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英語口譯教程(第二版)--高級 04




[00:01.00]英語高級口譯資格證書考 試 高級口譯教程第二版 第四盒;
[00:34.81]Unit nine Cultural Exchange Text for Interpretation;
[00:45.19]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;
[00:55.89]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
[01:06.28]女士們,先生們:我愿借 此機會同大家談一談中國 人民的一些基本價值觀 念。;
[01:15.23]不了解這些就難以把握中 國正在和將要發(fā)生的事。;
[01:20.72]中華民族歷來尊重人的尊 嚴和價值。還在遙遠的古 代,我們的先人就已提 出“民為貴”的思想,;
[01:30.57]認為“天生萬物,唯人為 貴”。一切社會的發(fā)展和 進步,都取決于人的展和 進步,;
[01:40.24]取決于人的尊嚴的維護和 價值的發(fā)揮。今天中國所 煥發(fā)出來的巨大活力,;
[01:47.08]是中國人民擁有廣泛自 由、民主的生動寫照。 中國在公元1世紀人口就 已達到過6000萬左右,;
[01:57.17]眾多人口的衣食住行,幾 千年來一直是中國歷代政 府所要解決的首要人權(quán) 問題。;
[02:05.26]今天的中國是一個有12億 人口的發(fā)展中大國,必須 首先保障最廣大人民的生 存權(quán)和發(fā)展權(quán),;
[02:14.74]不然一切其他權(quán)利都無從 談起。中國確保12億多人 的生存權(quán)和發(fā)展權(quán),;
[02:22.83]這是對世界人權(quán)進步事業(yè) 的重大貢獻。集體人權(quán)與 個人人權(quán)、;
[02:29.24]經(jīng)濟社會文化權(quán)利與公民 政治權(quán)利緊密結(jié)合和協(xié)調(diào) 發(fā)展,;
[02:34.59]這是適合中國國情因而是 中國人權(quán)事業(yè)發(fā)展的必然 道路。;
[02:40.45]中華民族歷來堅持獨立自 主的民族精神和發(fā)展道 路。中國人民獨立自主當 作立國之本,;
[02:51.56]在5000多年的不懈奮斗中 創(chuàng)造了燦爛的中華文明, 并在近代反抗外來侵略、;
[02:58.49]實現(xiàn)民族解放的斗爭中自 立自強,最終掌握了自己 的命運。獨立自主、自力 更生,同學習外國,;
[03:09.09]吸取世界文明的成果,是 相互結(jié)合、相輔相成的。 中華民族的先人們早就懂 得這個道理。;
[03:18.80]中國的漢唐時代,都曾在 這方面留下寶貴的歷史經(jīng) 驗,當時既是中國自強不 息發(fā)展自己的昌盛時期,;
[03:30.14]也是積極開展對外交流, 廣泛吸收外來進步文化的 時期。;
[03:36.19]今天,中國人民堅持走自 己的路,進行經(jīng)濟政治文 化建設,;
[03:42.51]把祖國建設成為一個初步 繁榮昌盛的社會主義國 家。同時吸收和借鑒世界 一切先進文明成果,;
[03:52.04]這些文明成果對于中國的 發(fā)展也起了重要的促進作 用。;
[03:57.43]當然,這種對外國文明的 吸收和借鑒決不能是簡單 的模仿。;
[04:03.66]中國既不能照抄西方資本 主義國家的發(fā)展模式,也 不能硬搬其他國家建設社 會主義模式,;
[04:11.85]而必須走適合自己國情的 發(fā)展道路。這就是建設有 中國特色社會主義的道 路。;
[04:19.94]中國人民將堅定不移地沿 著這條強國之路走下去。;
[04:24.82]中華民族歷來珍惜各民族 大團結(jié)和祖國統(tǒng)一。中國 的56個民族,;
[04:31.09]從古代開始就在華夏大地 上勞動和繁衍,經(jīng)過長期 的相互幫助、相互學習, 形成了統(tǒng)一的多民族國家;
[04:42.58]維護民族的團結(jié)統(tǒng)一,是 中華民族偉大復興的根本 基礎,是全國各族人民的 的根本利益所在。;
[04:52.57]新中國成立以后,中國在 少數(shù)民族聚居的地方實行 區(qū)域自治,各民族的權(quán)益 受到憲法保障,;
[05:02.57]民族地區(qū)的社會和經(jīng)濟不 斷發(fā)展,各民族之間的平 等、團結(jié)、互助關(guān)系不斷 加強。;
[05:10.28]中國民主革命的偉大先行 者孫中山先生早就指出: “中國是一個統(tǒng)一的國家,;
[05:17.91]這一點已牢牢地印在我國 的歷史意識之中,正是這 種意識,;
[05:22.04]才使用權(quán)我們能作為一個 國家而被保存下來。;
[05:27.95]”中華文明綿綿幾千年, 國家統(tǒng)一始終是中國歷史 的主流。;
[05:35.34]維護國家統(tǒng)一,是中國人 民世世代代極其珍視的崇 高目標。;
[05:41.57]世界上只有一個中國, 實現(xiàn)中國的完全統(tǒng)一是全 體中國人民的共同愿望。;
[05:49.99]中華民族歷來愛好自由和 平。中國人民始終希望天 下太平、希望同各國人民 友好相處。;
[05:59.33]“親仁善鄰”一直為我們的 先人們奉為國之寶箴。中 國人民在近代飽受戰(zhàn)爭和 被侵略的痛苦,;
[06:08.91]更深感自由與和平的珍 貴。任何一個國家的建設 和發(fā)展,都需要一個和平 穩(wěn)定的國際國內(nèi)環(huán)境。;
[06:18.72]任何一個國家和民族的自 由,都是一切個人自由的 前提和基礎。;
[06:24.81]我們希望各國人民都生活 在沒有戰(zhàn)爭和暴力的世界 里,;
[06:29.97]希望各國人民都能享有不 被人壓迫、歧視和欺凌的 自由。;
[06:36.34]中國人民選擇和實踐的社 會主義發(fā)展道路和各項基 本的內(nèi)外政策,源于現(xiàn)代 中國歷史發(fā)展的必然,;
[06:45.77]也源于中華民族百年來形 成的優(yōu)良民族傳統(tǒng),因而 具有歷史和現(xiàn)實的充分依 據(jù)和牢固基礎。;
[06:55.40]我們的目標是,到中華人 民共和國成立一百周年 時,基本實行現(xiàn)代化,;
[07:02.28]把中國建成富強民主文明 的社會主義國家。;
[07:06.51]中國人民有信心克服和戰(zhàn) 勝前進道路上出現(xiàn)的各種 困難和風險,實現(xiàn)我們的 偉大目標。;
[07:15.48]Passage 2 English-China Interpretation Text Interpreting;
[07:27.29]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
[07:36.40]As the fifth of the lecture series "The Greatest Arts of the Past Millennium",;
[07:42.49]I'd like to introduce briefly Australia's Sydney Opera House,;
[07:47.14]which is one of the landmark buildings of modern times, and its creator,;
[07:52.58]the reclusive great Danish architect Jorn Utzon.;
[07:57.27]The Sydney Opera House is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings.;
[08:03.04]Although its architect was forced to resign;
[08:05.97]and it was never properly finished inside,;
[08:08.90]the opera house has come to define not only a city,;
[08:12.71]but also an entire nation and continent.;
[08:16.61]Beyond that, it is a global expression of cultural modernity.;
[08:22.33]Everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House looks like;
[08:28.14]First designed in 1957 and finally declared complete in 1973,;
[08:34.93]the opera house was the single best-known modern building;
[08:38.74]in the world until the arrival;
[08:40.97]of Frank Gehry's equally extraordinary Bilbao Guggenheim in 1997.;
[08:48.46]But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon;
[08:53.62]— because it did all the difficult work first.;
[08:57.11]In the pantheon of classic modern buildings,;
[09:00.13]Utzon's creation has the status of myth.;
[09:03.80]The myth states that the unknown architect, then in his early thirties,;
[09:09.75]submitted rough sketches to the competition judges,;
[09:13.47]that he ignored most of the rules,;
[09:16.35]that his design was only selected after being plucked at the last moment;
[09:21.47]from the reject pile by one of the judges, and that the design was unbuildable.;
[09:27.51]But Sydney is remarkable for another reason: it is a complete one-off.;
[09:33.74]It does not fit into any stylistic or chronological category.;
[09:38.85]None of Utzon's other buildings — churches, government departments,;
[09:43.92]houses —looks anything like it, and architects today;
[09:48.43]who try to copy his concept always end up looking very second- rate indeed.;
[09:54.15]It is "modern", certainly, but it is an expressive modernism;
[09:58.29]that was quite at odds with the rectilinear "international style" of its time.;
[10:04.84]It has more in common with the work;
[10:07.40]of the American maverick genius Frank Lloyd Wright,;
[10:11.07]for whom Utzon worked briefly. Of course, its unique location is an enormous help,;
[10:17.25]sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides;
[10:22.13]and the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop.;
[10:26.83]But Utzon masterfully exploited the site as nobody else could.;
[10:32.27]Utzon left Australia in high dudgeon in 1966, never to return,;
[10:38.96]before he could finish designing the interior.;
[10:42.08]As with Sir Christopher Wren at the world-renowned St Paul's Cathedral,;
[10:47.19]Utzon was humiliated and removed from;
[10:50.03]overseeing the final stages of his masterwork.;
[10:53.42]But for all his manifold difficulties,;
[10:56.31]which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement;
[11:01.00]The Sydney Opera House showed us that anything is possible,;
[11:05.18]and it demonstrated that sheer,;
[11:06.44]seductive beauty for its own sake is nothing to be ashamed of,;
[11:11.32]but everything to be proud of.;
[11:14.72]Extra Text for Practice;
[11:19.55]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;
[11:27.36]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
[11:37.36]現(xiàn)代化的交通與傳播手段 使世界變得越來越小,整 個國際社會好似一個巨大 的地球村。;
[11:48.79]有著不同文化背景的地球 村的村民們在文化交流和 文化沖撞中和睦相處。;
[11:57.35]當代社會的任何一個民族 其先進文化不是孤立的現(xiàn) 象,而是與其他民族的文 化進行廣泛交流的產(chǎn)物.;
[12:10.46]當然,任何一個民族的文 化,其根基與主流必須具 有這個民族的鮮明特征。;
[12:19.34]文化交流不是讓外國文化 吞沒自己的文化,而是為 了豐富和充實本民族的 文化。;
[12:29.10]通過文化交流,不同的文 化可以相互學習,相互影 響.在文化領(lǐng)域里,相互影 響是一種非常復雜的現(xiàn)象;
[12:41.98]打個比喻,吸取外國文化 是一個入口、咀嚼和消化 的過程。;
[12:49.74]我們應該采取去偽存真、 去粗存精、多出優(yōu)進、 抵御腐蝕原則。;
[12:59.27]我不認為各種文化的不同 特點和風格會因此而消 失,相反,不同的文化可 以取長補短,互為補充。;
[13:12.52]事實上,隨著中國經(jīng)濟 的發(fā)展和人民生活水平的 提高,;
[13:19.03]中國人民的視野開闊了, 藝術(shù)鑒賞力也起了變化。 他們的興趣變得廣泛了。;
[13:28.05]他們不僅關(guān)心中國傳統(tǒng)文 化藝術(shù)和現(xiàn)代文化藝術(shù), 而且有了解世界文化發(fā)展 趨勢的愿望,;
[13:38.74]有了解不同藝術(shù)風格和 流派的愿望。;
[13:43.25]我們在吸取外國文化優(yōu)秀 成果的同時,不能滿足于 一味模仿的做法。;
[13:50.97]沉溺于簡單的模仿會使自 己失去創(chuàng)作力,無法達到 新的藝術(shù)高度,無法向世 界推出自己的優(yōu)秀作品。;
[14:02.08]簡單模仿全然不能與新意 劃等號。新意是現(xiàn)代風格 與傳統(tǒng)風格的結(jié)合,;
[14:11.38]是外國特色與本民族特色 的結(jié)合,是藝術(shù)性與教育 性的結(jié)合。;
[14:20.12]Passage 2 English-Chinses Interpretation;
[14:28.06]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
[14:37.46]Today I'd like to address the topic of;
[14:42.01]"The United States as a Multicultural Society" as much as I understand it,;
[14:49.17]and in that connection I'd like to say a few words about the implications;
[14:55.68]of multiculturalism for cross-cultural communication.;
[15:01.35]Some people say that the United States is "a melting pot",;
[15:06.98]while others say it is "a salad platter." In my view, rather than a melting pot,;
[15:15.58]the United States today may be more accurately described;
[15:20.69]as a multicultural society in which acculturation is defined more;
[15:27.48]in terms of "integration" than "assimilation." In other words,;
[15:34.22]people in the United States today can maintain some original cultural identity;
[15:40.03]and values and participate meaningfully in the larger society.;
[15:46.31]The melting pot myth is never true.;
[15:50.21]The United States has always been a heterogeneous society;
[15:55.60]with cohesion based partly on mutual respect;
[15:59.32]and partly on one group's values dominating all others.;
[16:04.34]The salad platter analogy suggests that the elements;
[16:08.44]of the salad maintain their own taste or identity;
[16:12.90]but exist together to create the whole.;
[16:16.71]Some people argue that multiculturalism has not meant the integration;
[16:22.75]of diverse cultures, but an acceptance by the dominant ethnic category;
[16:28.56]of the "exotic" foods, dress and rituals of the cultural minorities.;
[16:34.56]I think that the debate over multiculturalism is essentially;
[16:39.77]the debate over whose values will be imposed. In a true multicultural society,;
[16:46.88]individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds exist;
[16:51.02]without socially enforced power differences.;
[16:54.18]But that is not the case, at least, with the United States.;
[16:59.20]Perhaps there has never been such a thing as monocultural society.;
[17:05.15]Indeed, each person is of many cultures simultaneously .;
[17:10.50]One has a sexual identity, a racial identity, a religious identity,;
[17:16.40]a class identity, a school identity, an identity from the friends one keeps,;
[17:22.87]a family identity, a geographic identity, and so on.;
[17:28.17]We tend to be relatively unconscious of other cultures, and unfortunately,;
[17:34.49]much hostility is created by our ignorance of other cultures;
[17:38.30]and the failure to recognize their existence.;
[17:41.93]In many societies there is hierarchy of status and power.;
[17:47.97]The power elites need not be the majority.;
[17:52.43]The power elites are the individuals who have influence within the social, political,;
[17:58.06]legal, economic, and religious institutions In the United States,;
[18:04.10]the power elite controls both the material resources and goods of the country;
[18:09.77]and the means and manner of production and distribution.;
[18:14.42]In the United States, when you speak of upper,;
[18:18.19]middle and lower classes you speak not of national origin or ethnicity but of power;
[18:25.90]and control over material resources.;
[18:28.93]Economic power in the United States today is largely held by youthful,;
[18:34.69]able-bodied White males.;
[18:37.43]Whites in the United States recognize the existence of a White culture.;
[18:42.69]White culture resulted from a synthesis of ideas,;
[18:47.01]values and beliefs inherited from European ethnic groups in the United States.;
[18:53.29]As the dominant culture in the United States,;
[18:56.50]White culture is the foundation of social norms and organizations.;
[19:01.93]In terms of cross- cultural communication,;
[19:05.89]the dominant White culture includes communication patterns of Standard English,;
[19:12.02]direct eye contact, limited physical contact, and controlled emotions.;
[19:19.32]Nondominant groups are supposed to follow that pattern in one way or another.;
[19:25.51]A multicultural society, therefore,;
[19:28.34]faces the communication challenges presented;
[19:31.83]by multiple language use, contrasting values, and cultural prejudice.;
[19:39.54]Unit ten Science Report Text for Interpretation;
[19:49.62]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;
[20:01.00]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
[20:11.33]女士們、先生們: 我很高興在這里向各位簡 單介紹一下我國的傳統(tǒng)醫(yī) 學,即中醫(yī)。;
[20:23.07]中醫(yī)起源于6000年前的神 農(nóng)氏時代,;
[20:27.77]這位著名的中國古代藥王 所生活的時代被認為是中 醫(yī)史上的萌芽階段。;
[20:36.31]戰(zhàn)國時期的中醫(yī)理論著作 《黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng)》標志著中國 醫(yī)學獨特的理論體系的形 成。;
[20:46.26]《黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng)》至今仍然被 視為指導中醫(yī)的理論基 礎。;
[20:54.18]中醫(yī)名著《神農(nóng)本草經(jīng)》 總結(jié)了秦朝前的經(jīng)驗, 共載藥物365種,按主治、 功用和毒性分成三大類,;
[21:09.57]是中國的一中歷史最悠久 的藥典。;
[21:14.95]中醫(yī)學在長期的發(fā)展過程 中,逐漸形成了一整套醫(yī) 學原則和觀點。;
[21:23.42]首先,中醫(yī)認為“萬物人 為貴”。中醫(yī)將“救死扶 傷”視為職業(yè)道德規(guī)范。;
[21:33.44]第二,中醫(yī)注重無病防 病,強調(diào)以食補保健來延 緩衰老,減少疾病。;
[21:44.63]第三,中醫(yī)理論認為, 社會環(huán)境與自然環(huán)境相互 作用、互為依存,;
[21:53.47]人的身心也是一種相互作 用、互為依存的關(guān)系。人 體是由各種器官和不同功 能系統(tǒng)組成的有機整體。;
[22:06.39]因此,中醫(yī)師是通過了解 人與自然、人與社會、人 體與心理之間的關(guān)系,;
[22:15.48]以及人體各部位之間的種 種關(guān)系來診斷病人的 疾病。;
[22:21.91]第四,中醫(yī)學認為,陰與 陽存在于人體內(nèi),相互作 用、互為依存。根據(jù)中醫(yī) 的哲學觀,;
[22:35.76]陰陽兩者對立制約、互根 互用、消長平衡、相互轉(zhuǎn) 化。;
[22:43.43]陰陽平衡是健康的要素, 陰陽失衡會影響健康,導 致養(yǎng)病。因此,中醫(yī)十分 重視調(diào)節(jié)陰陽以保平衡。;
[22:56.97]最后,中醫(yī)認為人體內(nèi) 的系列運動貫穿于人的一 生,這種系列運動在西醫(yī) 叫作“新陳代謝”。;
[23:09.09]如果這種運動受阻,就會 出現(xiàn)異常情況,人就會 得病。這是中醫(yī)關(guān)于疾病 防治的一個指導思想。;
[23:23.50]中醫(yī)形成了一個以中草藥 為核的完整獨立的理論體 系和療效獨特的臨床治療 方法,;
[23:34.07]除了中草藥外還包括針灸 療法、按摩推拿和氣功療 法。;
[23:41.80]今天,中醫(yī)以其獨特的療 效和科學本質(zhì)贏得全世界 的廣泛贊譽。我國積極發(fā) 展中醫(yī),;
[23:52.99]鼓勵中西醫(yī)結(jié)合診斷和治 療。目前,全國各地約有 2,500家中醫(yī)醫(yī)院,;
[24:02.20]擁有一支50多萬人的中醫(yī) 專業(yè)隊伍。在中國100萬 家綜合醫(yī)院中,;
[24:10.80]大部分都設有中醫(yī)部, 其外還有100多家中醫(yī)機 構(gòu)和研究中心。我相信, 我國的中醫(yī)研究前程似錦;
[24:26.63]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation Text interpreting;
[24:39.67]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
[24:49.81]Lades and gentlmen, I am very happy to meet with so many scholars;
[24:56.18]at this annual astrobiology conference;
[24:59.52]in the beautiful city of San Francisco.;
[25:03.42]I am also very happy that we will be discussing some of the big issues,;
[25:09.04]like where we came from and whether we have companions beyond Earth.;
[25:15.72]Here I'd like to share with you some of our recent discoveries.;
[25:20.67]As regards the origin of life on earth,;
[25:24.81]we used to believe that when life began on earth,;
[25:28.77]the atmosphere contained nitrogen, hydrogen and other gases but no oxygen.;
[25:36.56]Consequently,the sun's rays prevented life from developing on land.;
[25:42.62]That explained why the first living organisms developed only under the sea.;
[25:49.67]Under the influence of photosynthesis,;
[25:53.38]the oxygen in the atmosphere increased and life expanded.;
[25:59.06]Complex living organisms developed. As the oxygen in the atmosphere increased,;
[26:07.29]life, which depends on the equilibrium of the atmosphere,;
[26:12.60]was possible on the surface of the earth.;
[26:16.69]Recently, we have come up with a very different hypothesis.;
[26:22.50]We believe that hundreds of millions of years ago,;
[26:27.20]a meteor crashed into a then-lifeless planet.;
[26:31.40]Embedded in the meteor were carbon compounds;
[26:35.48]that were to become the seeds of all life on earth.;
[26:39.63]Our current hypothesis is that there was a seeding from elsewhere.;
[26:46.24]Let's say a meteor that had originated in Mars landed in the Antarctic,;
[26:52.24]and it contained evidence of life.;
[26:55.76]We often ask why we are here, how life started, and if we are alone in the universe.;
[27:04.42]These fundamental questions are often addressed by religion;
[27:09.31]and by our sense of aesthetics, by spiritual feelings, feelings of values.;
[27:17.10]But I think science can contribute to the best answers to these questions.;
[27:23.90]In general, scientists are responsible to inform the public,;
[27:29.15]to find out what they want,;
[27:31.63]and to answer the questions that the public wants to know about nature.;
[27:37.25]Last month,we observed the Leonid meteor showers,;
[27:42.38]which occur in every November when Earth passes through the debris shed;
[27:47.39]by the comet Tempel- Tuttle. We were aboard two U.S.;
[27:52.40]Air Force craft that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel,;
[27:58.58]then back through the Azores to Florida.;
[28:01.92]The path allowed us to observe the meteors — some no bigger than a grain of sand —;
[28:08.60]from an altitude of 11-and-a-half kilometers.;
[28:13.67]Images of the meteors were fed through infrared spectro- graphic-instruments;
[28:20.22]that can detect the unique chemical fingerprints;
[28:23.62]of complex organic molecules of the type that may have "seeded" life on earth.;
[28:30.06]Our spectrographic instruments caught a meteor "in the act";
[28:35.00]of disseminating organic molecules.;
[28:38.28]We have a list of perhaps 100 carbon-containing compounds;
[28:43.23]that have been dentified. These are the building blocks of life.;
[28:48.30]We use the term "pre-biotic life" to describe them.;
[28:52.69]So that is a major interest of astrobiology —;
[28:56.77]to search for the chemicals that exist in the universe outside of earth;
[29:01.77]that could lead to life, probably in some sort of continuous process.;
[29:09.01]We may ask ourselves if we are ready, psychologically,;
[29:13.03]to accept the possibility of life elsewhere.;
[29:16.99]We must recognize that what we're doing is simply part of the trend;
[29:22.43]that began with Copernicus and Galileo,;
[29:26.38]who first showed us that Earth is not the center of the universe.;
[29:31.21]That, and later discoveries that our galaxy is one of billions —;
[29:36.03]with countless possibilities for life — indicates;
[29:39.93]that we're part of something truly grand, in every sense of that word.;
[29:45.24]That's all for my presentation. Thank you for your attention.;
[29:50.31]Extra Text for Practice;
[29:55.88]Passage 1 Chinese-English Interpretation;
[30:03.61]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
[30:16.40]幾百年來,中國向全世界 傳播了其在五千年的歷史 長河中所積累的醫(yī)療保健 知識。;
[30:26.18]今日中國的傳統(tǒng)保健方 法,如太極拳、氣功和按 摩等,正日益顯示其重 要性。;
[30:36.93]中國人認為,太極是天地 萬物之根源.太極分為陰 陽二氣,陰陽二氣產(chǎn)生木 火、土、金、水這五行。;
[30:56.53]五行代表或作用于人體 器官,即火對心,木對 肝,土對脾胃,金對肺, 水對腎。;
[31:10.01]陰陽化合而生萬物,太極 則代表了陰陽調(diào)和。;
[31:17.19]據(jù)《易經(jīng)》記載,保持身 心平衡是健康的要素。;
[31:24.05]中醫(yī)理論著作《黃帝內(nèi) 經(jīng)》開卷第一章提出了心 神怡然以保氣防病的理 論,;
[31:33.88]這一理論已成為當今氣功 健身研究的基礎理論。太 極拳、氣功和按摩這健身 三法,;
[31:44.45]就是以《易經(jīng)》和《黃帝 內(nèi)經(jīng)》提出的理論為 基礎。;
[31:50.88]長期以來,世界只知道中 國有指南針、火藥、造紙 和活字印刷四大發(fā)明。;
[32:00.90]幾乎很少有人知道中國已 發(fā)現(xiàn)了經(jīng)絡的存在。經(jīng)絡 是指人體內(nèi)血氣運行通路 的主干與分支網(wǎng)絡,;
[32:14.07]針刺穴位散布其間。北京 經(jīng)絡研究中心通過現(xiàn)代科 學方法,已經(jīng)證實了經(jīng)絡 的存在。;
[32:25.88]經(jīng)絡的發(fā)現(xiàn)無疑是為 《易經(jīng)》和《黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng)》 的理論提供了強有力的 佐證。;
[32:34.16]今天世界各地學打太極 拳、學做氣功以及按摩的 人越來越多。;
[32:43.75]這些健身之法不僅對人體 健康有效,而且對心腦健 康、性功能健康以及減 肥,都有很好的療效。;
[32:56.86]Passage 2 English-Chinese Interpretation;
[33:04.77]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
[33:14.35]My topic today is "The Car and Air Pollution".;
[33:19.30]In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution;;
[33:26.17]and secondly,how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car.;
[33:32.04]First, then, how does the car cause air pollution?;
[33:36.74]What happens is that the car's internal combustion engine;
[33:41.13]is a kind of chemical factory on a small scale.;
[33:45.21]It uses a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns,;
[33:51.39]to produce the energy which propels the car. But while this is happening,;
[33:56.96]many complicated chemical reactions are taking place.;
[34:01.22]In particular, part of the petrol-air mixture is not completely burned up,;
[34:06.91]and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemicals,;
[34:13.10]such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and hydrocarbons.;
[34:19.59]This is the situation, then,and it's going to get much worse,;
[34:24.29]unless we do something about it.;
[34:26.70]So—let's focus our attention now on ways of controlling;
[34:31.34]or reducing the amount of air pollution caused by the car.;
[34:35.72]I want to mention five possibilities.;
[34:39.37]First, we can discourage the use of cars.;
[34:43.39]For example,we can put higher taxes on petrol,;
[34:47.54]and on cars themselves —especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol.;
[34:53.35]Second, we can encourage alternative methods of transport,;
[34:58.05]both between and within urban areas.;
[35:01.20]For instance, we can make train and bus services cheaper and more convenient.;
[35:06.89]And we can build a mass transit system in large cities,;
[35:11.22]particularly an underground railway system such as those in London, New York,;
[35:17.21]Moscow and Tokyo.;
[35:19.69]Next, we can use a different and cleaner fuel for the internal combustion engine.;
[35:26.12]Possibilities in this regard include natural gas,;
[35:30.82]fuel cells (i.e., batteries), and liquid hydrogen.;
[35:36.13]Fourth, we can replace the present internal combustion engine with other designs.;
[35:42.56]There are several possibilities being researched at present, such as electric,;
[35:48.19]gas turbine, and "steam" engines.;
[35:51.72]However, each of these engine designs has its own disadvantages.;
[35:56.72]Last but not least, we are trying to control the emissions;
[36:01.36]from the internal combustion engine much more strictly.;
[36:05.13]This, for example, is a catalytic converter,;
[36:08.66]which converts the most dangerous ingredients of the car exhaust into water;
[36:13.60]and harmless gases. These are five possible ways,then,;
[36:18.05]of controlling air pollution caused by cars.;
[36:21.64]As I'm sure you can see,there are problems with each of these ways;;
[36:25.78]but at least they're a step in the right direction.;
[36:28.63]Probably the best answer is .a synthesis of all five.;
[36:34.56]Passage 3 Chinese-English Interpretation;
[36:41.98]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
[36:51.51]野生大熊貓的數(shù)目已不已 足1000只,大熊貓瀕臨絕 跡.拯救國寶大熊貓已成 為中國人民的共同心愿。;
[37:06.96]最近我們將大熊貓體細胞 的一個細胞核植入一兔子 的去核卵子里,培育出一 個大熊貓胚胎。;
[37:19.02]現(xiàn)在我們將精力集中在克 隆大熊貓的第二步上,即 把胚胎植入另一只動物的 子宮里生長。;
[37:30.77]自20世紀90年代初以來, 我們用人工授精的增加大 熊貓數(shù)量。;
[37:39.30]也就是說,我們通過注入 性激素控制母本的體溫、 排卵期,以得卵子。;
[37:47.90]然后讓父本的精子與卵子 結(jié)合,培植新的生命。;
[37:55.38]在過去的6年中,我們用 這種廣泛已繁殖出6對雙 胞胎和7個單胞胎。;
[38:04.22]但是就整個大熊貓家族的 命運來說,人工授精的方 法遠未令人滿意。;
[38:13.25]此外,通常大熊貓產(chǎn)生的 卵子和精子數(shù)量很少,所 以當雌性大熊貓無法交配 時,;
[38:23.57]這種方法也就起不了 作用。;
[38:27.41]1997年,開始實施一個更 為雄心勃勃的計劃—— 克隆大熊貓。;
[38:35.69]1998年中國科學院在這個 項目上投入???,并在 1999年得到了科學技術(shù)部 的資助。;
[38:46.82]這項實驗旨在將來大熊貓 體細胞的細胞核植入去核 卵子以造就一個全新的 生命。;
[38:57.33]我們注意到,畸形、死胎 和夭折現(xiàn)象經(jīng)常發(fā)生在 克隆動物身上。;
[39:06.11]統(tǒng)計數(shù)字顯示,在自然分 娩中畸形基因不到1%,試 管嬰兒的畸形胚胎基因 為15%,;
[39:18.11]而克隆動物的畸形胚胎基 因為50%。真正的問題是 克隆大熊貓的第二步,;
[39:28.31]即在另一種動物的子宮里 培育新的大熊貓。目前我 們還無法肯定哪一種動物 是理想的“代母體”。;
[39:39.87]也許你會問,胚胎既然是 在兔子的卵子里培養(yǎng)的, 那么兔子應該是“母體”。;
[39:48.34]然而問題是,兔子的子宮 對于大熊貓幼體來說實在 太小了。此外,大熊貓的 妊娠期為87天至170天,;
[40:01.51]而兔子的妊娠期卻不到30 天。兔子怎能懷上大熊 貓?;
[40:09.18]另一個問題是,即大熊貓 克隆出來,它只有親本的 DNA。因此,在某種程度 上,;
[40:20.06]克隆方法是無法保護大熊 貓的。如果幼體大熊貓與 “代母親”一起生活,;
[40:28.66]譬如說,與狗母親或熊 母親一起生活,學習 “母親”的行為和習性,;
[40:36.63]那么它只難成為一只有著 大熊貓身體的狗或熊。如 果是這樣的話,克隆大熊 貓還有什么意義呢?;
[40:48.69]不管怎么樣,克隆大熊貓 還是引起了人們的極大興 趣。無情的事實是,大熊 貓的繁殖能力太弱,;
[41:00.38]大熊貓已瀕臨滅絕!當 然,克隆大熊貓并不意味 著取代大熊貓的自然繁 殖。;
[41:10.39]恰恰相反,克隆只是對自 然繁殖和人工繁殖的一種 補充。;
[41:17.32]我們認為,只要克隆方法 有利于保護大熊貓,我們 就要嘗試。;
[41:24.37]即使我們獲得一個克隆的 大熊貓,我們?nèi)匀恍枰?更多的實驗來完善克隆技 術(shù)。;
[41:32.47]克隆技術(shù)目前仍處于研究 階段,而不是生產(chǎn)階段。 我們科學家所要做的是在 實驗中學習,;
[41:43.41]通過學習改進我們的研 究??寺〈笮茇埵前l(fā)展和 改進克隆技術(shù)的一種 方法。;
[41:52.13]這種方法一旦成功,可以 用來拯救其他一些瀕臨滅 絕的動物。;
[41:59.30]當然我們還應該充分意識 到,大熊貓生存的主要威 脅不是來自于大熊貓的繁 殖能力,;
[42:08.64]而是來自于人類對大熊貓 自然生態(tài)環(huán)境的破壞。 這是任何一種克隆技術(shù)都 無法彌補的。;
[42:18.47]我國政府早已明令禁止在 長江中上游砍伐樹木,這 對保護大熊貓及其生態(tài)環(huán) 境無疑是一個良好的開端;
[42:30.53]隨著大熊貓的自然生態(tài)環(huán) 境的不斷改善,隨著克隆 技術(shù)的不斷完善,大熊貓 一定會生存下去。;
[42:40.54]我們對大熊貓的未來充 滿信心。;
[42:45.61]Passage 4 English-Chinese Interpretation;
[42:50.74]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:;
[42:57.61]Traditional Chinese medicine says that good health is associated;
[43:02.99]with the balance of qi — an energy force that flows through the body.;
[43:09.54]Qi can be hindered or helped by yin and yang — opposing forces that, when balanced,;
[43:18.88]work harmoniously together. According to traditional theory,;
[43:25.18]the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin;
[43:31.74]and yang in balance — and this is done by inserting needles;
[43:37.74]at various points along primary channels and meridians that crisscross the body.;
[43:45.34]In China, acupuncture is used to alleviate postoperative pain.;
[43:52.14]Medical experts believe that inserting needles into the body;
[43:57.77]at precise points can stimulate nerves;
[44:01.36]that cause the brain to release its natural pain-killing chemicals.;
[44:06.36]There is sufficient evidence in the literature;
[44:10.14]that shows a positive effect between the technique;
[44:14.03]of acupuncture itself — stimulating these acupuncture points in the skin —;
[44:19.72]and the release of substances in the brain;
[44:23.30]which we know to be associated with the relief of pain.;
[44:28.75]The U. S. National Institute of Health has endorsed acupuncture;
[44:34.56]for treating certain types of nausea, vomiting and pain,;
[44:39.75]such as the nausea sort of sickness that a patient suffers;
[44:44.20]when given an anesthetic for surgery, or treated with chemotherapy,;
[44:49.71]or the vomiting or nausea that accompanies pregnancy,;
[44:54.59]or post-operative dental pain.;
[44:57.44]We have come to the very clear-cut sort of decision;
[45:02.81]that treatment under these circumstances really works.;
[45:07.27]Our principal concern in evaluating acupuncture's effectiveness;
[45:13.02]has been the so-called Placebo effect — the possibility;
[45:17.78]that beneficial outcomes derive not from the treatment itself,;
[45:22.11]but from the patient's belief that it works.;
[45:25.82]We got around the problem by measuring brain chemistry during acupuncture.;
[45:32.00]Drugs were administered to block the brain's natural opiates;
[45:36.95]while the patient was undergoing needle stimulation.;
[45:41.27]As a result of the opiate blockage,;
[45:44.37]the acupuncture had no effect in stopping pain — proving;
[45:50.18]that there's physiolo- gical mechanism to acupuncture that goes beyond mere belief.;
[45:56.61]Acupuncture is widely employed in easing cravings;
[46:01.93]and withdrawal pains of heroin addicts.;
[46:05.33]40% of the drug courts in the United States use acupuncture as part of their therapy.;
[46:13.06]In the Miami system alone there are close to four hundred treatments per day.;
[46:20.17]In some countries,such as Sweden,;
[46:23.69]the doctors have had success with acupunc- ture in treating the effects of stroke.;
[46:29.19]Those stroke patients getting acupuncture along with physical therapy;
[46:35.19]did a lot better than those getting physical therapy alone.;
[46:39.89]Studies show that one of the key benefits of acupuncture;
[46:44.47]that seems to be emerging from various studies is that it has few,;
[46:49.10]if any, side effects; and that when used with standard drug treatment —;
[46:55.10]in anesthesia, for example — it allows physicians to cut back on medication,;
[47:01.35]delivering the same level of benefit with fewer negative effects.;
[47:08.52]Unit eleven Catering Culture Text for Interpretation;
[47:20.51]Passage 1 Chines-English Interpretation Text Interpreting;
[47:31.20]Listen to the tape and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:;
[47:40.90]我國悠久歷史、廣袤的國 土、與世界各國和海外文 化的廣泛接觸,孕育了中 餐烹飪的獨特藝術(shù)。;
[47:53.73]幾千年的推陳出新和不斷 累積,使用中餐受到越來 越多的海外人士的青睞,;
[48:02.28]成了我國對外文化交流的 友好使者。;
[48:07.05]現(xiàn)代中國已享有“烹飪 王國”之美譽,精致的烹 調(diào)藝術(shù)盛行全球,中餐烹 飪已名列頂尖菜系之林。;
[48:21.28]中餐烹調(diào)所用的天然配 料,品種繁多,幾無窮 盡;烹調(diào)方法,亦層出不 窮,不可悉數(shù)。;
[48:32.79]這些無以倫比的中餐烹飪 特點,足以說明了中餐館 以及中餐烹調(diào)之所以名揚 海外的緣由。;
[48:44.14]評判中餐烹調(diào)的優(yōu)劣可依 據(jù)中餐的三大要素, 即“色、香、味".;
[48:53.43]"色“作為”色、香、味“這 三大要素首要標準,充分 體現(xiàn)在宴會菜肴的體現(xiàn)宴 會菜肴的裝盤和圖案。;
[49:04.53]最能顯示色彩的是首先上 桌的那道煞費苦心而精心 制作的冷盤。;
[49:12.76]“香”不僅是指鼻子對食 物的直接感受,它還包 括所選原料的新鮮程度以 及佐料的合理調(diào)配。;
[49:24.44]“味”則體現(xiàn)了恰到好處 的調(diào)味藝術(shù),當然它也 包括食物的質(zhì)地,以及 切菜的刀功。;
[49:35.62]色、香、味這三大要素的 高品質(zhì),;
[49:40.22]只有通過選料、調(diào)料、適 時烹調(diào)、把握火候、裝盤 上桌這些微妙步驟的細心 協(xié)調(diào),才能取得。;
[49:51.57]八人一桌的標準晚餐含四 道冷盤、四道熱炒,外加 湯和米飯。外國賓客見 之,常常驚嘆不已,;
[50:03.50]將其視為一次豐盛的晚 宴。但在中國人眼里, 以這種規(guī)格的晚餐招待客 人,只是一種起碼的標準.;
[50:13.45]準備10道份量適中的菜肴 并不為過,即使獻上16道 菜,亦不足不奇。;
[50:21.75]在中國,一桌標準宴席包 括四至八個事先制作好的 冷盤,;
[50:28.82]八道現(xiàn)做的熱炒、兩道觀 賞性大菜(如全魚、 乳豬、全雞等)此外還有 湯、米飯和點心。;
[50:40.50]晚宴結(jié)束前還有道水果。 來華訪問的海外賓客應記 住,赴宴不可貪吃,每道 菜”淺嘗輒止“。;
[50:51.77]從這個角度上來講,中國 宴席猶如西方國家的冷餐 招待會。;
[50:58.76]中國宴席桌上的酒通常為 啤酒、黃酒和烈性白酒三 種.人們往往以”干杯“ 的方式互相敬酒。;
[51:09.61]”干杯“的意思是一口喝 干杯中的酒。”干“了 ”杯“中的酒,可以表示 心誠和歡樂。;
[51:18.41]當然,外國賓客與中國東 道主敬酒時,小啜一口也 未嘗不可。;
[51:26.14]但是,中國的普通餐卻完 全不同于宴席。一個成年 人平時在家就餐時,通常 只吃兩小碗米飯,;
[51:36.92]或一大碗面條,或幾只 饅頭,外加幾個葷素炒 菜,而非以菜為主,以米 飯或面食為輔。;
[51:46.87]對大多數(shù)中國人來說,從 一餐飯中所攝取的熱量有 65%來自谷糧。;
[51:55.83]作為一種世代相襲的傳 統(tǒng),中國人就餐時圍桌而 坐,人人手里都有一碗主 食,炒菜放在桌子中央,;
[52:07.42]大家一起食用。這一古老 的風俗習慣反映了食物在 中華文明史上的重要地 位:;
[52:16.14]占據(jù)餐桌中心位置的是炒 菜,而不是鮮花,晚餐的 主要話題常常是食物。;
[52:25.11]菜肴的各種色彩和材料搭 配,給人以美的享受.共食 一碗菜的習俗有助于家庭 成員之間的團結(jié)和友誼。;
[52:37.52]當然,在一些衛(wèi)生意識比 較強的地方,人們在共食 放在餐桌中央的菜肴時,;
[52:45.75]必須使用”公筷“或 ”公用“ 湯匙,以防 疾病傳染。;
[52:51.26]以上所介紹的情況對外國 客人來說,雖不應是一種 離奇的”天方夜譚“,;
[52:58.52]卻也說明中國人在飲食方 面所持的價值觀與西方有 很大的不同。;
[53:05.92]不過,中國人民與世界各 民族人民都有一個相同的 基本觀念,即親朋好友相 聚,;
[53:14.47]美酒佳肴相敬,實屬人 生之最大快樂也。;

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