

My suggestion for the amount of total capital investment is ;

in the vicinity of eight million US dollars,a lucky number in China.I suppose. ;

很好。800萬豈止是個 吉利的數(shù)字,我認(rèn)為這 對啟動這家合資企業(yè)來 說,是很合適的。 ;

那么您在合資中打算占 有多少投資比重呢? ;

My conlribution is 50% of the total investment, ;

including the construction funds and the cost of all the imported equipment, ;

and the engineers, technicians and management staff from my home company. ;

我對您這個5:5對半開的 合伙投資比例感到滿意. ;

這就是說,我們在經(jīng)營管 理和利潤分配上也保持 一種5:5對半開的權(quán)益關(guān) 系. ;

You're absolutely right. ;

接下來的問題是產(chǎn)品的 營銷.無繩電話在中國 有很大的需求量, ;

但是我們無法保證在國內(nèi) 推銷50%移動電話.此外, 我們需要增加外匯的儲備 ;

"天晴還需防雨天"嘛.我 建議貴方負(fù)責(zé)向海外推銷 65%以上的移動電話,您 看如何? ;

我相信您對外匯的需求大 于對我人民幣的需求. ;

I love renminbi.And 1 have heard that the Chinese yuan will ;

become a convertible currency soon.But I accept your proposal ;

and we will be responsible ;

for the international marketing of two- thirds of the mobile phones. ;

好極了. ;

Two more questions.One concerns the term of our partnership and ;

the other the management's structure of the venture. ;

至于我們的合作期限, 我們可以定為15年,只要 雙方愿意,合同期滿后我 們還可以續(xù)簽. ;

您意下如何? ;

That's quite logical. May I suggest that we set up a board of directors ;

for the management of the company and share rights and obligations as equal partners? ;

正合我的想法。下周我們 是否再舉行一輪會談, 詳細(xì)討論一些技術(shù)性問題 ;

That's fine.I like to work with you.as I did before.It's been a very rewarding day. ;

收獲的確很大。羅伯茨 先生,祝您周末愉快。 ;

You,too. ;

Sentences in Focus ;

Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese. ;

1.我希望您的太太能早日 和您在此團聚,我公司支 付包括國際機票票在內(nèi)所 需要的一切費用。 ;

2.今晚我們?yōu)槟e行招待 晚宴,晚上5:30我派車來 接您. ;

3.中央政府很重視全面 對外開放,不僅開放沿海 城市,也開放內(nèi)地,盡可能 吸引外資. ;

4.由于外國直接在華投資 可以在最大程度上發(fā)揮有 關(guān)各方的優(yōu)勢, ;

所以許多海外機構(gòu)個人 投資者認(rèn)為,他們在中國 直接投資比同中國公司 做生意更有利可圖. ;

5.中國幅員遼闊,自然資 源豐富,勞動力低廉,稅收 低,消費者市場潛力大, 社會環(huán)境穩(wěn)定, ;

投資政策誘人,經(jīng)濟回報 率高. ;

6.在華投資的方式很多, 你可以同中方合資辦企業(yè) 也可以獨資辦公司, ;

選擇自己喜歡的方式經(jīng) 營,但不可超越中國法律. ;

7.投資興辦合資企業(yè)時 通常外方提供資金,機械, ;

先進(jìn)技術(shù)和管理方法,而 中方則提供土地,勞工 以及部分用于基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施 建設(shè)的資金. ;

8.我們來討論以下建立 合資企業(yè)的適宜吧.您能 告訴我您的設(shè)想嗎? ;

例如您打算在合資企業(yè) 中占有多少投資份額? ;

9.我們之間的投資份額 可以對半開,在經(jīng)營管理 和利潤分配上也可以對半 開. ;

10.我們的合作期定為10 年,只要雙方滿意,期滿后 我們還可以續(xù)簽合同. ;

11.我們的想法不謀而合. ;

12.我們是否可以在下周 再舉行一次會談,集中討 論一些技術(shù)性的問題? ;

13.It is my great pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation ;

and work with a distinguished group of China's automobile specialists. ;

14.A growing number of American firms have been pouring into ;

China's inland provinces,although coastal cities such as Shanghai and Tianjin ;

are still among their first choices of investment with many foreign investors. ;

15.1 would like to discuss with you the possibilities of ;

establishing a joint venture with your company to manufacture ;

progressive-scan DVD home cinema systems of the latest model. ;

16.I suggest that we should set up a board of directors for the ;

management of the company and share rights and obligations as equal partners. ;

Unit 2 Interpreting Interviews ;

2-1 Travel in America ;

Text for Interpretation Interpret the ;

following interview alternatively English and Chinese: ;

An interview to learn about travel and public transportation in the United States. ;

Q:據(jù)說美國是一個由汽 車驅(qū)動的國家, ;

美國人實際是一個生活 在輪子上的民族。你認(rèn) 為這是一種夸張的說法 嗎? ;

A: This is basically a correct observation, ;

which says something about the American way of life. ;

Americans like to do business without leaving their cars. Wherever you go. ;

you'll see drive-in banks, drive-in restaurants, ;

drive-in churches and drive-in movies. ;

Q:如果我以游客的身份 訪問美國,我可以在美國 境內(nèi)開車嗎? ;

A :Yes.you can.When you drive in the U.S. ;

it's a good idea to have an international driver's license if you are a foreigner ;

and don't have a state license. Each of the fifty states of the U.S. ;

has its own traffic laws.Drivers are expected to know and ;

understand the local laws even if they don't live in a particular stale. ;

You can get information when you cross the border into a different state at ;

a tourist information center. ;

Q:在中國某些道路上開 車,司機必須將自己的行 車速度控制在標(biāo)牌規(guī)定的 限速內(nèi), ;

美國是否也有限速? ;

A:Yes.In most states, the speed limit on the expressway is miles per hour, ;

or about 88 kilometers per hour.On some roads,such as state or federal expressways, ;

there is a minimum speed of in miles per hour,or about 65 kilometers per hour. ;

B:我作為一名出公差來 美國的旅行者,可沒有必 要為了旅行而去買一輛車 子。 ;

我想貴國一定有某種出租 車服務(wù)行業(yè)吧? ;

A :Of course we do. This country has the ;

most developed ear rental industry in the world.The two largest ;

American car rental companies.Hertz and Avis,have offices all over the U.S, ;

with counters at most airports and in many international ciries. ;

Other national car rental companies you can find at airports, such as Thrifty, ;

National,Budger or Dollar, have offices in other countries too.. ;

so you may want to reserve a car through your travel agent in your own country. ;

Q:那么租車時我以什么 方式來付款呢? ;

A :In order to rent a car, you have to have a major credit card, such as MasterCard, ;

Visa, or American Express. ;

Without a credit card you may have 10 pay a very high deposit on the car. ;

If you don't want to spend a lot of money, ;

you may rent used cars from used car rental companies, ;

such as Rent A-Junkcr and Lgly Duckling. ;

Their rates are often lower and they don't always demand a credit card. ;

Sometimes they have special offers that ;

make the total cost of renting a car even lower. ;

Q:如果我沒有駕照,那 我怎樣去其他城市呢? ;

A :There are three ways to get from city to city without a car. In some places, ;

you can take Anitrak, the national passenger rail service. Or you can take a bus. ;

Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company, ;

which offers the monthly pass.And.of course, you can fly. ;

There arc dozens of airlines,both regional and national. ;

Prices are not regulated, so airlines can make special offers that are ;

sometimes cheaper than train tickets.There are also shuttle and ;

commuter flights between some major cities that are close to each other. ;

Q:聽說美國城市的公共 交通不盡如人意,有沒有 這回事? ;

A : Well,I have to admit that getting around a city on ;

public transportation is generally not as easy as it is in most other countries, ;

but it is possible. Although only a few cities have subways, ;

most towns with a population of 50.000 or more have some kind of city bus service. ;

Q:萬一坐巴士或地鐵到 不了我想要去的地方怎么 辦呢? ;

A:You can always take a cab.You can stop a cab on the street, ;

but that's not easy in many cities.It's actually easier to call a taxi company ;

listed in the Yellow Pages of a telephone directory and ask them ;

to send a cab to your door.American taxi drivers will usually ;

expect a tip of at least 10%. In big cities like New York, ;

cabbies expect a tip of 15%. ;

Q:十分感激您所提供的 情況。 ;

A : You're welcome. ;

2-2 The AIDS Epidemic Text for Interpretation ;

Interpret the following interview alternatively into English and Chinese: ;

An interview with a Nobel Prize winning microbiologist on the AIDS epidemic. ;

Q:巴爾迪摩先生,愛滋 病的傳播程度有多嚴(yán)重? ;

A :AIDS is the worst plague in modern history. ;

In the 20 years since ihe first reports of what we now know was AIDS, ;

an entire generation has been horn and come of age never knowing ;

a world without the epidemic.The disease has changed the personal ;

as well as the political how we think and how we love, ;

what we teach our children and what words we say in public. ;

On an international scale,it threatens to undermine countries, ;

particularly in Africa.AIDS is now the fourth leading cause of death globally, ;

and the leading cause of death in Africa. ;

Throughout the world 36 million people are HIV positive, ;

including 900.000 in the United States. ;

Q:您所說的“危害國家生 計“是指什么? ;

A:AIDS has stolen a generation and imperiled the future. ;

It will cause such a significant amount of disease in the middle ages of the population ;

thai it will largely reduce the number of people available to ;

carry out the functions of the society.In parts of Africa, ;

it's happening already.In seven African countries, ;

more than 20 percent of the 15 to 19-year old population is infected with HIV. ;

For example. Zambia cannot train teachers fast enough to replace those killed by AIDS. ;

Within 10 years,there will be 40 million AIDS orphans in Africa. ;

Q:你認(rèn)為我們可以及時 改變?nèi)藗兊幕拘袨?,?阻止愛滋病的傳播嗎? ;

A:In time to have a significant impact. yes.1 don‘t think we'll be perfect. ;

People will respond differently,but for the homosexua ;

population in San Francisco,the rate of homosexuially transmitted diseases ;

fell dramatically when a serious educational program was put in place. ;

People were obviously willing to change their behavior when ;

they were made to realize how severe a risk they were taking. ;

Q:對于那些還未受到嚴(yán) 重打擊的群體,有何措施 可以采取呢? ;

能否在大規(guī)模的死亡發(fā)生 之前也讓我們意識到問題 的嚴(yán)重性? ;

It is certainly harder to reach people when they don't see the con sequences of ;

what they're doing right around them or when the consequences are extremely delayed. ;

I'd guess that's been one of the problems with smokers. ;

Q:怎樣才能讓人們意識 到問題的嚴(yán)重性呢? ;

Drugs cannot be seen as the ultimate solution.And about $10 billion a year ;

is needed to fight the spread of HIV.I think a massive educational campaign ;

is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can help. ;

Not to do it would he criminal.To argue that it's difficult and ;

expensive and therefore we shouldn’t do it would be self -defeating. ;

Q:調(diào)查結(jié)果表明,公眾 中大部分人認(rèn)為愛滋病 患者應(yīng)該被隔離開來, 你的意見呢? ;

A :Quarantining will help no one.Most AIDS patients arc too sick ;

to be transmitting the virus.The virus is being spread largely by people ;

who do not have AIDS but are infected with the HIV virus, ;

and they may or may not even know it. Quarantining would be totally futile. ;

Q:強制性化驗有無作用? ;

A :I believe it would drive the very people you want to test underground. ;

Voluntary confidential testing is much more appropriate. ;

Q:怎樣做才能鼓勵人們 去接受這種令人不安的 化驗?zāi)? ;

A :The only thing you can do is convince people that they're better off knowing ;

than not knowing. First,because then they can take action ;

to protect their friends and loved ones and,second,because ;

they can begin to interpret their own ;

symptoms and take whatever action available. ;

AIDS is a very serious disease,but it usually reveals its presence ;

through a variety of infections, and many of those infections can be controlled ;

with appropriate drugs. ;

2-3 Business Management ;

Text for Interpretation ;

Interpret the following interview alternatively into English and Chinese: ;

An interview with an American manager of a Sino-American joint ;

venture an some of the differences in business communication style ;

and work ethic between the Chinese and the Americans。 ;

Q:您好,杰克遜先生。 您在中國已連續(xù)工作了 三年,您能否讀一下中 美兩國生意人在商務(wù)溝通 ;

方式上有何不同之處? ;

A : With pleasure. I think there are at least two differences in the way of business ;

communication between Chinese and American businessmen. ;

First,Chinese businessmen tend to have business ;

negotiations in a rather indirect manner,as opposed to the more direct manner ;

of American businessmen.The Chinese take time to ;

learn if their prospective business contacts are really reliable, ;

for example, by inviting them to a party and socializing with them.In contrast. ;

The Americans act with the "get-down-to- business-first" mentality. ;

Second,the decision-ma king process of Chinese companies is ;

generally slow and time-consuming.This is because most Chinese ;

companies keep to the "bottom-up,then top-down and then ;

bottom up" decision- making principle which involves many people at different levels. ;

American companies, on the other hand, usually operate with quick decisions made ;

by the top management. I hope American businessmen in China will understand these ;

differences in business practices and adjust to the Chinese way. ;

美國式的經(jīng)營之道在我們 中國人看來常顯得咄咄逼 人。 ;

您在與中國同事的 合作中有無注意到這一 點? ;

A:Well, we are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese. ;

I would say,due to our different cultural traditions. ;

I noticed that a lot of Chinese often avoid saying a clear "no" just to be polite. ;

Sometimes my Chinese colleagues say "yes" not to express agreement, ;

hut only to show that they are listening. ;

Q:我們都應(yīng)該承認(rèn)這些 文化差異,尊重這些差異 以免產(chǎn)生誤解。這很重要 不是嗎? ;

A : Yes. understanding these differences. ;

1 believe, will be a first step toward establishing a firm business relationship ;

between American and Chinese companies. ;

Q:剛才您提到了中國式 的決策過程,您認(rèn)為這 種管理模式有無優(yōu)點? ;

將其與美國式相比, 您有何看法? ;

A :I would say the American-type,or the top-down,management emphasizes efficiency ;

and competition among workers,while the Chinese-type ;

management gives priority to careful planning and encourages cooperation ;

among workers,and between workers and the management. ;

Thus,while the American-type manage- ment often frustrates many workers, ;

the Chinese-type management gives workers a joy of participation ;

and fulfillment,and a sense of pride in their work. ;

Q:談到員工的工作態(tài)度 中國人和美國人在這方面 有何不相同? ;

A :I think most Chinese view work as ;

essential for having member ship in a community. ;

They believe that work allows them to have the.sense of belonging to a community. ;

In other words, work is necessary for them ;

to gain social acceptance in the society.That is why ;

many Chinese managers and employees work so hard to maintain their ;

positions in their companies.Also,they ;

sec work as the most important thing in life.That is, ;

they have tried to find the meaning of life through their jobs. ;

While the Chinese-work ethic is based on social pressure1 and community belonging. ;

the American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented. Traditionally, ;

we work because it is the will of God,and we often value the ;

results and accomplishments of work more than its process. ;

By the way.I'm very impressed by the obvious strong sense of dedication to ;

the jobs among the older Chinese employees. ;

Q:回到我們一開始的 話題,您如何評價中美 兩種不同經(jīng)營之道的利 弊? ;

A : It is difficult to decide which is better than which, because there are some merits ;

and demerits to both types of management. My suggestion is that ;

people of both countries should learn from each other. ;

I will say that in recent years,the merits of the Chinese way.or rather, ;

the Oriental way. of management are beginning to he ;

recognized by an increasing number of people in the West. ;

This more humane Oriental way of management seems to offer a great deal lo ;

the executives of our American industries. ;

Sentences in Focus ;

Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese: ;

1.This is basically a correct observation, ;

which says something about the American way of life. ;

2.Each state has its own traffic laws,and a driver from another ;

stale is expected to know and understand the local laws. ;

3.My country has the most developed car rental industry in the world, ;

so you may very well want to reserve a car through your travel ;

agent in your own country if you intend to drive while ;

traveling in my country. ;

4.Airfare in this country is not regulated,and airlines often make special ;

offers in order to attract customers. ;

5.It's actually easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages of a telephone ;

directory and ask them to send a cab to pick you up at your doorstep. ;

6.In the 20 years since the first reports of what we now know was AIDS, ;

an entire generation has been born and come ;

of age never knowing a world without the epidemic. ;

7.A massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable ;

at the moment that can help;to argue that this campaign is difficult, ;

expensive and therefore impossible would he quite self-defeating. ;

8.We'll have to convince people that they're belter off knowing ;

than not knowing the fact, because they can take whatever action available to ;

treat the problem and control its infection with appropriate drugs. ;

9.I think Chinese businessmen tend to have business ;

negotiations in a rather indirect manner,as opposed to ;

the more direct style of American businessmen,who are ;

said to work with the "get-down-to-business- first" mentality. ;

10,The Chinese-type management encourages cooperation among employees, ;

between the labor and the management, and gives employees a joy of participation ;

and fulfillment,as well as a sense of pride in their work. ;

11.1 think most Chinese try to find the meaning of life through working in ;

their jobs,and view work as essential for having membership in a community. ;

Put it in another way. they regard work as a prerequisite to gain ;

social acceptance in the community. ;

12.聽說美國城市的公共 交通可不盡如人意,有沒 有這回事? ;

13.司機在高速公路上開 車時必須將自己的行車 速度控制在標(biāo)牌規(guī)定的最 高限速與最低限速之間。 ;

14.調(diào)查結(jié)果表明,許多 人對愛滋病的傳播不以為 然。你認(rèn)為我們怎樣做 才能讓人們意識到問題的 ;

嚴(yán)重性呢? ;

15.美式經(jīng)營之道在我們 中國人看來常常顯 的咄咄逼人。 ;

16.我們應(yīng)該承認(rèn)我們 之間的文化差異,應(yīng)該尊 重這些差異,以免產(chǎn)生 誤解。 ;

Unit 3 Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches English-Chinese Interpretation ;

3-1 Revisiting the Old Haunt ;

Text for Interpretation Interpret the ;

following passage from English into Chinese: ;

Ladies and Gentlemen. ;

Permit me first to thank you,our Chinese hosts,for your extraordinary ;

arrangements and hospitality.My wife and I.as well as our entire party, ;

are deeply grateful. In the short period of six days we have gone a longer distance than ;

the world renowned "Long March". We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, ;

dynamism, and progress of China under your ;

policies of reform and opening to the outside world. ;

My wife and I have a special regard and personal friendship ;

for the people of China. Beijing is for us an old and nostalgic home. ;

During our stay here ten years ago we spent a great deal of memorable time with ;

the people here -- working, shopping, sightseeing, ;

and touring the city on our bicycles. During that time we never experienced ;

anything other than the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of the Chinese people. ;

Those were happy days. They were good days, important days. ;

We were part of the dramatic process which brought us hack together and set us ;

on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship. ;

Our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive, ;

affecting all aspects of our national lives: commerce, culture, ;

education, and scientific exchange. ;

1 am most proud of the large number of Chinese students being educated in exchange ;

in my country.1 myself teach some of them and see the benefits ;

that come from this exchange.At the same time we are learning ;

valuable lessons from you. ;

Nonetheless, problems remain in our economic, ;

education and strategic relations. While we are not so naive as to believe ;

that there are no issues of difference between us.1 also believe that our ;

differences are greatly overshadowed by issues which bind ;

us and strengthen our relationship. As a former government ;

leader and now a private citizen. I recognize that many of the burdens and ;

opportunities of our relationship have now passed to the non-governmental ;

sectors of our two societies: to individuals,our corporations, ;

universities, research institutes, ;

foundations,and so on. Then- is no doubt that our relations have reached a new stage, ;

In this context,it is important for our two societies to search ;

for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit. ;

My visit is a symbol of the good faith with ;

which we seek lo build up the strength of our friendship, ;

our cultural and commercial ties and our important ;

strategic relationship.Events of the past decade have confirmed time ;

and time again thai our friendship and cooperation will continue fo flourish ;

and yield more fruits in the days to come. ;

3-2 A Pleasant Trip ;

Text for Interpretation Interpret the ;

following passage from English into Chinese: ;

Respected Your Excellency.My Chinese friends. ;

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome. ;

This is a happy and memorable occasion for ;

me personally as well as for the members of my delegation. ;

To come to China,one of the very earliest cradles of civilization, ;

is.1 suppose,the dream of many people the world over.1. therefore, ;

feel very honoured to be your guest. In accepting Your Excellency's gracious ;

invitation to visit this great country,I have had an excellent opportunity to renew ;

old friendships and establish new contacts. ;

When we established our friendly and cooperative relations, ;

we did so on the understanding that we would develop our friendship ;

on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit. ;

These are the principles on which we seek friendship with ;

all peoples of the world.It is absolutely vital that all nations,big or small, ;

strong or weak,should conduct their relations with each other ;

on these principes. We.therefore,welcome the interest and understanding ;

that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken ;

by small and developing countries. China's support is a constant source of ;

encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing ;

and maintaining the independence of our country. ;

It is my sincere hope that we can develop further,on the basis of mutual respect ;

and mutual benefit, ;

the links and the friendship that exist between our two countries. ;

As we are both developing countries, having a common aspiration in ;

improving the standard of life of our peoples.I look forward, ;

in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavours ;

and experience in promoting economic and social development in ;

the service of your people.I'd like to take this opportunity to extend to Your ;

Excellency an invitation to visit my country,so that we ;

will have an opportunity to ;

return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us. ;

In closing,may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country. ;

We arc deeply grateful for what you have,done for us since our ;

arrival in your country. May I propose a toast ;

To the health of Your Excellency, To the health of all the Chinese friends. ;

To our lasting friendship. Cheers! ;

3-3 Euro-Asian Cooperation ;

Text for Interpretation ;

Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese: ;

Respected Mr.Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen. ;

The European Union has adopted a new strategy for Asian affairs, ;

We hereby urge our EU members to efficiently cooperate with Asian countries to ;

establish a constructive,stable and equal partnership ;

between the two continents. History has proved the necessity to expand ;

cooperative relations between the two continents.Europe and Asia, ;

two major cradles of human civilization, have both contributed to human progress. ;

Since the 1980s Asia, and East Asia particularly, ;

has witnessed a rapid rise to prosperity. ;

As the world's most robust economic region the East Asia has ;

attracted worldwide attention over the past few decades with ;

its remarkable achievement. In Europe,a 50-year alliance made the ;

European Union the world's largest trade bloc in the world, ;

with its gross domestic product and foreign trade volume ;

both surpassing those of the United States. In addition,EU nations have unified tariffs ;

and established common foreign trade, agricultural and fishery policies. ;

The EU has initially established an economic and monetary union. ;

It has,in other words, become a region which enjoys the highest level of political ;

and economic integration. Trade ties between Europe and East Asia ;

have expanded rapidly in recent years. Significantly. ;

Easi Asia has replaced the United States as the EU's largest export market, ;

with 18 percent of its exports targeted for the region. ;

However,the European Union continues to lag behind the United and ;

Japan in terms of market share in East Asia. ;

We realize that the current Euro Asian economic and trade contacts ;

are a far cry from meeting demands. Ladies and gentlemen. ;

Europe,North America and East Asia have ;

emerged as the world's throe major economic centers. ;

Europe and North America have already established close ties ;

thanks to our historical links.Easi Asia and North America have also established ;

contacts via the forum of the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation. ;

Comparatively speaking,ties between the European Union and ;

East Asia remain relatively weak. Therefore.ladies and gentlemen, ;

it is our common desire that Europe and ;

East Asia should resolve differences through dialogues and ;

mutual trust,enhance our cooperative relations, ;

and form a now partnership in the interest of ihe ;

peoples of our two continents. Ladies and gentlemen, ;

given this historic opportunity,let us work together and ;

forge that partnership,thereby contributing to global peace, ;

stability and prosperity. Thank you.Mr.Chairman. ;

3-4 A New Long March ;

Text for Interpretation ;

Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese: ;

Mr.President. On behalf of all my colleagues present here, ;

I wish lo thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which ;

the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. ;

1 particularly want to pay triblute,not only to those ;

who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who ;

have provided the splendid music. ;

These have been very pleasant days in China, ;

and I'm happy that my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere. ;

Mr,President,I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. ;

At this very moment through the wonder of telecommunications, ;

many people are hearing what we say today,Yet. ;

what we say here will not be long remembered. ;

But whal we do here can change the world. So.let us start a long ;

march together on different roads leading to the same goal, ;

the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which ;

all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, ;

has a right to determine us own form of government,Us own course of development, ;

free of outside interference or domination. ;

We have a social and political system which ;

differs in many respects from your own. ;

It is the result of different experiences and a different tradition. ;

This system of ours docs not always produce results of which we all approve. ;

People sometimes grumble at it and criticize it. ;

But it is a political system deeply rooted in the instincts of our people. ;

We do not aim to impose our own ideas on other people. ;

We believe that it is right and necessary that people with different political ;

and social systems should live side by side. ;

We do not assess in identical fashion all aspects of today's ;

world — with our distinct histories, geographies and cultures ;

it is inconceivable that we could see eye to eye on all issues ;

— but we do agree on the fundamental need for world peace, ;

and the equally fundamental need for all countries to determine their own ;

fate and design their own future. The world watches. The world listens. ;

The world waits to see what we will do. What legacy shall we leave our children? ;

Are they destined to die painfully for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, ;

or are they destined to live joyfully ;

because we had the vision to build a new world? ;

This is the hour. This is the day for us to rise to the heights of greatness ;

which can build a new and better world. In that spirit. ;

I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and ;

cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and ;

peace for all peoples in the world. Sentences in Focus ;

Interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese: ;

1.Permit me first of all to thank you.our host, ;

for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. ;

2.Thank you very much for your gracious words of welcome. ;

This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally ;

as well as for all the members of my delegation. ;

3.To come to China,one of the early cradles of civilization, ;

has long been my dream and therefore,1 feel very honored to be your guest. ;

4.In accepting Your Excellency's gracious invitation to visit this great country, ;

I have had an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and ;

establish new contacts. ;

5.I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality, ;

for which the Chinese people arc justly famous throughout the world. ;

6.We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity,dynamism, ;

and progress of China under the policies of reform and opening to the outside world. ;

7.I have a special regard and personal friendship for the people of China, ;

in which 1 never experienced anything other than the utmost ;

courtesy and genuine friendship of your people. ;

8.Our friendly and cooperative tics have become extensive, ;

affecting all aspects of our national lives, including industry, ;

agriculture,commerce, culture,public health, education, ;

and scientific and technological exchange. ;

9.I'm looking forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something ;

from your endeavors and experience in promoting economic ;

and social development in the service of your people. ;

10.We recognize that our differences are greatly overshadowed ;

by issues which hind us and strengthen our relationship. ;

11.Our visit to your country is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build ;

up the. strength of our friendship,our cultural ;

and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship. ;

13.It is absolutely vital that all nations,big or small, strong or weak, ;

should conduct their relations with each other on the basis of mutual respect, ;

and equality and mutual benefit. ;

14.History has proved the necessity to expand cooperative relations ;

between Europe and Asia,two major cradles of human civilization. ;

15.As the world's most robust economic region China has attracted ;

worldwide attention with it's remarkable achievement over the past two decades. ;

16.It is our common desire that we should resolve differences through dialogues ;

and mutual trust, enhance our cooperative relations, ;

and form a new partnership in the interest of the ;

peoples of our two countries. ;

17.Given this rare historic opportunity, let us work together ;

and forge our partnership,thereby contributing to global peace, ;

stability and prosperity. ;

18.Let us start a long march together along different roads leading to the same ;

goal of building a new world of peace and just, ;

a world in which all peoples may stand together with equal dignity, ;

and a world in which each nation has the right lo determine its ;

own course of development. ;

19.I'd like to take this opportunity to extend to Your ;

Excellency an invitation to visit Canada,so that ;

we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and ;

generous hospitality you extended to us. ;

20.May I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses ;

to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples! ;


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