Scene 2
(Marcus Narrating)There were people out there who had a good time in life. I was beginning to realize I wasn' t one of them. I just didn't fit. I didn't fit my old school. I definitely didn't fit at my new one. I heard that some kids got taught by their parents at home, but Mum couldn't do that unless I paid her to teach me. Because it was just her and me. And she went to work. She made 400 pounds a week. Where was I gonna get that kind of money from? Maybe, if I was like that movie kid , Haley Joel Osment, I could pay her that much, but if that meant being good at drama, forget it. I was crap. at drama, 'cause I hated standing up in front of people. So, basically, I had to go to school.
(馬可斯獨白)有些人日子過得很開心,我卻覺得自己沒這個福氣,我總是格格不入,在原來的學校這樣,在新學校更是這樣。聽說有些父母會在家里教孩子,而我媽媽不會,除非我付她,學費。家里只有我們母子倆,她得上班,每星期賺 400英磅。我哪付得起這么一大筆錢?如果我是天才童星,比如像哈里·喬·奧斯蒙特,那就好了!但如果那樣就得會演戲,可是,我一點都不懂演戲,我怕站在很多人面前。所以,我只好上學。