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英語口譯教程(第二版)--高級 01




[00:01.00]英語高級口譯資格證書考試 高級口譯教程第二版;

[01:04.33]Part Two;

[01:13.64]Unit one Reception Text for interpretation;

[01:22.25]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation Text interpreting;

[01:33.03]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[01:43.10]歡迎希爾博士和夫人來訪 上海.請允許我作自我介 紹.我叫洪建信,是中美制 藥有限公司的副總經理。;

[01:55.92]久聞先生大名,我在研究 生學習時期所寫的兩篇論 文中曾參考了您的研究成 果。;

[02:05.10]我為能在上海接待您和您 的家人而深感愉快,我很 高興我們能在今后的半年 里合作共事.;

[02:15.18]我們將給您配備兩名實驗 助手.必要時我們還想邀 請你的一名同事一起參加 我們的這項研究工作.;

[02:25.57]您若愿意的話,我們想把 你們先安排在一處市中心 的假日酒店下榻,;

[02:32.77]從假日酒店開車30分鐘可 到我們的實驗室.旅館住 宿費由公司負擔.;

[02:40.55]如果你們不喜歡假日酒店 也可以搬到公司的招待所 去住,我們的招待所是一 幢家庭式公寓小樓.;

[02:50.37]不論你選擇住何處,我相 信您和您的家人都會喜歡 這里的生活.我們會盡力 為你們服務,;

[02:59.94]使你們在上海有一種舒適 如歸的感覺.您在生活或 工作中若有不盡如人意之 處,請立即與我聯(lián)系,;

[03:11.03]我很樂意為您排擾解難. 今晚公司總經理李先生將 設宴為您洗塵,請攜家人 一起光臨.;


[03:25.57]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation Text Interpreting;

[03:36.99]Listen to the tape and interptret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[03:46.61]Hello,I'm Robert Brown from Stanford University.;

[03:51.59]I'm very happy to meet you here in this land of wonder.;

[03:56.69]I've been looking forward to visiting your great country,;

[04:00.90]and I feel very honored and pleased that I'll be working;

[04:05.11]with my Chinese colleagues in the head office of your automobile group.;

[04:10.59]As you know, this is my very first visit to China,;

[04:15.43]and I'm here to witness with my own eyes the magical power;

[04:20.35]of the once very remote "Oriental Dragon.";

[04:24.68]You can imagine how excited I was;

[04:27.81]when I received your invitation to join you in your project.;

[04:32.40]Back in my college days,;

[04:34.76]a professor of Oriental civilization introduced me to the wealth Confucianism;

[04:40.62]and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depths;

[04:44.96]of my mind the inexplicable "China dream".;

[04:49.87]And I'm even more excited;

[04:52.10]now that I've set foot on the beautiful land of China.;

[04:56.18]I've had my "China dream" for years and I'm here to realize this dream.;

[05:03.20]Just think this charming cosmopolitan city is going to be my home;

[05:08.93]for the remaining days of the year!;

[05:11.61]There's so much to learn about this mysterious country,;

[05:15.37]from the ancient civilization to the current reform.;

[05:19.90]I'm really looking forward to my Chinese life.;

[05:24.94]I'll work closely with my Chinese colleagues on our research projects,;

[05:30.10]through which I believe I'll realize my"China dream";

[05:34.76]in the most rewarding direction.;

[05:39.09]Extra Text for Practice;

[05:43.18]Passage 1 Chinese-english Interpretation;

[05:51.21]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[06:02.69]對不起,您一定是來自聯(lián) 盟傳播服務局的大衛(wèi).理 查德先生吧?;

[06:10.85]我叫魏琴,是上海國際文 化交流中心的代理主任. 這是我的名片.;

[06:18.12]自從我們收到您來訪日期 的電子郵件后便一直期待 著您的到來.;

[06:25.07]根據您的要求,我們?yōu)槟?預訂了我中心東樓的 "明寓"客房.;

[06:31.25]"明寓"客房從設計到裝潢 都體現(xiàn)了中國明朝的建筑 風格,我相信您一定會喜 歡這套古典式房間.;

[06:41.33]理查德先生,我們的"信息 高速公路與傳播服務學術 研討會"將如期在我中心 舉行.;

[06:50.96]我很高興地告訴您,先生 已被籌委會選為第一輪報 告會的主要發(fā)言人.;

[06:58.42]如果您需要復印一些發(fā)給 與會者的報告材料或打算 使用投影機,請與我中心 的設備服務部門聯(lián)系.;

[07:09.19]長途旅行之后您應該好好 休息一下.我告辭了,我們 在今晚的招待宴席上 再見.;

[07:19.65]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation;

[07:28.13]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[07:37.76]Welcome to Edinburgh, the Chinese provincial tourist service vice delegation.;

[07:44.84]My name is Jane Anderson. I'm from the Edinburgh Tourist Centre.;

[07:52.81]I will be working as your guide throughout your six-day visit.;

[07:58.23]You'll be staying at the Hilton Hotel. The hotel is located in the downtown area,;

[08:06.52]a few minutes walk from the office of the Edinburgh Tourist Centre.;

[08:13.21]Ms.Nancy Turner, director of the Edinburgh Tourist Administration;

[08:19.02]will host a reception buffet tomorrow. After the dinner,;

[08:24.95]we will show a video entitled "Touring Around Edinburgh",;

[08:30.49]which I believe will give you a bird's-eye view of the tourist attractions;

[08:36.42]and the services provided in F.dinburgh and its surrounding areas.;

[08:41.97]Mr.George Palmer, director of the Edinburgh Tourist Centre,;

[08:48.03]will answer your questions following the video show.;

[08:51.66]He will also be giving you a detailed account of your visiting schedule.;

[08:58.61]Unit two Ceremonial Speech 禮儀祝辭;

[09:04.48]Text for interpretation;

[09:09.20]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation Text interpreting;

[09:19.78]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[09:29.92]副總統(tǒng)閣下、威廉斯夫人 貴賓們, 女士們、先生們:;

[09:37.70]我為能在此設宴招待威廉 斯副總統(tǒng)和夫人以及其他 貴賓而深感榮幸和愉快.;

[09:47.20]我愿借此機會向各位來賓 表示熱烈的歡迎.;

[09:53.83]我此時的心情可以用孔子 在《論語》中的一句話來 表達:"有朋自遠方來, 不亦樂乎.";

[10:04.10]顯而易見,威廉斯副總統(tǒng) 的這次訪問表明了閣下愿 意繼續(xù)推進我們兩國之間 友好合作關系的決心.;

[10:15.19]我深信,兩國高層領導人 之間的頻繁互訪,不僅有 助于我們兩國之間關系 的改善,;

[10:24.06]而且還有助于亞太地區(qū), 乃至整個世界的和平與 穩(wěn)定.;

[10:31.52]我們兩國建交以來的這些 年里,我們在政治、 經濟、貿易、文化、 教育、科技、;

[10:41.02]衛(wèi)生等領域里進行了真誠 的、卓有成效的合作.值 得一提的是,;

[10:48.54]自從我們兩國總理互訪以 來,我們在近海石油勘探 和汽車工業(yè)方面的合作進 展神速.;

[10:57.85]我們對在這些領域里所取 得的成就深感滿意,并愿 意與貴國政府和人民一起 繼續(xù)努力,;

[11:07.99]將我們的合作關系向一個 新的高度.當前中國正在 全國范圍內進行著一次前 所未有的經濟改革.;

[11:21.26]如果我們沒有社會與政治 穩(wěn)定的國內環(huán)境,沒有和 平與發(fā)展的國際環(huán)境,沒 有中外經濟與技術合作,;

[11:32.67]我們的這次重大改革是不 可能奏效的.中國是世界 上最大的發(fā)展中國家,;

[11:41.21]社會生產力水平總的還比 較低,還需要經過幾十年 的艱苦奮斗才能實現(xiàn) 現(xiàn)代化.;

[11:50.27]我們需要長期的和平國際 環(huán)境,尤其是長期的睦鄰 友好環(huán)境.;

[11:58.30]女士們,先生們,謀求持久 的世界和平和全球經濟繁 榮是我們共同愿望.;

[12:08.76]正是本著維護世界和平、 保證共同發(fā)展與持續(xù)繁榮 的精神,我們制定了現(xiàn)行 的外交政策和經貿政策,;

[12:20.43]發(fā)展與各國平等互利的友 好關系.我們很高興地看 到,貴國一貫奉行謀求世 界和平的政策,;

[12:31.84]在過去的十年中始終與我 們保持著良好的貿易伙伴 關系.我期待著與威廉副 總統(tǒng)就雙邊關系的發(fā)展,;

[12:43.77]以及亞太地區(qū)和我們共同 關心的其他一些國際問題 舉行會談.;

[12:50.40]在我結束講話之際,我請 各位與我一起舉杯,為威 廉斯副總統(tǒng)夫人的身體 健康,;

[13:00.41]為所有貴賓的身體健康, 為我們兩國之間持久的友 誼與合作, 為世界和平與繁榮,干杯!;

[13:13.93]Passage 2 English-Chinese interpretation Text Interpreting;

[13:25.91]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[13:35.41]Your Honor Mr. Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,;

[13:43.32]I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.;

[13:48.30]On behalf of all the members of my mission,;

[13:51.61]I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host;

[13:57.48]for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received;

[14:02.64]since we set foot on this charming land. I am also very happy;

[14:08.13]that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you;

[14:13.35]and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes;

[14:18.97]from the government and people of my country.;

[14:22.60]Although we live with a distance of thousands of miles between us,;

[14:26.75]"Long distance separates no bosom friends," as one of your Tang poets said.;

[14:33.82]The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes;

[14:39.18]that are taking place in China, particularly in Shanghai.;

[14:42.88]To our great amazement this country boasts a two-decade persistent economic growth,;

[14:49.45]which is unequalled elsewhere in the world.;

[14:52.76]China's miraculous rise as one of the strongest economic powers;

[14:57.93]in the Asian-Pacific region has attracted, and will continue to attract,;

[15:03.09]a growing number of business,manufacturing;

[15:06.92]and financial giants in our country to invest in China,;

[15:11.19]particularly to invest in a number of long-term projects in Shanghai;

[15:16.29]and its surrounding areas. Over the last decade,;

[15:20.95]there has never been any place other than Pudong;

[15:24.07]that holds so much attraction for our people in the business community.;

[15:28.66]It is with this awareness that we have come here to seek better ways;

[15:33.95]of promoting our economic and financial cooperation.;

[15:38.74]One of the objectives of my mission is to sign our Investment Protection Agreement;

[15:45.30]and Intellectual Property Rights Protection Agreement.;

[15:49.26]I am also seeking possibilities of establishing,;

[15:53.21]through partnership with our Chinese colleagues,;

[15:56.02]a joint consultancy firm that will provide services;

[15:59.97]for transnational corporations in Shanghai. Last but not least,;

[16:06.22]I would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of Shanghai.;

[16:11.83]We would like His Honor to visit our city at his earliest convenience,;

[16:16.61]so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception;

[16:21.46]and hospitality we enjoy here.;

[16:24.58]I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two cities.;

[16:30.00]I also greatly value the position we enjoy;

[16:33.51]as one of your most important trading partners.;

[16:36.83]In spite of the worldwide economic recession in recent years,;

[16:41.10]there has been a steady growth in our economic cooperation and trade volume.;

[16:46.65]It is our sincere wish that we continue to work;

[16:50.34]closely together to enhance our friendly relationship;

[16:54.17]and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic,financial and trade cooperation.;

[17:01.25]On the occasion of this reception,I wish Mr.Mayor;

[17:05.07]and all our Chinese friends present here tonight good health! Thank you.;

[17:12.47]Extra Text for Practice;

[17:18.14]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpertation;

[17:25.29]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English.;

[17:36.06]主席先生, 女士們,先生們,;

[17:41.61]我非常榮幸地宣布,知識 產權北京國際會議現(xiàn)在開 幕!我代表中國政府和 人民,并以我個人的名義,;

[17:54.04]向所有與會代表和來賓表 示熱烈的歡迎. 我祝賀這次會議這次會議 在北京勝利召開.;

[18:03.86]會議組委會的全體成員為 次會議的成功召開付出了 辛勤的勞動,我謹向他們 表示感謝.;

[18:15.85]侵犯知識產權是當今世界 面臨的一個嚴重問題.僅 以計算機軟件行業(yè)為例,;

[18:25.16]每年世界各地的瘋狂盜版 行為使這一行業(yè)蒙受了巨 大的經濟損失,;

[18:32.43]進而迫使軟件制作人和廠 商提高軟件的售價,將部 分損失轉嫁給了誠實使用 軟件的顧客.;

[18:43.65]保護知識產權成了世界各 國日益關切的問題.參加 本次會議的各國代表都希 望能攜手合作,;

[18:53.60]共同打擊侵權行為,遏制 盜版惡流的蔓延.我深信 這次會議將達成一頂保護 知識產權的協(xié)議.;


[19:10.82]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation;

[19:18.66]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[19:28.61]It is with great pleasure;

[19:31.60]that I extend a warm welcome to the Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation.;

[19:37.09]I am very happy that you are here to attend the opening ceremony;

[19:42.44]of Canadian Industrial Exhibition.;

[19:45.63]I would like to take this opportunity to convey to our Chinese guests;

[19:51.50]the warm greetings from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.;

[19:56.28]This exhibition is a display of recent industrial achievements in Canada;

[20:01.96]as well as a showplace of our high-tech advances in such areas as aviation,;

[20:09.16]machine tools, electronics, coal mining, power generation equipment,;

[20:16.05]off-shore oil exploration, automobiles,;

[20:20.13]covering all sections of Canadian industry.;

[20:23.45]I am very proud that some of the exhibits are the products;

[20:27.91]from some Canadian-Chinese joint ventures.;

[20:31.29]Although these products are a mere fraction of all our exhibits,;

[20:36.13]they mark the arrival of a new era of the economic and scientific;

[20:41.81]and technological cooperation between our two great nations.;

[20:46.85]Our cooperation is one of great promise.;

[20:50.86]As you know, "A good beginning is half the battle."In addition,;

[20:57.11]we are staging business and trade discussions with major Canadian companies.;

[21:02.15]The interested parties may schedule time for business or technical talks with them.;

[21:07.76]The Chinese Provincial Trade Delegation is the largest visiting group to attend;

[21:13.50]our exhibition and I wish my Chinese friends a most rewarding visit.;

[21:19.62]Passage 3 Chinese-English Interpretation;

[21:26.76]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[21:37.09]尊敬的主席閣下, 各位代表, 女士們、先生們:;

[21:44.81]在這個美麗無比的金秋季 節(jié),我們在北京迎來了第 四屆世界婦女大會的召 開.;

[21:55.01]這是一次世界歷史上規(guī)模 空前的婦女大會,也是世 界上最重要的國際會議 之一.;

[22:05.66]聯(lián)合國185個成員國的代 表,聯(lián)合國組織和各區(qū)域 性國際組織的代表,;

[22:14.33]以及二千多個非政府組織 的代表在此聚會,她們將 作出承諾,要迅速采取行 動,消除歧視婦女的現(xiàn)象,;

[22:28.49]使婦女能夠盡快與男子一 起創(chuàng)造和分享21世紀的和 平與繁榮.;

[22:37.73]千百年來婦女被剝奪了與 男子平等相待的基本權 利,無尊嚴可言,失去決定 國家和家庭事務的權利.;

[22:52.27]多少年來,這個世界一 直處于男性的統(tǒng)治之下.;

[22:58.33]在許多國家和地區(qū)婦女不 幸淪為二等公民,她們往 往成了歧視、暴力和羞辱 的對象.;

[23:09.36]這應該是一個文明進步的 時代.今天,男女平等在國 際社會中被普遍視為一種 人權,;

[23:20.33]并已寫入聯(lián)合國憲章.在 過去的半個世紀里,;

[23:27.02]世界各地有良知的男子和 有勇氣的女性一起付出了 巨大的努力,;

[23:33.97]在很大程度上成功地使占 人口半數的婦女獲得了享 有與男子同等的權利.;

[23:42.96]例如,婦女在全球大部分 地區(qū)可以享有與男子同等 的教育.;

[23:51.51]事實上,婦女能夠勝任 任何一種職業(yè),而且取得 了輝煌的成就.;

[23:59.22]與此同時,她們還肩負養(yǎng) 兒育女的重任.但是,我們 清楚地看到,;

[24:08.02]許多男子和雇主至今仍然 對婦女持鄙視的態(tài)度. 我們寄希望于本屆世婦 會,;

[24:18.61]這是因為它將采取更有效 的步驟來加速提高世界各 地婦女地位的進程,;

[24:27.09]使全世界男男女女在生活 和工作中能以平等的伙伴 關系相待.;

[24:34.93]我們寄希望于本屆世婦 會,這是因為我們相信這 次會議將促進各國之間,;

[24:43.35]尤其是婦女姐妹們之間的 相互理解和友好交流,使 世界各國也能以伙伴關系 相待.;

[24:54.89]我們希望本屆世婦會成為 促進人類文明、和平與 進步的光輝里程碑.;

[25:03.88]為此,我們熱烈歡呼第四 屆世界婦女大會的召開, 并預祝大會圓滿成功.;

[25:24.54]unit three Tourism 旅游觀光;

[25:38.12]Text for Interpretation;

[25:43.48]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;

[25:51.32]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[26:05.09]在廣袤無垠的中華大地 上,有著無數絢麗多姿的 自然景觀,;

[26:17.08]五千年的燦爛文化把這如 詩如畫的江山打扮得分外 妖嬈.全國各地的名勝古 跡都有是游客向往的地方;

[26:32.39]如古城西安的兵馬俑、首 都北京的長城和故宮、南 方桂林的山水。;

[26:43.86]今天我向各位介紹號稱我 國五岳之首的泰山,這五 岳為東岳的泰山、南岳的 衡山、西岳的華山、;

[27:00.63]北岳的恒山和中岳的 嵩山。 泰山地處我國山東省的中 部,綿延200公里,;

[27:16.19]其巔峰位于泰安市北面, 海拔1545米。泰山雄偉壯 觀,峻拔突兀,最高峰玉皇 頂為峽谷和險峰所環(huán)繞。;

[27:38.13]登臨泰山需走九曲十八盤 的路程,沿途可飽覽絢麗 的風光,觀賞不同風格的 古代建筑。;

[27:53.56]一階石梯,直通南天門。 登上日觀峰,舉目遠眺, 只見山外有山,景外有 景,無限風光,攝人心魄。;

[28:14.03]泰山將自然景觀與文化景 觀完美地融為一體,山上 有無以計數的奇石、清瀑 古松、石橋、廟宇、;

[28:30.35]亭閣、古塔、殿堂。名勝 古跡數不勝數,尤其是歷 代文人雅士書法家所留下 的石刻碑文,;

[28:44.51]令游客目不暇接,嘆為觀 止。泰山的每個季節(jié)都有 獨特的魅力。春天,綠茵 茵的山坡上,;

[28:58.22]爭奇斗艷的花朵到處可 見。夏天,泰山的雷暴雨 堪稱奇觀。秋天,楓樹葉 滿山遍野,;

[29:11.10]蔚藍色的河水穿流而行。 冬天,雪蓋群峰松披霜, 景觀素雅悲壯,別有一 番情趣。;

[29:23.72]喜逢艷陽日,極目遠眺, 重巒疊嶂,盡收眼簾。但 遇天陰時,環(huán)顧四周,蒼 茫大地,盡入云海。;

[29:38.64]泰山的日出與日落,聞名 遐邇。壯觀的自然風景以 及不可計數的歷史名勝, 激發(fā)了古代文人書法家,;

[29:50.88]為之舞文弄默,創(chuàng)作了無 數的經典佳作。泰山歷來 是畫家和詩人鐘情的聚 集地。;

[30:03.64]早在殷商時期,我們華夏 祖先便已確立了東、南、 西、北、中五個方位。;

[30:13.78]太陽初升的東方代表了冬 去秋來、萬物繁衍昌盛的 景象。位于中國東部的泰 山一直被視為吉祥之地。;

[30:28.51]古代帝王擇泰山登臨,供 以祭品,祭祀天地,為國 家的繁榮祥和而祈禱。;

[30:38.84]據歷史記載,西周前已有 72位君主登臨泰山祭祀。 此后,中國歷史上第一個 皇帝秦始皇,以及漢、;

[30:53.31]唐、宋、清等朝代的皇 帝,都親自登臨泰山祭 祀。;

[31:00.64]現(xiàn)代世界也認識到泰山的 旅游價值和文化價值, 早在1985年,;

[31:08.87]聯(lián)合國教科文組織世界遺 產委員會便將泰山列為聯(lián) 合國“世界自然與文化雙 遺產名錄”之中。;

[31:20.54]泰山熱忱歡迎世界各地游 客來此觀光。;

[31:28.45]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation Text interpreting;

[31:40.37]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[31:50.95]Australia warmly welcomes visitors from all over the world.;

[31:56.56]Australia is a land of exceptional beauty.;

[31:59.82]It is the world's smallest continent and largest island,;

[32:04.28]and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land.;

[32:08.74]A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia;

[32:13.40]one of the world's most attractive countries from the tourist's viewpoint.;

[32:18.18]This country has a land area of 7,686,850 square kilometres;

[32:26.47]and its coastline is 36,735 kilometetres.;

[32:32.34]The vast movements of the earth's crust created a vast land of Australia,;

[32:38.27]isolated it and positioned it across the tropical;

[32:41.82]and temperate climatic zones. This land has a small population,;

[32:46.45]which left enormous areas unspoiled.;

[32:49.89]Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest,;

[32:57.00]from tropical beach to white snowfield, from big,;

[33:00.87]sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.;

[33:04.69]The tourist will admire a wide array of unique and intriguing fauna and flora,;

[33:11.47]a comfortable and sunny climate, and an interesting,;

[33:14.72]cosmopolitan and friendly people.;

[33:17.51]Many of its world-renowned attractions are specific,;

[33:22.15]such as the Great Barrier Reef, Ayer's Rock, Kakadu National Park,;

[33:27.81]and Sydney Opera House Others are general,;

[33:31.85]such as its thousands of kilometres of superb beaches and large skiing resorts.;

[33:38.19]Tourism is a major industry in Australia,;

[33:41.74]representing about six per cent of the gross domestic product and providing,;

[33:46.59]directly or indirectly, around 440,000 jobs.;

[33:52.69]More than two million tourists visit Australia each year,;

[33:56.62]spending about $4,000 million. It is worth mentioning;

[34:02.21]that the number of tourists from China is on the rise in recent years.;

[34:07.92]To promote the development of its tourist industry,;

[34:11.42]Australia has tourist offices in many cities around the world, including Auckland,;

[34:17.60]Chicago, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, New York, Singapore,;

[34:25.41]Tokyo and Toronto. Official tourist offices are in all Australian capitals;

[34:32.91]and some regional centres, providing a range of services for visitors.;

[34:38.17]Many smaller towns have their own offices A wide range of hotel,;

[34:45.19]motel and apartment accommodation is available in most cities,;

[34:50.02]major resorts and many rural areas. There are also camping parks,;

[34:56.03]many with on site caravans or cabins.;

[34:59.69]Hotel and motel rooms usually have telephones, private bathrooms, televisions;

[35:06.79]refrigerators, as well as facilities to make tea and coffee.;

[35:11.86]The main difference between hotels and motels in Australia;

[35:16.44]is that hotels must provide a public bar to serve liquor.;

[35:20.72]"Private" hotels and guesthouses do not have permits to serve liquor.;

[35:26.63]Many country farms offer holidays which include participation in farm activities.;

[35:33.44]Tourist offices provide details and can arrange bookings.;

[35:38.40]There are a variety of restaurants to suit all tastes and pockets,;

[35:43.49]from top-class restaurants with international cuisine;

[35:46.69]to small coffee shops serving snacks.;

[35:49.83]All cities have a wide range of ethnic restaurants.;

[35:53.87]Virtually all restaurants have liquor licences.;

[35:57.56]No service charges are added to accounts by hotels or restaurants.;

[36:02.98]Tipping is neither encouraged nor routine,;

[36:06.67]although visitors may reward special services if they wish,;

[36:10.60]in which case 10 percent of the bill is adequate.;

[36:14.36]At any time, tipping is optional.;

[36:17.48]Taxi drivers and porters have set charges and do not expect to be tipped.;

[36:23.14]Before leaving Australia,;

[36:25.31]every visitor over 12 years old must pay a $20 departure tax.;

[36:30.38]You can buy departure-tax stamps at airports;

[36:33.04]and post offices with Australian currency or by American Express, Visa or MasterCard.;

[36:41.44]Extra Text for Practice;

[36:46.37]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;

[36:53.50]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[37:03.96]北京觀光客自然都會游覽 故宮和長城,這是因為故 宮和長城是舉世聞名的旅 游景點.;

[37:15.78]而今天我卻想向各位推薦 北京第三大旅游場所,北 京世界公園.;

[37:25.21]北京世界公園于90年代初 在北京興建,是北京的新 景點之一.;

[37:34.78]這里游客那種:一日游盡 天下景"的夢想便可成真. 北京世界公園的規(guī)模雄踞 亞洲同類公園之冠,;

[37:48.55]所收微縮復制品的數量也 堪稱亞洲之最.;

[37:54.59]世界七天大奇觀以及50個 國家的約100處歷史名勝 和自然景觀均以微縮模型 展出.;

[38:05.65]占地面積46.7公頃的世界 公園分為17處風景區(qū),;

[38:13.07]收集了亞洲、非洲、 歐洲、南北美洲以及大洋 洲的主要名勝景點。;

[38:22.40]游客可以在這里觀賞法國 的凱旋門和埃菲爾鐵塔、 英國倫敦的塔橋、;

[38:30.96]印度的泰姬陵、意大利的 比薩斜塔、美國的大峽谷 和自由女神像、澳大利亞 的悉尼歌劇院、;

[38:41.18]中國的長城等景物復 制品。 這些旅游景觀制作精巧, 工藝精湛,;

[38:50.83]其中大多為原作的精確 復制品,用料均為白玉、 大理石、上乘花崗巖或其 他優(yōu)質石料。;

[39:03.11]例如,莫斯科的紅場是以 500萬塊比麻將牌還小的 紅磚鋪就而成。;

[39:11.54]而埃及的金字塔則以20萬 塊大理石砌成。;

[39:16.74]美國的科羅拉多河和大峽 谷的微縮間觀高達32米, 一條“巨型瀑布”從16 米 的高處飛流直沖谷底。;

[39:29.37]公園的東北角有一條300 米長的國際街,這條具有 歐美建筑風格的國際街集 餐飲、購物和娛樂于一體;

[39:43.44]游客可以在這里領略各國 情調,品嘗他鄉(xiāng)風味, 購買紀念禮品,參加各種 娛樂活動。;

[39:54.39]北京世界公園自開放以來 已吸引了許多海內游客前 來觀賞美景。;

[40:03.09]如果您在北京逗留的時間 僅夠您游覽三個景點的 話,那么您一定得把 故宮、;

[40:11.52]長城和世界公園作為您的 最佳選擇。;

[40:17.97]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation;

[40:26.26]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;

[40:36.07]I'd like to make some special remarks on our tour programs:;

[40:42.04]First of all, the quotation for each tour includes all expenses;

[40:48.84]in the destination country. This includes the cost of accommodation, meals,;

[40:56.27]transportation, sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax,;

[41:02.47]and a round-trip international airfare.;

[41:06.05]The quotation is calculated on a per-person basis for a group of 10 or more;

[41:13.18]adults. The quotation for a smaller group will have to be determined;

[41:19.38]by this travel agency. Next, each person taking our tour has to pay for his;

[41:27.03]or her personal expenses which may involve, for example, laundry, drinks,;

[41:33.15]mini-bars in their hotel rooms, long-distance phone calls.;

[41:39.31]And finally, it is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to;

[41:45.02]the set itinerary, but we reserve the right;

[41:48.98]to make any changes due to some unforeseeable circumstances.;

[41:54.16]We will give you notice of these changes as they occur, together with reasons.;

[42:01.77]Passage 3 Chinese-English Interpretation;

[42:08.93]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;

[42:18.88]我們這次旅游的目的地是 舉世聞名的大熊貓故鄉(xiāng), 列入世界遺產的九寨 溝自然保護區(qū)。;

[42:32.29]九寨溝位于我國四川省阿 壩藏族自治州境內,是一 片縱深達35公里的自然風 景區(qū)。;

[42:43.65]風景區(qū)內那終年終年積雪 的山峰、蒼翠繁茂的森 林、寧靜悠遠的湖泊、各 種各樣的珍禽奇獸,;

[42:55.14]這些都構成了九寨溝風景 區(qū)的獨特風貌。進入九寨 溝如同進入世外桃源一般 人間煩惱都會置于腦后。;

[43:09.91]九寨溝是水的天地,九寨 溝的水是人間最清澈的水 構成了九寨溝最富魅力的 景色,是九寨溝的靈魂.;

[43:25.52]無論是寧靜的湖泊,還是 飛瀉的瀑布,都是那么的 神奇迷人,令游人流連 往返。;

[43:35.90]當地人把九寨溝的湖泊叫 做“海子”九寨溝有108個 “海子”,雖大小不一,形 狀各異,卻都清澈見底。;

[43:51.35]這些湖泊有的隱匿在峽谷 中,有的鑲嵌在原始森林 中。晴天時,湖底的水藻 和沉淀物在陽光的照射下;

[44:05.09]發(fā)射出一圈圈色彩斑讕的 光環(huán),所以又被人們叫做 “五花海”;

[44:13.90]椐當的一個動人的傳說, 很久以前,九寨溝的東山 上住著一位美麗善良的 女神,;

[44:24.53]九寨溝的西山上住著一勤 勞勇敢的男神。兩人相處 久了便產生了愛情。;

[44:34.23]一天男神為了表達自己的 愛慕之情,特意送了一面 又大又亮的神鏡給女神。;

[44:44.72]女神在接過神鏡時,由于 心情過于激動,鏡子竟然 從她顫抖的手中滑落,掉 到山下,碎成了108塊,;

[44:58.73]從此給九寨溝留下了108 個形態(tài)各異、晶晶閃亮的 湖泊。;

[45:09.49]Unit four Business Negotiation;

[45:15.27]Text for Interpretation;

[45:20.07]Passage 1 Chinese-English Alternating Interpretation;

[45:27.84]Text Interpreting Listen to the tape;

[45:32.87]and interpret the following passage alternatively into English and Chinese.;

[45:40.20]A:歡迎光臨上海進出口商 品易會.我叫陳明.我是 上海機械公司的銷售部 經理.;

[45:49.12]B:Hi,Mr.Chen.My name is Sean Hudson.I'm from Seattle,USA.;

[45:56.41] I'm in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd.;

[46:02.02]A:很高興見到您,哈德先 生.請坐,我想向您介紹 一下我公司及產品.;

[46:10.46]B:Thank you.I have read your brochure and am very impressed;

[46:15.78] by your scope of business,;

[46:17.69] especially the variety of machine tools you manufacture.;

[46:22.38] I belive my customers will like your new products.;

[46:27.39]A:您對我們產品感興趣, 我很高興.;

[46:30.75] 不過我們宣傳小冊子僅 僅介紹了我公司生產的 一小部分機床.您可以 進來看看我們的展品.;

[46:39.05]B:Sure.Your exhibits are very attractive,;

[46:42.98] though the workmanship is not so desirable.;

[46:47.18] If you don't mind, I'd like to make an inquiry.;

[46:51.32] Here's the list of our interested machine tools.;

[46:54.82] I'd like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.F. Seattle.;

[47:01.03]A:謝謝您的詢價.您單子 上所列的機床我們 都有.;

[47:06.12] 這是我方的美國太平洋 沿岸城市到岸價的價目 單.我們還可以根據您 所想要的數量調整價格;

[47:15.53]B:Well,Mr.Chen,your prices are not very competitive.;

[47:20.35] My demand is bulk, but of course I'll have to reduce the quantity;

[47:25.42] of my intended purchase substantially with your offer.;

[47:29.76]A:哈德遜先生,我剛才說 過,我方的價格可以根 據貴方的購買量進行調 整.;

[47:36.78] 如果您不安的只是我方 的報價,那么您可以到 其他展臺去看一看,;

[47:42.60] 然后我們還可以再坐下 來討論我方的報價.;

[47:47.27]B:I sure will.Nice meeting you.Anyway, I'll call home about your quotations;

[47:55.07] and come back tomorrow with our decision.;

[47:58.70]A:好的,再見. B:Bey.;

[48:03.55]Passage 2 Chinese-English Alternating Interpretation;

[48:11.28]Text Interpreting Listen to the tape;

[48:15.53]and interpret the following passage alternatively into English and Chinese.;

[48:22.82]A:Good afternoon,may I help you?;

[48:27.27]B:我對貴方經營的新品種 頗感興趣.我可以看一 下貴方汽車零部件的 C.I.F.價目表嗎?;

[48:36.89]A:Certainly.Lately we expanded our scope;

[48:41.66] of business to better serve our Far Asian customers,;

[48:45.51] Chinese customers in particular.China is a such an enormous market;

[48:50.74] that nobody can afford to neglect.;

[48:53.37] My compay is willing to establish business relations;

[48:57.14] with all interested Chinese parties.;

[49:00.04]B:您這樣說我很高興. 我們打算長期從貴公司 進口一些汽車零部件,;

[49:07.09] 當然這得看貴方的價格 是否比他人優(yōu)惠.坦率 地講,貴方單子上的價 格毫無競爭力.;

[49:16.03] 我希望知道貴方的最新 報價.;

[49:19.96]A:We have just updated our prices.But of course I don't mean our offer is final.;

[49:27.74] As usual,we'd like to quote our new customers the most reasonable price;

[49:33.21] to start our business relationship for the future,;

[49:36.33] even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part.;

[49:40.67]B:但是從我對汽車零部件 市場掌握的信息來看, 貴方的報盤沒有吸引 力.;

[49:48.99] 此外我還需要時間來樹 立對貴方產品質量的信 心.;

[49:54.49] 如果您不愿給我方一些 合理折扣,我還是打算 等一下,先到別處看看 再說.;

[50:02.89]A:We guarantee the quality of our supplies.;

[50:06.79] And we have free samples for your inspection.;

[50:10.59] As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%.;

[50:15.55] This our floor offer and you'll have to excuse me,;

[50:19.64] we're not prepared for any counter-offer.;

[50:23.84]B:我很欣賞您的直率.雖 然貴方的底價與我方所 希望得到的價格仍有距 離,我還是愿意簽合同.;

[50:34.06] 我與您有同感,我現(xiàn)在 這樣做是著眼于我們將 來業(yè)務關系的發(fā)展.;

[50:41.35]A:That's wonderful.;

[50:43.76] Let's leave the technical details of the cotract to our assistants.;

[50:48.45] I'd like to invite you to a drink;

[50:50.51] and celebrate the success of our first business transaction;

[50:54.85]B:不勝感激.我相信我們 這次合作僅僅是個開 端,今后合作的機會將 會更多.;

[51:04.31]Extra Text for Practice;

[51:08.35]Passage 1 Chinese-English Alternating Interpretation;

[51:14.85]Listen to the tape;

[51:16.21]and interpret the following passage alternatively into English and Chinese.;

[51:25.18]A:感謝您的詢價.這是我 方在原價的基礎上削減 了3.5%以后的報價單.;

[51:35.20] 您一定會感到我們的報 價在今天這個需求量上 升的市場最有競爭力.;

[51:42.98]B:I agree your offer after this reduction is attractive but excuse my frankness,;

[51:49.57] in any case it is by no means the most competitive one to the best of my knowledge.;

[51:55.86] I did a lot of research lately and I'm sure you'll agree with me;

[52:01.12] that a growing number of suppliers;

[52:02.55] in other Southeast Asian countries have joined this market.;

[52:07.92] I foresee a substantial drop in price next year.;

[52:13.04]A:對您所說的大幅度降價 我不敢認同.您知道我 們的產品是享譽全球的 名牌產品,;

[52:22.99] 而且我們絕對保證質量. 雖然我們的周邊國家和 地區(qū)或許會以較低的價 格吸引顧客,;

[52:32.50] 但是我們保證質量的做 法,加上這次大幅度的價 格下調,一定會在市場上 取勝.;

[52:41.50] 實話對您說,我們的老客 戶,我相信也包括您在 內,沒有誰轉到其他廠商 那兒去.;

[52:50.39] 相反,我們還接到許多新 客戶的定單.我們的報盤 是合情合`理的.;

[52:58.90]B:You're a real business negotiator,;

[53:02.67] but if you hang on to the listed quotations,;

[53:05.84] it's impossible for us to come to terms.;

[53:09.44] I don't think your offer is in line with the current market.;

[53:14.16] I do hope that you'll consider our counter-offer.;

[53:18.09] After all,we've had a business relationship for ten years.;

[53:25.16]A:好吧,為了慶祝我們 10年來在生意上的合作 也為了繼續(xù)推進我們的 商務關系,;

[53:33.76] 我樂意給您追加 1.5%的特別折扣.;

[53:37.74] 這已遠遠低于我方的最 低價,所以我再也不能 接受還價了.;

[53:43.81] 我希望您理解我的處 境,我可不想丟了自己 的飯碗啊.;

[53:50.29]B:I really appreciate your concession,and I'd like to sign our papers today.;

[53:59.23]A:我很高興我們能夠圓滿 成交.剩下的事可簡單 得多了.我們可以在下 午解決合同文本方面的事;



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